CBR testing is an essential tool for civil engineers and construction professionals, as it helps evaluate soil strength and stiffness for pavement design. As we delve into the intricacies of California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing in 2023, we will explore its historical context, current relevance, testing process, interpretation of values, challenges, and limitations. We will also examine alternative methods, advancements, and practical applications in road foundation design and soil improvement techniques.

Key Takeaways

  • California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing is a reliable measure of soil strength and stiffness used for pavement design.
  • The California Bearing Ratio test involves laboratory and field-testing methods to calculate the resistance of soil samples, classify soils, and assess foundation stability.
  • Emerging technologies are revolutionizing CBR testing with more accurate results for practical applications in engineering & construction.

The Importance of California Bearing Ratio Testing

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test, a type of penetration test, originated in 1929 when the California State Highway Department developed it to efficiently compare the strength of subgrade soils and materials used in road construction. Since then, the test has gained widespread adoption and is now utilized to evaluate soil strength and stiffness for various pavement types, including:

  • Highways
  • Airport runways
  • Taxiways
  • Parking lots

Estimating soil strength and stiffness for pavement design continues to rely heavily on CBR testing today. The quality and performance of pavements are evaluated using CBR values by designers and engineers, as well as to evaluate the effectiveness of soil improvement techniques. Despite advancements in technology and alternative methods, the CBR test continues to be a cost-effective and reliable measure of soil strength and stiffness.

Historical context

The California Bearing Ratio (CBR) test, also known as the California Bearing Ratio Test, was developed by the California Division of Highways in the early 1900s as a standardized penetration test to evaluate soil subgrades and base courses for pavements. Its adoption into various international standards highlights the test’s importance in assessing the comparative strength of soil subgrades, which is crucial for proper pavement design and construction.

CBR testing has come a long way since its inception, with its values now being used in the design and construction of:

  • Highways
  • Airport runways and taxiways
  • Parking lots
  • Other pavements

As a testament to its enduring relevance, CBR testing continues to be an indispensable tool for civil engineering and construction professionals worldwide.

Current relevance

CBR values are still widely used in road foundation design and soil improvement techniques, providing a cost-effective measure of soil strength and stiffness. Evaluating the bearing capacity of subgrade soil and ensuring pavement quality in 2023, hinges on CBR testing.

Furthermore, it assists in recognizing potential soil-related issues which could affect the foundation’s stability and the efficacy of soil improvement techniques.

The CBR Test Process

The CBR test involves the use of a penetration piston to penetrate the soil at a standard rate of 1.25 mm/minute, measuring the resistance of soil samples to penetration. Both laboratory and field-testing methods are available, with each offering unique advantages and challenges.

Laboratory CBR tests are conducted in controlled environments, allowing for the precise regulation of moisture content and density. Field CBR tests, on the other hand, are performed in situ and provide a more accurate representation of soil conditions in the field. However, soil saturation levels and strain rates can vary between laboratory and field tests, affecting the accuracy and consistency of CBR values.

Laboratory testing

Laboratory CBR testing, a widely used laboratory method, involves:

  1. Preparing and testing soil specimens in a controlled environment using a load frame and regulated penetration loads.
  2. Compacting soil samples to the maximum dry density at the optimum moisture content.
  3. Compacting the soil in five layers using a 4.89 kg rammer.

Overall, we take soaked and unsoaked CBR measurements, with soaked measurements acquired after immersing the specimen in water for four days, enabling the measurement of swelling and water absorption values. The CBR value is determined by analyzing the stress at specific penetration depths and comparing it to a standard value.

Field testing

Field CBR testing is conducted in situ, often using alternative tests like the Dynamic Cone Penetrometer (DCP) to estimate CBR values. The DCP test apparatus is highly portable, making it ideal for remote locations. It is also much simpler to set up compared to equipment used for field CBR and penetration testing.

However, field CBR values cannot always be accurately correlated with laboratory values due to differences in soil saturation and strain rates. Nonetheless, field testing remains an essential component of the overall CBR testing process.

Interpreting CBR Values

CBR values are calculated by comparing soil penetration resistance to a standard granular material and are used to classify soil types for road foundation design. The CBR test provides an overall assessment of both stiffness and shear strength, with higher values indicating stronger and stiffer soils.

It is important to note that:

  • Typically, CBR values obtained at 2.5 mm penetration surpass those at 5 mm penetration and serve as the utilized values.
  • If the value from 5 mm penetration exceeds the 2.5 mm value, the test is redone.
  • If the higher value persists, then the value at 5 mm penetration is used, notwithstanding having the same penetration depth as the initial test.

Calculation method

To calculate CBR values, divide corrected stress values by a standard load value at specific penetration depths and multiply the result by 100. The load penetration curve indicates the stress at the 0.100in (2.54mm) penetration depth, reflecting the soil’s strength and stiffness, which the CBR value represents.

Soil classification

CBR values serve as the basis for soil type classification, where higher values are indicative of stronger and stiffer soils. Such classification is vital for engineers and construction professionals in identifying the most suitable soil type for their projects and recognizing potential soil-related issues that could compromise foundation stability.

CBR Testing Challenges and Limitations

CBR testing faces challenges and limitations due to differences in saturation levels and strain rates between laboratory and field tests. These differences can make it difficult to accurately correlate field and laboratory CBR values and can affect the accuracy and consistency of the test results.

Furthermore, the potential challenges associated with CBR testing include:

  • Variable results depending on the moisture content
  • Difficulties in obtaining accurate CBR values for design requirements
  • The need for suitable infrastructure and conditions for testing

To address these challenges and limitations, it is necessary to develop more accurate testing methods, collect more reliable real-time test data, and obtain more reliable results by focusing on test components.

Saturation levels

Differences in saturation levels between laboratory and field tests can pose challenges in correlating CBR values, as soil saturation levels in field tests cannot be controlled. Higher saturation levels can result in lower CBR values due to saturated soils having reduced shear strength and increased compressibility, which subsequently affects their capacity to resist penetration.

This can lead to discrepancies between laboratory and field CBR values, and it is important to

Strain rates and load application

Strain rates and load application can vary between tests, affecting the accuracy and consistency of CBR values. Despite these variations, numerical results indicate that the impact of strain rates and load application on CBR testing is not significant.

Nonetheless, engineers and construction professionals need to be cognizant of these variables and their possible impact on test results while interpreting CBR values.

Alternative Methods and Advancements

Alternative methods and advancements in soil testing include:

  • Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD)
  • Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD)
  • Ground penetrating radar (GPR)
  • Acoustic emission testing (AET)
  • Electrical resistivity testing (ERT)

These technologies offer more precise and comprehensive information regarding soil properties, soil mass, and soil sample analysis than conventional methods, paving the way for more accurate and efficient soil testing in the future.

FWD and LWD tests, for instance, provide alternative in-situ methods for measuring subgrade modulus values, offering more accurate and efficient testing options. Additionally, advances in computing power for automated testing, the development of software to control the different stages of the test, and the utilization of machine learning algorithms are all emerging technologies that can enhance the accuracy and efficiency of soil testing.

Falling Weight Deflectometer (FWD) and Light Weight Deflectometer (LWD)

FWD and LWD tests measure the deflection of the test layer and determine the mechanical strength and stiffness of subgrades and base courses. Frequently, engineers employ FWD and LWD tests in conjunction with load frames, surcharge weights, and CBR testing to evaluate pavement performance, offering a prompt and reliable method to obtain estimated CBR load values.

Compared to other methods, FWD and LWD are more precise and productive, requiring less time and labor and making them more cost-effective.

Emerging technologies

Emerging technologies in CBR testing include innovations in cellphone-based technologies for remote monitoring and data collection, paper-based assays, and numerical models for predicting CBR tests. These advancements have the potential to revolutionize soil testing by improving the accuracy, efficiency, and overall understanding of soil properties.

As technology continues to advance, the future of CBR testing and soil evaluation looks promising, offering new opportunities for civil engineering and construction professionals.

Practical Applications of CBR Testing

Practical applications of CBR testing encompass areas like road foundation design and soil improvement techniques. It offers a dependable and cost-effective way to gauge soil strength and stiffness, crucial for pavement design, quality control, and the maintenance and rehabilitation of roads.

In geotechnical engineering, CBR testing is utilized to assess soil strength, informing decisions on material selection and construction methods for various civil engineering projects. These practical applications, therefore, demonstrate the importance of CBR testing in the civil engineering and construction industry.

Road foundation design

When designing road foundations, CBR values help estimate the subgrade surface modulus, guiding decisions on material selection and construction techniques. Evaluating the bearing capacity of subgrade soil, assuring pavement quality, and maintaining foundation stability are key functions of the CBR test.

Furthermore, this practical application highlights the importance of CBR testing in the design and construction of roads and pavements.

Soil improvement techniques

Soil improvement techniques, such as the use of geogrids, can be informed by CBR values to enhance the relative strength and stiffness of weak soils for pavement foundations. Additionally, by evaluating soil strength and surface stiffness, CBR testing can help engineers and construction professionals determine the most suitable soil improvement techniques to employ and identify potential issues with the soil that could influence the success of these techniques.

CBR testing can provide valuable insight into the soil’s characteristics and help inform decisions about the


In conclusion, California Bearing Ratio (CBR) testing remains an indispensable tool for civil engineers and construction professionals, providing a reliable and cost-effective measure of soil strength and stiffness for pavement design, road foundation design, and soil improvement techniques. Despite the challenges and limitations associated with CBR testing, it continues to be a crucial element in the civil engineering and construction industry. Moreover, with advancements in technology and alternative methods, the future of CBR testing looks promising, offering new opportunities for more accurate and efficient soil evaluation.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does CBR stand for what does it measure?

California Bearing Ratio (CBR) is a measure of the strength of the subgrade of a road or other paved area, and of the materials used in its construction. The ratio is determined by using a standardized penetration test which compares the bearing capacity of a material with that of a well-graded crushed stone. The CBR test measures neither Stiffness Modulus nor Shear Strength directly, but gives a combined measure of both.

What is a good CBR value for subgrade?

Highway engineers recommend a California Bearing Ratio (CBR) value of at least 10 for subgrade material, as research has shown that values lower than this will result in deflection under traffic loadings, leading to pavement deterioration.

What is a load frame?

A load frame is a high stiffness support structure made up of a base beam, two columns and a moving crosshead, against which test forces can be applied.

What is the primary purpose of CBR testing?

The primary purpose of CBR testing is to measure the strength of soil subgrades and base courses, providing data to make informed decisions on material selection and construction.

What are the main differences between laboratory and field CBR tests?

Laboratory CBR tests are conducted in a controlled environment, whereas field CBR tests are performed in situ, providing a more realistic representation of soil conditions.

Related Blogs for CBR Testing:

Understanding the California Bearing Ratio (CBR) Test

What is the CBR? Everything You Need to Know

Maximize Quality with California Bearing Ratio Test: A Guide


Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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