Concrete is literally the building block of any construction site, and when you’re pouring a new column or slab, you want to make sure that it will stand up to pressure and temperature change. In order to get an accurate reading of the air bubbles in your concrete, you need to perform a concrete air content pressure test with certified concrete testing products, such as an air entrainment meter. At Certified Material Testing Products, you’ll find the meter you need, along with every valve cap, latch assembly, and anything else you need in terms of replacement parts.

This Type B Concrete Air Meter is ideal for any concrete project, and provides accuracy and durability for any job site. The stainless steel clamps are made to last and the housing, also stainless steel, requires less maintenance and calibration. You’ll be able to easily read the pressure gauge and will know that you can rely on what the meter says. You’ll find this meter and the rest of our certified concrete testing products to be affordable, reliable, and accurate. We also sell complete air testing kits, providing you with everything you need in one convenient package.

Ensure Project Success with Certified Material Testing Products

Make sure your project is completed correctly by shopping with Certified Material Testing Products today. You’ll not only find products for concrete, but equipment for soil testing, asphalt, aggregate, and more. We can ship to anywhere in the world (with certain restrictions) so no matter where you are, you can find reliable testing equipment for your next project. Once your concrete is set, you’ll know that everything was done right.

If you need to purchase any materials testing equipment to replace or add to your lab supplies, shop at Certified Materials Testing Products for your one stop shop for all your testing products. We have the knowledge and equipment to back you up, when you need it most. Start shopping online with us today and find exactly what you are looking for. Contact us now to have any of your questions or concerns answered.

Concrete Air Content Pressure: A Comprehensive Overview

Introduction to Concrete Air Content Pressure

Concrete air content pressure, a vital aspect of concrete mix design, plays a crucial role in determining the durability and strength of concrete structures. This overview delves into the importance of air content in concrete, methods of measurement, influencing factors, and its impact on concrete properties.

Understanding Concrete Air Content Pressure

Air content refers to the volume of air voids within concrete, typically expressed as a percentage of the total volume. These air voids are intentionally introduced to improve the freeze-thaw durability of concrete.

Importance of Concrete Air Content Pressure

1. Freeze-Thaw Durability: Air voids provide space for water to expand upon freezing, reducing the risk of cracking.

2. Workability: Proper air content can improve the workability of the concrete mix.

3. Density and Strength: Excess air can decrease density and compressive strength, highlighting the need for precise control.

Measuring Concrete Air Content Pressure

1. Pressure Method: Uses a pressure air meter to determine air content by applying pressure to a concrete sample and measuring the volume change.

2. Volumetric Method: Involves filling a calibrated vessel with concrete and using the change in water level to calculate air content.

3. Gravimetric Method: Based on comparing the weight of a known volume of concrete to its theoretical weight without air.

Factors Influencing Concrete Air Content Pressure

1. Concrete Mix Design: The proportions of cement, water, aggregates, and admixtures can affect air content.

2. Chemical Admixtures: Air-entraining agents are specifically used to stabilize air voids in concrete.

3. Mixing Process: The duration and intensity of mixing can influence the amount of entrapped air.

4. Environmental Conditions: Temperature and humidity at the time of mixing and placing can alter air content.

Impact of Concrete Air Content Pressure Properties

1. Durability: Optimal air content enhances resistance to freeze-thaw cycles and deicing chemicals.

2. Strength: Excessive air content can reduce the compressive and tensile strength of concrete.

3. Density: Higher air content generally leads to lower density, affecting the weight and thermal properties of concrete.

Controlling Concrete Air Content Pressure

1. Selection of Admixtures: Using appropriate air-entraining agents to achieve the desired air content.

2. Adjusting Mix Design: Altering the proportions of concrete constituents to control air entrainment.

3. Monitoring Environmental Factors: Adjusting the mix based on ambient temperature and humidity.

4. Quality Control in Mixing and Placing: Ensuring consistent mixing and proper placing techniques to maintain air content.

Challenges and Solutions

– Maintaining Consistency: Variability in materials and conditions can lead to inconsistent air content.

– Balancing Strength and Durability: Achieving the right balance between air content for durability and sufficient density for strength.

– Quality Control: Regular testing and adjustment of the mix to ensure optimal air content.

Advanced Techniques and Technologies

– Automated Dosing of Admixtures: Precision dosing systems for air-entraining agents.

– Computerized Mix Design and Control: Software for predicting and controlling air content.

– Innovative Admixtures: Development of new admixtures that provide better control over air content and stability.

Applications in Concrete Construction

– Roadways and Pavements: Especially in regions with freeze-thaw cycles.

– Bridges and Infrastructure: Where durability against environmental elements is crucial.

– Residential and Commercial Buildings: For improved longevity and resilience.


Understanding and controlling the air content in concrete is essential for ensuring the durability and strength of concrete structures. Through careful selection of materials, mix design, and application of modern techniques, it is possible to achieve the desired air content, balancing the needs for durability and strength. As concrete technology advances, new methods and materials will continue to enhance our ability to control air content in concrete, further improving the performance of this indispensable construction material.

Further Reading

For those interested in a deeper dive into concrete air content pressure, resources such as technical guides from the American Concrete Institute (ACI), research papers, and industry-specific case studies provide valuable insights. Additionally, seminars and workshops led by experts in concrete technology can offer practical knowledge and updates on the latest advancements in the field.


Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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