How do we gauge the strength of a concrete structure? This simple query has ushered in an era of innovative methods and tools, one of which is concrete hammer testing. Often referred to as a rebound hammer, this tool has revolutionized the way we assess concrete strength. Its appeal lies in its convenience and affordability, making it an integral part of any construction project.

Appreciating the critical role of concrete testing this seemingly simple device, we embark on a journey of understanding what lies beneath its surface. From the basic principles to the intricate mechanics of its operation, the concrete hammer testing, or rebound hammer, is a testament to the sophisticated engineering solutions that cater to practical needs in the construction industry.

Key Takeaways

  • Concrete hammer testing is used to evaluate the strength of hardened concrete based on rebound number.
  • The impact energy and rebound distance play an essential role in determining compressive strength, while surface conditions must be considered for accurate results.
  • Rebound concrete hammer testing offers cost effectiveness and convenience but can be improved with integration with other non destructive testing methods.

Exploring the Basics of Concrete Hammer Testing

The unassuming yet powerful concrete test hammer is used for evaluating the quality of hardened concrete. With a strike against the concrete surface, a spring-driven mass rebounds, and the quality of the concrete is inferred from this rebound. This versatile tool can assess the uniformity and strength of concrete in structures, compare different concrete samples, and timely identify material deficiencies. The primary advantage of this tool is its swift and effective data gathering ability on concrete uniformity and quality in both new and existing construction projects. It is also capable of estimating concrete strength.

At the heart of the rebound hammer test is the rebound number, a critical output from the test. This number, associated with the concrete’s surface hardness, offers an approximation of the in-place concrete strength. The relationship between the concrete and rebound number is crucial for understanding the overall quality of the structure. There exist two distinct versions of concrete test rebound hammers that produce varying impact energies, indicating a spectrum of applications and suitability for diverse types of concrete assessment tasks.

The Mechanics Behind Rebound Hammer Testing

Delving into the operational mechanics of a concrete test hammer is essential to appreciate its full functionality. The rebound hammer test, also known as the Schmidt hammer test, is based on a fundamental principle. This principle states that the elastic mass will rebound more or less depending on the hardness of the concrete test surface it strikes against. Schmidt hammers are widely used to perform these tests, ensuring accurate results.

When using a rebound hammer:

  1. Press the plunger against the concrete at a perpendicular angle.
  2. The force of the latch causes the plunger to release and impact the concrete, driving it to the surface.
  3. The hammer then impacts the shoulder of the plunger rod and rebounds.
  4. Record the rebound distance as the slide indicator moves with the hammer mass.

Understanding Impact Energy

In the rebound hammer test, impact energy plays a pivotal role. This refers to the force that the hammer applies upon striking the concrete surface. Its significance lies in its influence on the precision of the test results, ensuring uniform and regulated force application, consequently determining the rebound value utilized to estimate the compressive strength of the concrete.

Rebound numbers obtained from the rebound hammer test are influenced by the level of impact energy. Diverse impact energy levels yield different rebound values, underscoring the importance of comprehending and regulating impact energy for precise strength estimation when using rebound hammers.

Measuring Rebound Distance

The rebound distance is another key parameter in the rebound hammer test. This distance is measured using a sliding indicator on the hammer, which records the rebound number (R-value) on a graduated scale after striking the concrete surface.

The rebound distance serves as an indicator of concrete strength, with lower rebound values generally suggesting greater hardness and, consequently, higher compressive strength. However, the precision of rebound distance measurements may be affected by several factors, including:

  • Surface hardness
  • Concrete age
  • Anvil head size
  • Aggregate type in the concrete
  • Carbonation at the surface
  • Surface finish
  • Moisture content
  • Presence of reinforcing materials

Preparing for a Rebound Hammer Test

The preparation phase holds equal importance as the test itself in a rebound hammer test. It is important to consider factors such as:

  • Surface hardness
  • Age of Concrete
  • Size of anvil head
  • Type of aggregate
  • Obtaining a wide range of rebound numbers

when choosing a test location. The distance between the impact points of test specimens and the edges of the member must be a minimum of 50 mm and it is recommended to take 10 readings from each test area.

Before conducting a rebound hammer test, the surface preparation involves:

  • Creating a smooth, clean, and dry concrete surface
  • Removing any loose particles
  • Verifying that the testing surface has a minimum diameter of 150 mm
  • Grinding the surface until it is flat if it is heavily textured or uneven.

Selecting Appropriate Test Locations

In the rebound hammer test, selecting the right test location is a crucial step in place test methods. The proximity of aggregate, steel reinforcement, and air voids can have a substantial impact on the selection of test locations due to their differential effects on rebound readings.

The surface texture of the same concrete also influences the selection of testing locations for a rebound hammer test. Smooth surfaces yield higher rebound numbers, while rough or uneven surfaces may result in lower values.

It is also crucial to consider carbonation depth when selecting test locations to ensure the accuracy and reliability of the results.

Surface Preparation Techniques

Before conducting a rebound hammer test, the concrete surface must be adequately prepared. The suggested tools for surface preparation before conducting a rebound hammer test consist of a carborundum stone for manual surface smoothing and a surface grinder for areas that necessitate more extensive preparation.

The procedure for utilizing a carborundum stone entails abrading the surface of the concrete to eliminate surface irregularities and establish a uniformly textured surface. A surface grinder further ensures that the concrete surface is devoid of irregularities, clean, and dry, thereby maintaining the accuracy of the test.

Interpreting Rebound Hammer Data

Understanding the strength and quality of the concrete structure necessitates the interpretation of rebound hammer data. Usually, concrete with low strength will absorb more energy, resulting in a lower rebound number. Conversely, a hunk of concrete with high strength will absorb less energy, leading to a higher rebound number. The rebound number can be used to estimate the in-place concrete strength and surface hardness.

A correlation exists between rebound hammer data and compressive strength. The rebound number obtained from the hammer is associated with the surface hardness of the concrete, which serves as an indicator of its compressive strength.

Correlation to Compressive Strength

The correlation between rebound hammer data and concrete compressive strength is a key aspect of the rebound hammer test. The graph displayed on the body of the rebound hammer enables a direct reading of the compressive strength, establishing a correlation between rebound hammer data and concrete compressive strength.

Estimating the compressive strength of concrete from rebound hammer data involves conducting the rebound hammer test. This test includes striking the concrete surface with a rebound hammer and measuring the rebound distance. The rebound distance is then correlated to the compressive strength of the concrete using empirical relationships established through calibration with known concrete strengths.

Factors Affecting Test Results

Several factors can influence the results of a rebound hammer test. Such variables as material characteristics, surface conditions and age of the structure could potentially affect the outcomes. These encompass:

  • Types of cement and aggregate
  • Surface condition and moisture content
  • Age of the concrete
  • Size of the anvil head used in the test

The age of concrete can have an impact on rebound hammer test results since concrete gains strength as it ages. Also, the test results can be influenced by the direction of the hammer impact. It is essential to maintain a consistent orientation of impact and take precautions to minimize potential impacts from different directions.

Surface smoothness and moisture content also play crucial roles in rebound hammer tests.

Advantages and Limitations of Rebound Hammer Tests

Rebound hammer tests, offering several advantages like cost-effectiveness and rapid assessments, serve as an advantageous tool for the evaluation of concrete strength. Its simplicity and convenience of use in field applications make it an attractive tool for assessing concrete quality.

But, like any testing method, rebound hammer tests have their own set of limitations. While valuable for rapid assessments, they are insufficient as the sole criterion for accepting or rejecting concrete because of their inherent limitations. Some of the constraints encompass:

  • An uncertainty margin of 10-20%
  • Sensitivity to surface conditions and moisture
  • Issues with thin concrete sections and early-age concrete
  • The inability to accurately identify flaws within the concrete.

Advanced Applications and Techniques

Over time, the rebound hammer test has evolved to include advanced applications and techniques. The procedure includes:

  1. Preparing the concrete surface
  2. Calibrating the rebound hammer
  3. Choosing test locations
  4. Conducting the rebound hammer test
  5. Documenting the rebound values
  6. Examining the findings to evaluate the uniformity of the concrete in place.

Rebound hammer testing offers insights into the following aspects of concrete:

  • Strength
  • Uniformity
  • Homogeneity
  • Internal flaws

This inexpensive and quick method of testing helps in the estimation of in-place strength and the identification of non-uniformity or deterioration that may require additional analysis.

Assessing In-Place Strength Variability

The variability of in-place concrete strength can be assessed using rebound hammer tests. This involves measuring the rebound value of a hammer applied to the concrete surface. The important parameters evaluated in this process include the rebound value, test location, and analysis of rebound value curves to comprehend the strength distribution across the concrete structure.

The variability of in-place concrete strength is influenced by:

  • Material variability
  • Relative density
  • Degree of compaction
  • Curing conditions

All of these factors have an impact on the strength and quality of concrete. However, the precision of rebound hammer tests in evaluating in-place strength variability can be influenced by within-test variability and the concrete’s actual strength variability. The estimated strength deviation can be substantial, with potential estimates having a margin of error as high as ±70%.

Integration with Other Nondestructive Testing Methods

To offer a more thorough assessment, the rebound hammer test can be integrated with other nondestructive tests, such as ultrasonic pulse velocity (UPV) testing. For instance, the SONREB (SONic-REBound) method employs an algorithm to establish a relationship between data obtained from the test hammer and ultrasonic pulse velocity readings to more precisely estimate concrete strength.

The integration of rebound hammer tests with other nondestructive testing methods offers advantages such as:

  • providing complementary information
  • verifying results
  • being cost-effective
  • enhancing overall accuracy.

The combination of rebound hammer tests with ultrasonic tests provides practitioners with a comprehensive insight into the properties of concrete, thereby enabling more precise strength estimations.

Case Studies: Rebound Hammer in Action

Despite the limitations of non destructive testing methods, such as those seen in the Schmidt hammer method, the rebound hammer test is still widely used in the field. This is due to its potential for accuracy improvement when combined with other non-destructive methods. These improvements in accuracy are best illustrated through real-world examples and case studies that showcase the use of rebound hammer tests in various concrete structures.

For instance, in a case study examining the structural integrity of a decades-old concrete bridge, engineers used the rebound hammer test in combination with ultrasonic pulse velocity testing to gain a comprehensive understanding of the bridge’s condition. The results from both tests were compiled and analyzed, providing a more accurate estimate of the bridge’s remaining lifespan and informing the necessary maintenance and repair strategies.


In summary, rebound concrete hammer testing is a valuable tool for assessing the strength and quality of concrete structures. Its simplicity, cost-effectiveness, and speed make it a popular choice among engineers and construction professionals. From understanding the basics of the test to interpreting the data and considering the factors that affect the results, it’s clear that the rebound hammer test is a complex process that requires careful preparation, execution, and analysis.

However, it’s also important to consider the limitations of this tool and the need to integrate it with other non-destructive testing methods for a more comprehensive and accurate evaluation of concrete strength. As the construction industry continues to evolve, so too will the methods for assessing the strength and quality of concrete.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a hammer test on concrete?

Concrete hammer testing, also referred to as a Schmidt hammer or Swiss hammer, is a device used to measure the surface hardness and penetration resistance of concrete or rock. It uses the rebound of a spring-driven mass to calculate a rebound number which indicates the properties of the material.

How accurate is concrete hammer testing?

The Rebound Hammer test is highly unreliable for estimating concrete strength since the results are affected by parameters that are not always accounted for and often show a large dispersion of data.

How do you do concrete hammer testing?

To do concrete hammer testing, use a Schmidt Test Hammer on a concrete cube, press the tip against the concrete surface and measure the rebound to estimate hardness.

What are the limitations of concrete hammer testing?

The rebound concrete hammer testing has a margin of uncertainty of 10-20%, is sensitive to surface conditions and moisture, has difficulty measuring thin sections of concrete, and cannot accurately identify flaws within the concrete.

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Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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