Water often dubbed the very essence of life, has a significance that spreads across various sectors, from the art of fish farming to the complex landscape of wastewater management. The heart of understanding its quality is gauging its dissolved oxygen (DO) content. Think of Dissolved Oxygen Test as the silent heartbeat under the waves, offering a mirror into the health and vitality of underwater ecosystems.

From the serene settings of freshwater lakes to thriving aquaculture farms, right down to the fish tanks gracing our homes, dissolved oxygen acts as the lifeblood. A shortage of it, and the vibrant marine life withers; an excess and it becomes an alarm bell of looming issues.

So, how does one uncover the oxygen secret of these waters? The DO test procedure is a reliable way to do precisely that. It leads scientists, enthusiasts, and even the curious hobbyist to the heart of water’s oxygen story, ensuring harmony in aquatic environments.

This detailed guide digs deep into the nuanced world of dissolved oxygen tests. We will discuss what it is, how to measure it, and why it is such an important parameter.

Dive in; the waters are just right!

Dissolved oxygen test overview

Dissolved oxygen test (DO) represents the amount of gaseous oxygen dissolved into an aqueous solution, usually water. Oxygen diffuses into water from the surrounding air or via rapid disruption of the water, known as aeration.

Plants that live in the water can also transfer oxygen as a waste product of photosynthesis, much like they add oxygen to the atmosphere on land.

Maintaining optimal dissolved oxygen test levels is essential. High oxygen content supports diverse and vibrant aquatic life. Conversely, low DO levels, which may result from pollution, high biological oxygen demand, or excessive nutrient run-off leading to algal blooms, can cause stress or even death in fish and other marine creatures.

Regular monitoring of the oxygen content in water bodies can serve as an early indicator of environmental changes and potential ecological threats.

Factors that influence dissolved oxygen test levels

The DO levels in a sample or body of water can be affected by factors like temperature, partial pressure, and salinity.


DO levels decrease as the temperature rises, transferring more energy to molecules and causing their bonds to break. Conversely, as the temperature decreases or temperatures fall, the DO levels of a sample or body of water will rise again.


Pressure, meaning atmospheric pressure, weighs down on water and causes greater DO concentration — in other words, lower atmospheric pressure decreases the atmospheric pressure increases the DO concentration.

Salt content

Salinity refers to the salt concentration of a water sample. Salt molecules dissolve into a solution with water much more straightforward than oxygen. When a high salt concentration is present, salt molecule and oxygen solubility in water decreases, meaning that the higher a sample’s salinity, the lower its dissolved oxygen test will most likely be.

Stream flow and turbulence

Fast-moving or turbulent waters, like rapids or waterfalls, tend to trap more atmospheric oxygen, increasing DO levels. Conversely, stagnant waters might have reduced DO content.

A precise understanding of these factors and their interactions is essential for conservationists, environmentalists, and water managers. Addressing imbalances and ensuring optimal DO levels helps preserve aquatic ecosystems’ health and vitality.

What constitutes a low level of dissolved oxygen test in water?

A low level of dissolved oxygen (DO) in water indicates that the water contains less oxygen than is typically necessary for aquatic life to thrive. Such levels can be detrimental to fish and other organisms, leading to stress or even mortality.

Several factors can contribute to low dissolved oxygen, including excessive nutrient run-off, which promotes algal blooms that consume oxygen when they decay, or poor water circulation and high partial pressure of other dissolved gases.

Generally, a DO concentration below 5 milligrams per liter (mg/L) is considered suboptimal for most aquatic life, and levels below 2 mg/L are considered critically low and can be life-threatening for many species.

Methods for performing a Dissolved Oxygen Test

Three main methods are used to perform the DO test, all of which can be done in the field or the lab, although some are more difficult to execute accurately on-site than others.

Sensor/Electroanalytical Method

The most popular method of measuring dissolved oxygen is using dissolved oxygen probes and sensors. Some galvanic probes and polarographic probes have analog output to quickly log data for further dissolved oxygen analysis; others are even designed to remain in the water to record data over extended periods.

The two primary dissolved oxygen sensors are optical dissolved oxygen sensors and electrochemical DO sensors.

  • Optical sensors use light-sensitive material and luminescent dyes to measure DO levels — the concentration of dissolved oxygen is inversely proportional to luminescence lifetime, meaning that the higher the DO level, the less light will be returned to the sensor.
  • Electrochemical DO sensors, broken down into galvanic and polarographic subgroups, use electrodes and electrolyte solutions to measure oxygen levels in water. Oxygen reacts with the solution to create an electrical current, which, when measured, is proportional to the oxygen concentration in the water.

Step-by-step method

You can perform the DO test using this method using the following steps:

  • Turn on the dissolved oxygen meter.
  • Place the probe into the air-saturated calibration solution, ensuring the entire sensor is submerged. In many cases, this is simply distilled or deionized water that has been aerated.
  • Wait for the reading to stabilize. It should read the oxygen concentration of the calibration solution, typically close to the DO value for water saturated with air under current conditions.
  • Repeat the above steps with the zero-oxygen calibration solution if your DO meter allows a two-point calibration.
  • Save the calibration values.
  • Collect a water sample. Ensure no bubbles are in the sample, as these can skew results.
  • Insert the DO probe into the water sample.
  • If your sample isn’t flowing, use a stirrer to create a gentle movement in the water without introducing bubbles. It ensures the water around the probe remains representative of the entire sample.
  • Wait for the reading to stabilize.
  • Note the DO concentration displayed on the meter.

Compare your reading with acceptable levels for your application. For instance, most fish require dissolved oxygen concentration above 5-6 mg/L to thrive.

It is crucial to use the right DO meters to get reliable readings. CertifiedMTP has a collection of high-quality DO metersthat can measure up to 19.9 mg/L, making DO tracking easier than ever.

Colorimetric method

It is a simple and easy test that uses chemicals and the level of color they produce to measure dissolved oxygen. The tests are performed using the indigo carmine or the rhodazine D method.

  • The indigo carmine method is best for measuring oxygen concentrations between 0.2 and 15 mg/L, but ferric iron, ferrous iron, nitrate, and sodium hydrosulfite can interfere with the results. The higher the oxygen concentration of a sample or body of water, the darker the blue will be.
  • Rhodazine D can measure dissolved oxygen concentrations as small as parts per billion (ppb) rather than the traditional parts per million (ppm). However, chlorine, ferric iron, cupric copper, and other oxidizing agents can interfere. The sample will turn a deep, vibrant pink if the oxygen concentration is high.

Overall, the colorimetric method is a quick, easy, and inexpensive way to get a preliminary read on dissolved oxygen content. However, additional elements in the water and outside factors like temperature, partial pressure, and turbidity can affect the accuracy of the outcome. Additionally, these tests are time-sensitive: you must analyze the results within 30 seconds of mixing the reagent.

Step-by-step method for a Dissolved Oxygen Test

Here is how you can do this test to determine the DO of your water sample:

  • Collect your water sample, ensuring no air bubbles are introduced during collection.
  • Fill a sample tube or cuvette with the required volume of water as per the test kit’s instructions.
  • Depending on the reagent type (indigo carmine or Rhodazine D), add a specified amount of the reagent to the sample using a dropper or pipette. Make sure to add the reagent dropwise and mix after each addition.
  • Allow the sample to react for the recommended time as per the test kit’s guidelines. A color change will occur as the reagents react, with the intensity of the color indicative of the amount of dissolved oxygen in the sample.
  • Insert the cuvette containing the treated sample into a spectrophotometer or use a color comparator.
  • Measure the absorbance or compare the color intensity of the sample to a provided standard or color chart.
  • If using a spectrophotometer, use Beer’s Law (A = ecl) to determine the concentration, where:

A is the absorbance

e is the molar absorptivity (provided)

c is the concentration, and

l is the cuvette’s path length

If using a color comparator, match the color developed in the sample to the closest color standard provided in the kit. The corresponding value will be the dissolved oxygen content.

You can find the best quality spectrophotometers at CertifiedMTP that provide accurate and reliable DO results using colorimetry.

Titrimetric Method/Iodometry

Also known as the Winkler method, iodometry is one of the easiest and more traditional ways to perform a DO test. That said, it works best when you test your sample in a lab setting. At the heart of this method lies the oxidizing property of dissolved oxygen. While a bit more time-consuming than other methods, this method provides some of the most accurate and precise results of any DO test.

There are seven variations of the Winkler method, which can be used if there is prior knowledge of additional elements present in a sample.

As a form of titration, iodometry uses chemical reagents with a known concentration to determine the unknown dissolved oxygen level in a sample. The Winkler method, which is the only titration method used to determine DO, studies the appearance and disappearance of iodine present to signal the end of the process so the DO level can be measured.

Step-by-step method

Here is a detailed procedure to perform the titrimetric method:

  • Collect a water sample, ensuring no air bubbles are introduced. Typically, a 300 mL sample is sufficient.
  • Pipette a known manganese(II) salt solution volume into the sample.
  • Add an equal volume of the strong alkali like KOH.
  • Stopper the flask and mix by inverting several times, ensuring the precipitate forms.
  • Allow the sample to stand for a few minutes until the precipitate settles halfway.
  • Add a small volume of the sodium iodide solution to the top half of the sample without mixing.
  • Stopper and mix again. The precipitate will dissolve, and the sample will turn yellow-brown due to the formation of iodine.
  • Acidify the sample with a few drops of concentrated sulfuric acid or hydrochloric acid. It will release the iodine from the above oxygen reaction.
  • Titrate the released iodine with sodium thiosulfate from a burette until the yellow color lightens.
  • Add a few drops of starch indicator, turning the solution a dark blue.
  • Continue the titration until the blue color disappears, signaling the endpoint.
  • Calculate the dissolved oxygen content using the thiosulfate volume and molar concentration. The relationship between the amount of thiosulfate and dissolved oxygen is typically given as:

DO (mg/L) = (mL of thiosulphate titrant used)’ (normality of thiosulphate)’ (factor)

What is the best equipment for measuring dissolved oxygen?

Monitoring DO helps ensure water quality and is pivotal for the survival of aquatic ecosystems. The following is a breakdown of the best equipment used for measuring dissolved oxygen in water samples, the ideal scenarios for their use, and potential drawbacks.

Electrochemical dissolved oxygen sensors

These sensors are further divided into the following:

  • Clark-type Polarographic Sensors: These are among the most common DO probes in use. They function by having oxygen diffuse through a permeable membrane to a cathode, where it gets reduced, generating a current proportional to the DO concentration. These sensors require frequent calibration and membrane replacement but are known for their accuracy.
  • Galvanic Sensors: Similar in design to polarographic sensors, galvanic sensors do not require an external voltage. They’re faster in response than polarographic sensors and have a broader range but can be less accurate in low-oxygen environments.

These systems are great for laboratory dissolved oxygen analysis, continuous measurement, and environmental monitoring. They are portable meters are commonly incorporated in multiparameter water quality sondes.

That said, these do suffer from potential drawbacks, including the following:

  • Requires frequent calibration.
  • The membrane can become fouled, affecting the readings.
  • Electrolyte solution within the probe can deplete and needs periodic replacement.

Optical dissolved oxygen sensors

These are further classified into the following types:

  • Fluorescence-based sensors: These are the newer entrants in the DO measurement world. They work based on the principle of dynamic luminescence quenching. A special dye on the sensor is exposed to specific blue light wavelengths, causing it to fluoresce.The presence of oxygen quenches this fluorescence. The extent of quenching correlates to the DO level. They are stable, require less maintenance, and aren’t affected by flow rates or salinity, making them especially suitable for saltwater and wastewater applications.
  • Colorimetric sensors: These rely on the color change of certain compounds when exposed to oxygen. They are less common than fluorescence-based sensors but offer another optical method for DO detection.

These sensors are great for quick field tests, educational purposes, and situations where portability and simplicity are more crucial than high precision.

Some of the drawbacks they suffer from include:

  • Less accurate compared to other methods.
  • Single-use tests generate waste.
  • Subject to user error in interpretation of color changes.

There isn’t a one-size-fits-all answer to the best equipment for measuring dissolved oxygen. The ideal choice hinges on the specific requirements of the task at hand. Modern technology has blessed us with a range of options, from traditional titration to advanced optical sensors.

Understanding the nuances of each, coupled with a clear comprehension of your needs, will guide you to the most appropriate solution. Whether you’re safeguarding fish farms, assessing river health, or conducting scientific research, specialized equipment exists to meet your dissolved oxygen measurement requirements. Find the right tools to ensure aquatic environments thrive.

Why is the Dissolved Oxygen Test Important?

Maintaining a consistent DO level is critical for aquatic life to thrive. For example, if dissolved oxygen concentration is too high, the fish living in the body of water may suffer from “gas bubble disease,” in which tiny bubbles form in the gills, eyes, and fins of the animals.

Extensive exposure to this disease can damage a fish’s tissues enough to be lethal. On the other hand, if DO levels drop too low, “dead zones” where aquatic plants and animals can no longer survive will form.

Performing dissolved oxygen tests can help you form a plan of action to create a healthy aquatic environment, whether it’s in a large river or a small aquarium.

Certified Material Testing Products carries all the water quality testing meters you need to perform a dissolved oxygen test and keep tabs on your water or other fluids. Get dissolved oxygen meters, turbidity sensors, pH probes, and more in our high-quality selection.

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Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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