Stainless steel is a core material both in industrial and household settings. Unfortunately, like many other surfaces, mold on stainless steel can occur when exposed to moisture and other conditions that enable its growth. So, would you like to learn how to remove mold from stainless steel?

Besides the potential dangers exposure to mold can cause, mold on steel makes it look dirty and uncared for. It’s tricky to identify, and getting rid of it can be a headache.

But do not be discouraged when learning about how to remove mold from stainless steel. Whether you’re looking to sanitize your lab equipment ready for another experiment or want to tackle stubborn mold growth on home appliances, this guide will teach you how to effectively, safely, and consistently eliminate mold from stainless steel surfaces.

How to Remove Mold from Stainless Steel: Does It Actually Grow?

Stainless steel is known for its durability, rust resistance, and non-corrosive properties. Additionally, its non-porous nature makes it seem mold-resistant. However, under the right conditions, mold can still grow on stainless steel surfaces.

Regular cleaning and maintenance of items like a stainless steel water bottle are crucial to prevent mold growth and maintain hygiene.

The question is, what condition enables mold development on stainless steel and how to remove mold from stainless steel?

Mold does not grow on stainless steel. Mold only begins to develop when food spills and other materials are left on the stainless steel surface, causing it to grow.

Other conditions, such as exposure to moisture and high humidity, dirt, or mineral accumulations, can also contribute to the occurrence of mold on stainless steel, whether it is located outdoors or indoors.

Essential Supplies for Learning How to Remove Mold from Stainless Steel with a Spray Bottle

When planning remediation work on how to remove mold from stainless steel, you will need the following:

Step-By-Step Guide To How to Remove Mold from Stainless Steel

Typically, stainless steel should not be susceptible to mold as it is a non-porous material.

But as we mentioned how to remove mold from stainless steel, certain favorable conditions can cause its growth on steel. If mold does appear, follow this step-by-step guide to clean the affected area.

  • Step one: Make sure the room containing the mold has proper airflow.
  • Step two: Ensure you have the correct protective gear. Wearing gloves, a mask, and goggles will protect you from mold spores, which can harm your health.
  • Step three: Dilute your chosen cleaning product with water as required. Hydrogen peroxide and white vinegar can both be diluted in equal parts to create an effective cleaning solution.
  • Step four: Soak paper towels in your cleaning solution and place them on the mold spots. Wait for at least 10-15 minutes to allow time for the solution to kill the mold.
  • Step five: Wipe the stainless steel surface using a dry paper towel.
  • Step six: Use a soft-bristled scrubbing brush dipped in your cleaning solution to remove any remaining mold stains. Clean the brush and reapply the solution as necessary until you have scrubbed all the mold.
  • Step seven: Use a bottle brush along with the cleaning solution to scrub hard-to-reach areas for a thorough cleaning.
  • Step eight: Use a clean, dry towel to wipe out excess solution.
  • Step nine: Rinse the surface with soapy water and dry completely.

Bonus tip:

Consider using a more robust, wire-headed brush for stubborn mold. A paste made by adding table salt to your chosen cleaning solution can also be a useful abrasive.

Besides removing mold from stainless steel, here is a step-by-step procedure to remove mold on metals.

  • Step one: Ensure the room containing the mold has good airflow.
  • Step two: Put on your correct protective gear.
  • Step three: Fill a 2-gallon bucket halfway with warm water, then add detergent. You can use laundry detergent or dish detergent.
  • Step four: Scrub any obvious mold stains from the metal’s surface using a sponge. Rinse the sponge repeatedly with warm, soapy water while cleaning large areas.
  • Step five: Pour out the contents of the gallon once you’ve finished scrubbing. Replace it with a solution of one gallon of water and one and a half cups of bleach.
  • Step six: Soak a cloth in a gallon of bleach and use it to apply the solution to the metal. Allow at least 15 minutes to eliminate any leftover mold spores.
  • Step seven:  Once 15 minutes elapse, thoroughly rinse the metal and dry it with a towel or a clean cloth.

Precautions To Take While Removing Mold Spores from Stainless Steel

There are certain precautions to take when executing a remediation job and when we learn how to remove mold from stainless steel.

Precautions are essential because, during mold removal, mold spores can become airborne, increasing the risk of respiratory exposure and also the growth of mold in areas where it is absent.

Hence, before removing mold, an excellent recommendation is to wet the area before you begin scrubbing at the mold.

While this appears counter-intuitive, spraying the mold with water beforehand will reduce the quantity of spores that become airborne as you scrub.

Depending on the size of the remediation project, it is advisable to wear disposable clothing to prevent mold transfer, spread to clothing, and eliminate skin contact.

When limited protection is warranted, disposable paper coveralls can be used.

When complete protection is required, a body suit of breathable material and mold-impervious disposable head and foot coverings should be worn.

All gaps, including those around the ankles and wrists, should be sealed.

Another precaution to take is making sure you wear PPE (personal protective equipment) like the following:


Gloves shield the skin from mold contact. They also guard against potentially irritating cleaning solutions.

Long gloves that reach the middle of the forearm are recommended.

The material used to make gloves should be appropriate for the materials being handled.

However, using chlorine to remove mold from steel can cause more harm than good. Hence, we do not recommend it.

If you do decide to use chlorine bleach or any other powerful cleaning solution, wear gloves made of:

  • Natural rubber
  • Neoprene
  • Nitrile
  • Polyurethane
  • Polyvinylchloride (PVC)
  • But if using a mild detergent, ordinary household rubber gloves are suitable.


Wear properly fitted goggles or full-face respirators to protect your eyes. Goggles must be designed to keep dust and small particles out. Safety glasses with open vent holes are not acceptable.

Once you are done clearing mold, place cleaning materials (paper towels, old rags) in a garbage bag, seal it, and throw it away.

If you need one for your DIY remediation work, the Bon Tool 14-125 Goggles is an excellent recommendation for individuals working in environments that produce debris, dust, or hazardous chemicals, such as construction sites, laboratories, or manufacturing units.

The goggle offers premium eye protection against dust, dirt, and UV rays.


Using Respirators will protect you from inhaling airborne mold, mold spores, and dust. There are three forms of respiratory protection described below:

  • Minimum
  • Limited
  • Full

Note that only respirators authorized by the National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health (NIOSH) should be worn during mold remediation.

Also, follow Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) rules when using these respirators.

Alternative Ingredients and How to Remove Mold from Stainless Steel

While the best way to clean mold from steel is with hydrogen peroxide or white vinegar, there are alternatives if you don’t have either solution readily available.

Some of these alternatives include:

Baking soda

Baking soda is a superb cleaning solution that effectively removes mold from stainless steel surfaces.

Follow the steps below to use baking soda for mold eradication:

  • Mix the baking soda with warm water.
  • Apply it to the mold as you would another cleaning solution.
  • Use a sponge or scrubbing brush to get rid of all the mold from the stainless steel surface.
  • Once the mold has been thoroughly scrubbed, rinse the surface with water to remove any leftover mold.
  • Respray the area and leave it to air dry.

Tea tree oil

Tea tree oil is one of the most effective natural solutions to killing mold. Although it is a more expensive option, a little pinch of tea tree oil will go a long way in removing mold.

Tree oil is an antifungal capable of killing all types of mold. When you decide to purchase tree oil, ensure that the tea tree oil you buy is derived from the Melaleuca alternifolia.

To apply it, follow the steps below:

  • Mix tea tree oil and water in a spray bottle at a ratio of 1 teaspoon per cup of water.
  • Spray the solution onto the moldy surface.
  • Do not rinse off the solution.

Grapefruit seed extract

Believe it or now, grapefruit seed extract is a powerful natural mold remover and will show us how to remove mold from stainless steel. It has almost no odor and is available at most health food stores.

The citric acid in grapefruit kills the mold. It also disinfects and deodorizes the area where mold is present.

To apply it, follow the steps below:

  • Mix a solution of grapefruit seed extract in a spray bottle containing water at a ratio of 10 drops for each cup of water.
  • Shake the spray bottle to mix the solution completely, then spray it over the moldy surface.
  • After that, rinse off the solution. The longer the extract remains in contact with the mold, the more it will cut through it and prevent it from coming back.
  • Repeat if needed.


Borax helps us learn how to remove mold from stainless steel and is a natural cleaning product with numerous benefits. While it is poisonous if swallowed, unlike some mold killers, it does not emit toxins or harmful gasses.

To get rid of mold, Borax needs to be combined with water. What makes Borax effective is that it disinfects the area it is applied to, in addition to killing molds.

To apply it, follow the steps below:

  • Mix a Borax-water solution using a ratio of 1 cup of Borax per gallon of water.
  • To reduce the quantity of mold spores churned into the air during the cleaning process, suction loose mold with a HEPA-filtered vacuum cleaner.
  • Scrub the mold stain off the surface using a scrub brush and the Borax-water solution.
  • Wipe away any excess moisture and mold particles to keep them from spreading into the air.
  • When finished, do not rinse the Borax solution.
  • Allow the surface to air dry.

Lemon juice

Lemon juice is perfect for removing mold from stainless steel. Like grapefruit seed extract, it is a natural, harmless cleaner that leaves a refreshing, clean aroma on the surface. Additionally, it is safe for people, pets, and the environment.

Its acidic (5%) content makes it effective in eliminating mold. You can either squeeze out fresh lemon juice or purchase a concentrate.

To apply it, follow the steps below:

  • Use soap and water to begin the cleaning process.
  • Next, apply the concentrated lemon juice using a spray bottle directly to the mold.
  • Let the lemon juice sit for five minutes.
  • Then, scrub the area immediately with a brush or scrub sponge.
  • As with other mold treatments, the process should be repeated until satisfactory results are achieved.

To improve odor and effectiveness, lemon juice can be combined with other natural cleaners like vinegar.

Detergent and water

Detergent and warm water is also perfect for how to remove mold from stainless steel, and can effectively clean the mold for a non-porous material like stainless steel. An excellent detergent we recommend for this process is the RETSCH 56200001 Detergent TICKOPUR RW 77.

This detergent is a powerful and efficient cleaning solution that you can confidently use on metals, glass, ceramics, and plastics without worrying about any damage or discoloration.

It can be used in any setting, including scientific laboratories, medical facilities, and industrial sites.

How to Prevent Mold Growth

Preventing mold from growing requires tackling the root cause of the problem. Here are some of our top tips to keep your surfaces mold-free all year round:

Keep surfaces dry

Moisture is the main culprit of mold growth. It’s important to keep surfaces dry when not in use. Always wipe down surfaces after using them and tackle spills immediately.

Clean often

Clean all surfaces with cleaning products regularly. Remove any grime or dirt, as organic matter is a breeding ground for mold. A disinfectant such as hydrogen peroxide or white vinegar is excellent at eliminating bacteria.

If you are looking for an excellent cleaning product good for cleaning your equipment made with stainless steel, check out Hanna HI70671L Cleaning & Disinfection Solution, which is effective against algae, fungi, and bacteria.

Ventilate properly

Air circulation is crucial to eliminate the warm, humid environment in which mold thrives. Consider leaving windows open for a certain amount of time each day. Alternatively, use a fan to encourage airflow.

Keep humidity in check

A dehumidifier is a great way to reduce the humidity and control the moisture levels of a room. Ensure you clean your dehumidifier regularly to prevent mold growth within the unit.

Tackle leaks as soon as they happen

Water damage is the perfect opportunity for mold to grow. Combat this by tackling leaks as soon as they occur and wiping any excess moisture up as quickly as possible.

Invest in house plants

House plants look attractive and can help enhance indoor space and air quality (IAQ). This air quality enhancement is the characteristic that enables it to contribute in its own small way to preventing mold growth.

However, note that in-house plants can not prevent all mold from growing in your home or business nor reverse serious mold problems; they can be a small step toward preventing harmful mold from spreading.

Takeaway: Improve your stainless steel maintenance skills to keep them mold-free

So, would you like to learn how to remove mold from stainless steel? Stainless steel is a durable, rust-resistant, non-corrosive, and non-porous material that ordinarily should not be susceptible to mold. Yet certain conditions can enable mold growth, causing your stainless steel item to look dirty and unkempt.

This guide revealed several tips and tricks to help you eliminate mold. If you suspect your item has mold on it, any of these tips can help you eliminate it. Go through the list and select the best one suitable for your needs.

While planning the remediation, remember to take the necessary precautions we mentioned, including putting on gloves and goggles.

Is there a specific item you are searching for to help you eliminate mold? Search for it right here on the Certified MTP product search page.

We have a wide range of products perfect for tackling mold in industrial and household settings.

From goggles and gloves to scrub brushes and hydrogen peroxide, our selection of high-quality equipment makes it easy to deal with mold spores on all surface types.

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Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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