Whether you’re a DIY enthusiast or a professional builder, understanding how to properly use a strike off bar is crucial for creating level concrete surfaces. This article offers practical advice on choosing the right strike off bar for your needs, mastering your technique, and keeping your tool in top condition to ensure precision in every pour.

Key Takeaways

  • The strike off bar is essential for leveling and smoothing fresh concrete surfaces, with tools like the REDSTICKTM Concrete Level offering benefits of accuracy, productivity, ergonomic design, and efficiency in leveling.
  • The material and features of a strike off bar, including its straightness, protective end caps, and integrated bubble levels, are crucial for high-quality concrete work and proper technique, while consistent maintenance is key for tool longevity.
  • Utilizing a bull float after the strike off process is significant for achieving a uniform and leveled foundation, with proper timing, technique, and the right bull float selection being critical for an optimal concrete surface finish.

The Essential Role of the Strike Off Bar in Concrete Work

Concrete surface being leveled with a strike off bar

The strike off bar is instrumental in the process of concrete finishing. Its primary function is to level and smooth fresh concrete surfaces, preparing them for the finishing phase. In technical terms, this process is referred to as ‘striking-off,’ which involves removing excess material to create a smooth surface. The goal is to achieve a level and evenly spread concrete slab that serves as a strong and stable foundation for whatever structure you’re building.

Innovative tools such as REDSTICKTM Concrete Level have made the striking-off process more streamlined. This tool integrates the functions of a level and a strike off bar, allowing users to screed and float using a single tool. The REDSTICKTM offers the following benefits:

  • Ensures accurate leveling and finishing of concrete surfaces
  • Enhances productivity and comfort for users
  • Ergonomic design minimizes fatigue
  • Efficiency allows for effective leveling in one pass, saving time and effort

However, owning the right tool is only half the battle for striking it; knowing how to use it effectively is equally important. We’ll discuss how to select, use, and maintain the right strike off bar for optimal results.

Keep Reading: Concrete Air Indicator: Tips for Accurate Air Content Tests.

Choosing the Right Strike Off Bar

Selecting the appropriate strike off bar is as important as perfecting the striking-off technique itself. The material of the bar can significantly impact the quality of your work. Your options include:

  • Wood: cost-effective, but can warp when wet and challenging to clean
  • Hollow aluminum: lighter, resistant to warping, easier to clean, but more expensive than wood and may be more challenging to grip
  • Magnesium: lighter, resistant to warping, easier to clean, but more expensive than wood and may be more challenging to grip

Not only the material matters. The bar’s straightness, form and functionality hold equal significance. For example, a metal bar should be equipped with protective end caps, comfortable grips, and integrated bubble levels for ease of use. These features make aluminum bars a standout choice for their precise edges and impeccable straight quality.

An example of a specific strike off bar is the Milwaukee REDSTICK Concrete Level. It offers a comfortable grip and a lightweight handling experience, thanks to its magnesium frame.

Proper Technique for Using a Strike Off Bar

The use of a strike off bar involves removing surplus concrete to grade the top surface of the slab, guaranteeing a level and smooth finish. The process is not universal; your technique needs to be adjusted depending on the surface you are working on. For example, incorporating a sawing action when using wood or a strike off bar on concrete can help ensure that no rough areas are left behind.

While perfecting the right technique is important, being aware of possible mistakes and safety protocols is equally significant. Here are some tips to keep in mind:

  • Ensure that the concrete is leveled properly to achieve a uniformly smooth surface.
  • Practice good concrete techniques to prevent flaking, deterioration, and premature failure.
  • Prioritize safety by wearing suitable personal protective equipment such as safety glasses and gloves.
  • Exercise precision and control when using the strike off bar to eliminate excess material.

By following these tips, you can ensure a successful concrete project while maintaining safety.

More Read: Concrete Moisture Testing for Accurate Analysis [Advanced Tips].

Maintenance and Care for Your Strike Off Bar

Similar to other tools, a strike off bar needs routine upkeep and care to remain in optimal condition. Cleaning frequency can vary depending on the type of cleaning solution you use. For instance, with alkaline, it’s recommended to clean the bar every two weeks, while with caustic/acid, a monthly cleaning should suffice.

Apart from regular cleaning, it’s also important to take measures to prevent rust and corrosion. Applying a protective coating such as paint or specialized anti-corrosion coatings can help. Another effective method is to use a vinegar-soaked paper rag or towel to loosen existing rust and then remove excess material with a steel brush.

And in case your strike off bar gets damaged, it’s generally recommended to replace it rather than attempting repairs. To maximize the longevity of your aluminum strike off bar, store it in a cool, dry environment, away from moisture and extreme temperatures.

Achieving the Proper Grade: Precision in Leveling

Attaining an accurate and proper grade, is another vital step in concrete work. Proper grading helps establish pathways for rainwater to divert away from structures, minimizing potential flooding and water-related damage. It also establishes a level foundation for buildings or structures, effectively mitigating drainage challenges and ensuring overall stability. To achieve this, it’s important to have the right tools and know the recommended methods for achieving the correct grade.

However, attaining the right grade goes beyond leveling; it involves adjusting for slope and pitch and maintaining consistency throughout the process. We will discuss these aspects in more detail.

Adjusting for Slope and Pitch

Adjustment for slope and pitch in concrete work is necessary to guarantee sufficient drainage and avoid issues like water pooling. To compensate for slope and pitch, you can:

  • Repitch the concrete to achieve the desired slope
  • Use a formula, such as adjusting the slope to 1 inch down for every 8 feet out
  • Apply self-leveling underlayment

These methods will help ensure proper drainage in your concrete work.

There are also various tools that you can use to measure and adjust the slope and pitch, including:

  • Slope meters
  • Pitch and slope locators
  • Laser levels
  • Inclinometers
  • Concrete screed levels that may incorporate tape measures for precise adjustments.

Monitoring for Consistency

Consistency is paramount in concrete work. To achieve this, you need to conduct assessments such as the Slump test, flow table test, and Vebe test. These techniques, along with the utilization of slump cone tests and air entrainment meters, are crucial for monitoring concrete uniformity in leveling.

Sustaining the consistency of concrete during the strike off process is also significant. To do this, it’s recommended to:

  1. Fill the slump cone with concrete in three equal layers
  2. Compact each layer thoroughly by tapping the mold with a trowel
  3. Strike off the excess concrete from the top using the tamping rod as a screed in a rolling or sawing motion.

Weather conditions can also impact the consistency of concrete work, so it’s crucial to take them into account.

The Finishing Touch: From Strike Off to Bull Float

Once you’ve struck off the slab, the next step is to transition to a bull float. This tool is used to enhance the smoothness and levelness of the concrete surface, typically after the floating and troweling stages. The optimal time to transition from a strike off bar to a bull float is directly after the concrete surface has been struck off. Bullfloating is significant in achieving a uniform and level foundation before proceeding to the final finishing of the concrete surface.

Similar to the strike off bar, timing and technique are vital when using a bull float, as is selecting the appropriate one for your project.

Timing and Technique

The appropriate timing for using a bull float can be influenced by various factors, including:

  • The type of concrete mixture
  • Weather conditions
  • Ambient temperature
  • Humidity level

For instance, in hot and fast-setting conditions, it’s advisable to conduct power floating as soon as possible. In contrast, in hot and humid conditions, which slow down the drying process, the commencement of one end of power floating may be delayed. In case of rain, it’s crucial to promptly remove it from the surface to prevent damage or take measures to protect the area from further rainfall.

Floating concrete is crucial for:

  • Embedding aggregate particles beneath the surface
  • Eliminating imperfections, humps, and voids
  • Compacting the mortar at the surface to facilitate additional finishing operations.

Choosing the Right Bull Float

Selecting the appropriate bull float is as important as perfecting the technique of bullfloating. When purchasing a bull float, consider factors such as:

  • Material (such as magnesium, aluminum, or wood)
  • Size
  • Shape (rectangular or curved edge)
  • Handle comfort
  • Price

The various categories of bull floats include straight bull floats and channel floats, and the selection of the appropriate type depends on the specific application and the volume of concrete being used.

The size of a bull float impacts its performance by enabling it to cover larger areas of concrete and effectively eliminate high and low spots. Armed with this knowledge, you can choose a bull float that best suits your needs and helps you create a professional finish on your concrete surface.

Advanced Tools and Techniques

For large-scale concrete projects, conventional tools and techniques might not be adequate. This is where advanced tools like power screeds and laser leveling systems become useful. Power screeds play a crucial role in leveling and finishing expansive driveways and extensive commercial or industrial slabs, optimizing efficiency and productivity in the execution of sizable projects. On the other hand, laser leveling systems offer a high level of accuracy, making them ideal for commercial and industrial concrete floors that require adherence to strict F-number tolerances.

We will discuss these advanced tools in more detail and how they can improve your concrete work.

Power Screeds: Efficiency on Large Slabs

A power screed is a concrete and metal flooring equipment that offers the following benefits:

  • Uses vibration to eliminate air from the concrete, increasing its density and durability
  • Specifically engineered to effectively level the surface of the concrete
  • Offers efficient leveling, reducing the need for manual labor
  • Produces more durable concrete
  • Enhances productivity and saves time
  • Creates smoother finishes

These advantages make power screeds particularly advantageous for large slab projects.

When choosing a power screed for a large slab project, consider factors such as the project’s size, the desired flatness and levelness of the slab, and the equipment cost. You also need to assess the type of power screed and its specific features to ensure they align with the project’s requirements. Some top-rated brands to consider are MBW, Marshalltown, Allen Engineering, Dragon Screed, and ScreeDemon.

Laser Leveling Systems: For Ultimate Precision

Laser leveling systems provide a high degree of accuracy, thus making them ideal for concrete work. The operational process of a laser leveling system in concrete leveling involves:

  • A transmitter
  • A receiver
  • A tripod
  • A rod

The transmitter emits a laser beam, which is then detected by the receiver equipped with photocells. By adjusting the height of the receiver on a rod, workers can assess the levelness of the concrete surface based on the position of the laser beam.

Laser leveling systems, such as the Johnson 99-026K rotary laser system, Bosch Self-Leveling Laser Level, and DeWalt laser level, offer a high level of accuracy, capable of screeding 240 square feet of concrete within a mere 60 seconds. To get the most out of these systems, it’s important to know how to calibrate them. This involves checking the levelness of the laser beam in multiple directions and rotating the laser at 180° to ensure it is within the same level.

Perfecting Edges and Joints

Another important element of concrete work is refining the edges and joints. A concrete edger is used to round off the edges of a concrete slab, preventing chipping or breaking. It also establishes vital joints that bolster the concrete slab’s durability and longevity by minimizing the likelihood of cracking and facilitating proper expansion and contraction.

There are various concrete edging tools available, such as radius edgers, concrete edgers and groovers, and stainless steel tapered hand edgers, all tailored for specific edging applications to achieve a precise finish along straight edge of the edges of the concrete slab.

On the other hand, jointing involves setting contraction/control joints at predetermined spots to guide cracking, and using a variety of forms of joints like contraction, expansion, isolation, and construction joints to reduce random cracking and accommodate movements. We will discuss these aspects in more detail.

Hand Edging Tools

Hand edging tools provide a more direct method for refining the edges of your concrete surface. These tools come in various types, including radius edgers, stainless steel tapered hand edgers, and straight edge tools. Brands like MARSHALLTOWN and Kraft Tool are known for their high-quality hand edging tools.

Hand edging not only enhances the durability of your concrete surface but also its aesthetic quality. By eliminating marks and bringing the surface closer to its final finish, hand edging contributes significantly to the final appearance of a concrete surface.

Jointing Strategies

Jointing is a significant tactic for avoiding unattractive random cracks in your concrete surface. It involves creating deliberate grooves or inserts in the unhardened concrete to manage the occurrence of cracking caused by concrete shrinkage. To achieve this, you can use various methods, including placing contraction/control joints at predetermined locations to direct cracking and utilizing different types of joints to minimize random cracking and accommodate movements.

The recommended spacing for joints in a concrete slab is equal to 24 to 30 times the slab thickness. For example, in a 4-inch-thick slab, joints should be spaced 8 to 12 feet apart to ensure proper control of cracks.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Similar to any other process, concrete work might face various challenges, including:

  • Cracked concrete
  • Hidden debris affecting the leveling process
  • Problems with resettling
  • Unexpected situations during concrete leveling

However, with the right tools and techniques, these issues can be effectively addressed.

High and low spots in concrete are typical problems that can disrupt the levelness of your surface. Identifying and correcting these spots is vital for achieving a uniform, level surface. Let’s delve deeper into how you can address these issues.

Identifying and Correcting High Spots

High spots in concrete work can be identified by visible cracks, widening cracks that may cause tripping, damp patches or wet spots on the surface, and flooring cracks, bubbles, loose pieces, slabs, white residue, mold, staining, discoloration, and damp spots. Once identified, you can use tools such as an angle grinder, jack hammer, cup grinder with diamond wheel, hand float, and concrete scarifier to address these high spots.

There are multiple ways to correct high spots in concrete work. One approach involves retracing the high spots and grinding them down to achieve a level surface. Another method entails utilizing an angle grinder or a jack hammer to chip away the high spot and subsequently replacing it with new concrete.

Dealing with Low Spots

Low spots in concrete can be equally troublesome as high spots. Addressing these spots effectively can help maintain a consistent grade in your concrete work. Some of the most effective tools for addressing low spots include:

  • 2×4 wooden rail
  • Leveling compound
  • Trowel
  • Concrete grinder
  • Joint clean out saw
  • Dual component polymer pump
  • Gas-powered dust collector
  • Early entry saw
  • Tampers

Using these tools, you can easily address low spots and ensure a perfectly level concrete surface. However, it’s essential to remember that the success of your concrete work depends not only on the tools you use, but also on your understanding of the concrete work and your ability to resolve common issues.


Mastering the art of concrete finishing involves understanding each step of the process, from striking off to bull floating, and knowing how to choose and use the right tools. It requires a keen eye for detail, precision, and patience. But with the right knowledge, techniques, and tools, you can achieve a professional finish on your concrete surface.

We hope this blog post has provided you with a comprehensive understanding of how to master the strike off bar and other essential tools for perfect concrete finishing. Whether you’re just starting your journey in concrete work or you’re looking to refine your skills, remember that every project is an opportunity to learn, improve, and create something durable and beautiful.

Certified MTP has the largest selection of concrete testing supplies, showcasing industry-leading brands for Concrete Compression Testing MachinesConcrete Air Entrainment Metersslump testersConcrete Test Cylinder Molds, and fresh concrete testing equipment.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a strike-off bar?

A strike-off bar is a tool used to remove excess material from a concrete cylinder mold, air meter vessel, slump cone, or unit weight measure, typically made from 304 stainless steel.

What does strike-off mean concrete?

Strike-off in concrete refers to the process of removing high points and filling low points when screeding a freshly placed concrete floor. It helps to ensure a level and smooth surface for the concrete.

Can you smooth out concrete after it dries?

Yes, it is possible to smooth out concrete after it dries using methods like grinding, honing, or polishing. The effectiveness of these methods may vary based on the condition of the concrete and the desired smoothness.

What are some common challenges encountered while leveling and finishing concrete?

Some common challenges encountered while leveling and finishing concrete include cracked concrete, hidden debris impacting the leveling process, and issues with resettling. It’s important to anticipate unforeseen circumstances during the concrete leveling process.

What are the tools commonly utilized for addressing high spots in concrete?

To address high spots in concrete, commonly used tools include an angle grinder, jack hammer, cup grinder with diamond wheel, hand float, and concrete scarifier. These can effectively level out any irregularities.


Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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