We can’t afford to overlook the looming pollution issue in our rapidly expanding metropolitan environments, where concrete jungles seem to reach for the skies. It’s no secret that as our cities grow, the pollution they produce also increases, endangering both the environment and our health. We’re in dire need of smart solutions, and one promising contender is “Photocatalytic Concrete.” Photo-catalytic concrete is used for pavers and other structural purposes and incorporates titanium dioxide (TiO2) as either an admixture or a superficial layer.

Now, this is something you won’t want to miss, whether you’re concerned about the air you breathe, the planet we call home, or just curious about how we’re shaking up the world of construction.

This article will explore concrete with photocatalytic. We’ll explain its science, look at possible applications, and show how it may improve cities.

How Concrete with Photocatalytic Works

Air France’s Head office constructed with photocatalytic concrete

Source: Creative Visual Art

Although concrete with photocatalytic may sound complicated, it works on a straightforward concept drawn from nature. Catalytic material is added to the concrete mixture to create self-cleaning concrete.

It is a brand-new building material created in the last three decades. Self-cleaning capability is one of the concrete’s most notable characteristics.

In addition to maintaining the façade aspect of the building, it also uses rainwater to break down most of the gases released by cars and other sources.

Concrete is given the ability to clean itself by having a white component called catalytic material added to it.

Here’s how it operates in simple terms:

The Catalyst

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) is undoubtedly the main ingredient in photocatalytic concrete. This substance is the primary catalyst for the material’s self-cleaning and air-purifying abilities.

TiO2 is an unusual material because of its capacity to change when exposed to light, especially sunlight. TiO2 has become a powerful tool for preventing pollution and preserving cleanliness in a variety of applications thanks to this change.

Utilizing Sunshine

In the context of concrete with photocatalytic, when we discuss using sunlight, we essentially discuss the core of the material’s activity. TiO2 uses the power of light, like how plants use sunlight to convert carbon dioxide into oxygen and energy through photosynthesis.

This is how it goes:


A transformational process starts when natural or artificial light contacts a surface covered in photocatalytic concrete that contains TiO2. The TiO2 particles on the concrete surface are activated due to this exposure.

High Reactivity

The titanium dioxide particles undergo high reactivity after activation. This indicates they are eager to interact with other substances on the concrete surface, such as contaminants, grime, and organic matter.

Pollutant Degradation

Due to its increased reactivity, TiO2 can degrade these chemicals into more basic, nontoxic molecules. It can, for instance, change nitrogen oxides (NOx) into vaporized nitrogen and water. It can also break down organic pollutants into carbon dioxide and water.

Breaking Down Pollutants

Titanium dioxide (TiO2) in concrete with photocatalytic undergoes a transformative change when it is triggered by natural or artificial light. It turns out to be extremely reactive, like a molecular scavenger eager to interact with and remove different contaminants. These toxins can appear in a variety of ways:

Airborne Contaminants

Nitrogen oxides (NOx) from vehicle emissions, volatile organic compounds (VOCs) from industrial operations, and other pollutants frequently encountered in metropolitan settings are all considered airborne contaminants.

Mold and Biological Growth

TiO2 reacts with biological pollutants like mold, mildew, and algae, which all prefer moist or humid surfaces to grow on.

Bacteria and Germs

The photocatalytic process can stop the growth of bacteria and germs on concrete surfaces, making the environment cleaner and more hygienic.


Even graffiti, a regular annoyance in cities, finds it difficult to stick to surfaces coated with photocatalytic concrete. Graffiti removal is easier because TiO2’s reactivity prevents paint from adhering to the surface.

Rinsing with Rain

Concrete surfaces efficiently become self-cleaning once the photocatalytic process has converted pollutants into harmless molecules.

These byproducts can be eliminated with rainwater or simply a light misting of water over the surface. This is a very useful feature that is also good for the environment because it lessens the need for manual effort and toxic cleaning products.

The concrete will remain aesthetically beautiful and free of accumulated filth and grime thanks to its self-rinsing capacity.

It lessens the need for ongoing maintenance and cleaning activities, which increases the material’s long-term cost-effectiveness.

Continuous Cycle

The everlasting nature of concrete with photocatalytic is one of its most intriguing features. As long as light shines on the concrete surface, the photocatalytic process remains as effective as the day it was placed.

This makes photocatalytic concrete a permanent and sustainable solution since the advantages of better air quality and self-cleaning properties endure over time.

The air purification and surface cleaning cycle continues unabatedly as long as sunlight or artificial light activates the titanium dioxide, ensuring a healthier and cleaner urban environment.

Read also: Benefits & Uses of Self-Healing Concrete

Properties of Concrete with Photocatalytic

The Milan Expo, constructed with photocatalytic concrete

Source: SustainableBusiness.com

With various distinctive qualities, concrete with photocatalytic is an exciting and cutting-edge material for building and environmental applications. These are some of the essential characteristics of photocatalytic concrete:

Air Purification

Concrete with photocatalytic can significantly lessen air pollution. It contributes to better air quality in cities by degrading organic and inorganic contaminants on its surface when exposed to light.


Its self-cleaning feature is one of its most useful ones. In addition to removing pollutants, the photocatalytic process also stops dirt, grime, and microbial growth from building up on the concrete surface. Over time, this implies less upkeep and a cleaner appearance.


Thanks to its photocatalytic qualities, the concrete surface is also resistant to germs, mold, and mildew, helping to create a healthier and more hygienic atmosphere.

VOC Reduction

It can aid in lowering airborne levels of volatile organic compounds (VOCs). This is especially useful inside, where VOCs from paints, adhesives, and furniture can be dangerous.

Heat Island Mitigation

Concrete with photocatalytic can aid in reducing the impact of the urban heat island. It can help create cooler urban areas by reflecting more sunlight and absorbing less heat, which lowers the energy needed for air conditioning.


Since photocatalytic activities are a natural feature of the substance, they do not degrade over time and guarantee long-lasting efficiency.


Photocatalytic concrete paving blocks can be utilized in various construction applications, from road surfaces and noise barriers to pavements and building facades.

Environmental Benefits

Photocatalytic concrete can benefit the environment by conserving water and lowering chemical pollution by eliminating the need for maintenance and cleaning agents.

Aesthetic Options

It may be included in projects without sacrificing aesthetics because of its variety of treatments and hues.


By fostering healthier, more sustainable urban settings, photocatalytic concrete can help achieve sustainability goals by enhancing air quality and lowering maintenance requirements.

Renewable Energy Adaptability

Because it needs sunlight to activate, it can be used as a backup technology in solar-powered applications, further boosting its environmental friendliness.

In a world increasingly focused on environmental sustainability and health, photocatalytic concrete offers a promising solution that addresses air pollution challenges and the need for low-maintenance, durable construction materials.

Its unique properties make it a fascinating addition to construction and urban planning.

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Types of Photocatalytic Materials

Manuel de Gonzalez Hospital-Mexico constructed with self-healing concrete

Source: ACA Publishing 

Various photocatalytic materials fall into different categories depending on the photocatalysts they employ and the processes they are used for.

The following are a few typical categories of photocatalytic materials:

(TiO2) Titanium Dioxide

One of the most popular photocatalytic materials is TiO2. It is frequently used in paints, coatings, various environmental cleaning systems, and photocatalytic concrete. TiO2 is available as coatings or nanoparticles.

ZnO, or Zinc Oxide

Another semiconductor photocatalyst with outstanding photocatalytic qualities is ZnO. Self-cleaning glass, antimicrobial coatings, and UV protection materials are among the items that utilize it.

Trioxide of Tungsten (WO3)

In particular, WO3 is used in photocatalytic processes because it can capture visible light, which increases its energy efficiency. It is utilized in systems for purifying both air and water.

Materials Based on Graphene

Recently, interest in graphene and graphene oxide has grown because of their extraordinary electrical characteristics. They can be employed as photocatalysts, especially in processes that demand great selectivity and efficiency.

Semiconductor Quantum Dots

Due to their special characteristics, quantum dots manufactured from semiconductors like cadmium sulfide (CdS) or cadmium telluride (CdTe) are well suited for photocatalytic applications such as converting solar energy and destroying pollutants.

Hydrogenated Titanium Dioxide

In addition to extending the range of light absorption to visible light, modified forms of TiO2, such as hydrogenated TiO2, can improve photocatalytic activity, making them more effective in enclosed spaces and under artificial illumination.

Metal-Organic Frameworks (MOFs)

MOFs are crystalline materials that have a high porosity. They are effective for trapping and converting pollutants because they may be tailored to include photocatalytic elements.

Polymeric Photocatalysts

Certain polymers can display photocatalytic capabilities when doped or altered with photocatalytic substances like TiO2. Products like self-cleaning coatings and textiles utilize these compounds.

Rare Earth Metal Oxides

Applications requiring efficiency and stability use several rare earth metal oxides, such as cerium oxide (CeO2), for their photocatalytic activity.

Hydrogen-Producing Photocatalysts

Photocatalytic materials can also be created specifically to create hydrogen from water splitting. These materials, essential for producing renewable energy, frequently entail more complicated compounds, such as metal sulfides and oxides.

The particular application, the type of light available (UV, visible, or both), the desired photocatalytic qualities, and economic considerations all play a role in selecting photocatalytic materials.

Researchers continue to investigate and develop new materials and modifications to increase the effectiveness and adaptability of photocatalytic processes for various environmental and industrial applications.

Applications of Concrete Photocatalytic?

Jubilee Church in Rome constructed with self-cleaning concrete

Source: The New York Times

With its exceptional qualities, photocatalytic cement has many uses in urban planning and environmental enhancement. Here are a few noteworthy examples:

Highways and Expressways

Using concrete photocatalytic in highways and expressways helps reduce air pollution.

When exposed to sunlight, it aids in breaking organic and inorganic pollutants, including common air pollutants such as volatile organic compounds (VOCs) and nitrogen oxides (NOx), into innocuous substances, improving air quality.

Bridge Construction

Photocatalytic concrete is used in the construction of bridge structures. It helps to maintain the cleanliness of the surface and also makes the structure visually appealing.

Self-Cleaning Surfaces

Self-cleaning or photocatalytic concrete can keep building exteriors clean for longer. Rainwater readily removes pollutants and grime that could build up on the surface, eliminating the need for manual upkeep and cleaning.

Graffiti-Repellent Coatings

Photocatalytic concrete may deter graffiti writers. Graffiti removal is easier due to the photocatalytic reaction that occurs when paint is sprayed on a surface that has been treated.

Noise Barriers for Highways, Roads, and Railroad

Photocatalytic tilt-up concrete panels can create noise barriers alongside roads and railroad tracks. They not only lessen noise pollution but also contribute to the air quality on these congested transit routes.

Historical and Architectural Buildings

Use photocatalytic coatings to protect old buildings and structures of architectural value from environmental contaminants and deterioration.

Sustainable Landscaping

In parks and public areas, photocatalytic concrete pavers and tiles can improve aesthetics while enhancing air quality and minimizing the environmental impact of landscaping.

Water purity

Photocatalytic concrete can help break down organic and inorganic substances in water in water treatment facilities, maintaining water purity.

Building Construction

Photocatalytic concrete can make building facades and interlocking concrete pavers, reducing air pollution.

Benefits of Photocatalytic Concrete

Numerous qualities of photocatalytic concrete make it an appealing option for various building and environmental applications. Here are some of its notable benefits:

Enhancement of Air Quality

By transforming hazardous pollutants like nitrogen oxides (NOx) and volatile organic compounds (VOCs) into safe byproducts, photocatalytic concrete reduces air pollution. As a result, the air quality has improved, enhancing community welfare and lowering respiratory risks.

Self-Cleaning Property

Photocatalytic concrete has a self-cleaning quality that prevents dirt, filth, and microbial growth from building up on surfaces. Rainwater efficiently removes contaminants, negating the need for manual upkeep and cleaning.

This characteristic preserves the aesthetic value of infrastructure and structures over time.

Graffiti Resistance

Graffiti adhesion is less likely to occur on surfaces treated with photocatalytic concrete, serving as a strong deterrent to vandals. If any graffiti does appear, it may be removed more quickly.

Action Against Microbes

The photocatalytic process is favorable because it prevents bacteria, mold, and mildew from growing on surfaces, which makes it particularly useful in settings with strict cleanliness standards, like hospitals and kitchens.

Energy Savings

Photocatalytic concrete helps to reduce urban heat islands by reflecting more sunlight and absorbing less heat, which may lessen the need for air conditioning in cities. This results in energy savings and improved urban living conditions.


Photocatalytic concrete aligns with sustainability goals by reducing the environmental impact of cleaning agents and water use. Due to its qualities for reducing pollutants and conserving energy, it can assist in green building certifications like LEED.

Aesthetic Durability

Photocatalytic concrete maintains its pristine appearance for protracted durations, enhancing the aesthetic appeal of buildings and urban infrastructure.

Minimal Maintenance

Reduced cleaning and maintenance requirements save building owners and municipalities money. Less frequent cleaning requires less effort and fewer supplies.

Long-Lasting Effectiveness

The material’s photocatalytic properties endure, ensuring continued air filtration and self-cleaning efficacy.


Photocatalytic paving blocks can be used for noise barriers, building exteriors, roads, and other construction projects. Along with its benefits for reducing pollutants, its design is flexible.

Health and Well-Being

The increased air quality brought on by photocatalytic concrete benefits those who live and work in metropolitan areas and improves their health.

Environmental Stewardship

Photocatalytic concrete is essential to fostering a healthier and more ecologically conscious urban ecosystem by actively reducing air pollution and supporting sustainable behaviors.

Reduced Water Usage

The self-cleaning capabilities of photocatalytic concrete save time and labor and lessen the need for water-intensive cleaning techniques. This helps to conserve water, which is important in areas with limited water supplies or where sustainable water management is a top priority.

Marketing Value

Buildings and infrastructure built with environmentally friendly materials, such as photocatalytic concrete, frequently have a competitive advantage in the market. They draw visitors, investors, and tenants concerned about the environment who value and support green initiatives.

Odor Reduction

In metropolitan locations, photocatalytic concrete can reduce offensive odors from sewage treatment facilities, industrial activity, and pollution.

Residents who live close to these sources of odor pollution may notice a considerable improvement in their quality of life due to this reduction in odors.

Global Sustainability Goals

The use of photocatalytic concrete is consistent with global sustainability objectives, such as those stated in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) of the United Nations.

It contributes to the global endeavor to build more livable and environmentally responsible urban settings by directly addressing pollution, health, and sustainable infrastructure issues.

Road Safety

Using photocatalytic concrete on road signs and markings can assist in maintaining visibility in places with high traffic by reducing the buildup of dirt and grime.

The adaptability and environmental advantages of photocatalytic concrete greatly contribute to urban planning and building projects, promoting healthier, more sustainable communities and infrastructure.

Limitations and Challenges of Photocatalytic Concrete

While photocatalytic concrete has many advantages, it also has several drawbacks and difficulties that you should consider.

The following are the main drawbacks and challenges of photocatalytic concrete:


Due to the cost of using photocatalytic ingredients and the complex application procedures required, photocatalytic concrete can be more expensive than conventional concrete. The initial investment expenditures could put off some construction projects.

Restrictive Activation

The activation of photocatalytic concrete depends on light exposure. Its efficiency dramatically declines in locations with little sunlight or at night, restricting its ability to run continuously.

Surface Area

The majority of photocatalytic reactions take place on a material’s surface. This implies that the photocatalytic effect would be less noticeable in places with little light exposure or on vertical surfaces.


Although photocatalytic concrete requires less hand cleaning, it still requires upkeep. The photocatalytic coating may need to be reapplied to maintain its effectiveness as it wears off over time.

Material Robustness

Comparing photocatalytic materials to conventional concrete might not be as mechanically durable. This may be a problem in regions with heavy traffic or where the concrete has experienced severe wear and tear.


It’s possible that photocatalytic materials are not very discriminating in the chemicals they degrade. This indicates that they might damage helpful substances or materials on treated surfaces.

Negative Environmental Effects

Environmental effects may result from the production and disposal of photocatalytic materials such as titanium dioxide nanoparticles. It is crucial to ensure ethical sourcing and disposal.

Safety and Health Issues

When applying photocatalytic coatings, workers’ health and safety may be a problem, especially when working with nanoparticles. Regulations and safety precautions must be in place

Regulation Obstacles

Using innovative materials like photocatalytic concrete or getting regulatory approval may be difficult in some areas. Building codes and standards may need to be modified for these materials.

Variability of Effectiveness

Photocatalytic concrete’s efficacy can vary based on variables like the local climate, the amount of pollutants present, and the direction and intensity of sunlight. It may be difficult to forecast and optimize performance due to this fluctuation.

Long-Term Performance Data

Despite the potential of photocatalytic concrete, there are only a few long-term performance data points from practical applications. We need more study and observation to fully understand its longevity and efficiency over time.

Application Expertise

It takes specific knowledge and experience to apply photocatalytic coatings or incorporate photocatalytic materials into construction projects. Achieving the desired results depends on making sure the application is done correctly.

Takeaway: Embrace the Future of Construction Projects with Photocatalytic Concrete

Photocatalytic concrete is a ground-breaking breakthrough in building and urban development. This substance utilizes sunlight to degrade contaminants, thwart graffiti, and maintain self-cleaning surfaces. Titanium dioxide (TiO2) serves as its magic catalyst.

It only takes rainwater or a light mist to wash away converted pollutants, requiring less upkeep. The ongoing activity and efficacy of the photocatalytic process facilitate long-term sustainability.

Are you ready to embrace a cleaner, healthier, and more sustainable future? The concrete testing equipment we offer at Certified MTP is suitable for both laboratory and field use.

You can use these high-quality pieces of equipment to ensure that your concrete, whether regular or self-healing, will stay in good condition for a long time.


Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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