Welcome to the age of speed and accuracy in soil testing, where the Speedy Moisture Tester is revolutionizing the field. No more waiting for slow laboratory results or dealing with cumbersome equipment. Instead, welcome rapid, reliable, and on-site measurement of soil moisture content. Ready to dive in? Let’s go!

Key Takeaways

  • The Speedy Moisture Tester is an accurate and versatile tool for measuring soil moisture content.
  • It offers efficient, reliable, and versatile advantages with rapid on-site testing and lightweight portability.
  • Adhering to best practices when using the tester ensures accurate measurements while avoiding common errors.

Understanding the Moisture Testers

The Moisture Tester is a game-changer in the arena of field soil testing. It measures the moisture content of soils using a calcium carbide gas pressure moisture tester. The magic happens when a weighed soil sample is combined with a calcium carbide reagent inside a sealed pressure vessel. The reagent and the water in the sample interact to produce acetylene gas, which in turn increases the pressure within the vessel. The increase in pressure is proportional to the amount of water present in the sample, thus indicating the moisture content.

The tester comes equipped with an array of tools, including:

The accuracy of the Moisture Tester is commendable, boasting an accuracy of 0.5% on most materials. The gauge can be calibrated from 0-20% moisture based on wet weight, making it a versatile tool for various soil types.

Key components and tools

Accurate and reliable results are achieved with the Speedy Moisture Tester by utilizing several key components. These include:

  • The balance, which accurately weighs the soil sample
  • Steel balls, which help to break up the soil sample
  • A cleaning brush, which is used to clean the tester after each use
  • A Calcium carbide pressure moisture tester, which estimates the moisture content
  • Calcium carbide reagent, which reacts with the moisture in the soil sample
  • A scoop to measure the reagent

These components all play a crucial role in the testing process, allowing for quick and accurate moisture measurements within a few minutes.

The steel balls used in the Speedy Moisture Tester have a diameter of 1-1/4 inch (31.75mm) and they play a role in pulverizing the soil sample to ensure a homogenous mixture with the calcium carbide reagent. After each test, the cleaning brush is used to clean the tester to ensure accurate and contamination-free testing for subsequent tests.

The role of calcium carbide reagent

Calcium carbide reagent plays a pivotal role in the testing process. It reacts with the water present in the soil sample to produce acetylene gas, leading to an increase in pressure within the sealed vessel. This reaction between calcium carbide and water is key to the Moisture Tester’s functionality. The amount of calcium carbide reagent used directly influences the testing results as a larger quantity of reagent leads to the production of more acetylene gas, indicating a higher moisture content in the sample.

However, while handling the calcium carbide reagent, safety precautions must be observed. Here are some important guidelines to follow:

  • Avoid contact with skin and eyes
  • Wash skin and clothing with soap and water after use
  • Store it away from moisture sources in a dry place, as it reacts with water to form highly flammable acetylene
  • Remember, the quantity of acetylene gas produced is directly proportional to the moisture content of the sample

Keep Reading: Hay Moisture Tester: Get Accurate Readings Today.

Step-by-Step Procedure for Using the Speedy Moisture Tester

Once you understand the Speedy Moisture Tester, the next step is to learn the procedure for using this innovative device. The process involves a series of carefully coordinated steps, each playing a critical role in the overall testing procedure. The steps include soil sample preparation, conducting the test, and interpreting the results, each of which will be explained in detail in the following subsections.

Before proceeding, the importance of safety cannot be understated. Remember, the tester is a precision instrument and should be handled with care. Ensure that the vessel, cap, and measuring beaker are clean before each moisture measurement. Also, it is recommended to wear goggles, gloves, and a respirator for personal safety. Now, with safety in mind, let’s proceed to delve deeper into each step of the procedure.

Preparing the soil sample

Preparing your soil sample is the initial step in the testing procedure. Here’s how to do it:

  1. Obtain a soil sample weighing at least 200 grams and containing approximately 3-7% moisture.
  2. Once you’ve collected the sample, mix it thoroughly to ensure a homogenous mixture.
  3. It’s critical that the Speedy Moisture Tester, including the vessel, cap, and measuring beaker, is clean to guarantee accurate measurements.

Next, accurately weigh the soil sample on a tared balance and place it in the cap of the tester.

  1. Position the tester horizontally and insert the cap, then securely tighten the clamps.
  2. Stand the tester vertically, and tap the top to allow the soil to fall into the large chamber.
  3. Again, hold the tester horizontally and rotate it to put the steel balls into orbit around the inside. This will help pulverize the soil sample and ensure a thorough mix with the calcium carbide reagent.

Conducting the test

After preparing your soil sample, the subsequent step involves conducting the test. Here’s how:

  1. Record the weight of your soil sample.
  2. Place the soil sample into the Speedy Moisture Tester.
  3. Add the appropriate amount of calcium carbide reagent to the tester, ensuring to follow the manufacturer’s instructions for the quantity.
  4. Close the tester and shake it vigorously to ensure proper mixing.

To measure the moisture in the soil using a soil moisture tester, follow these steps:

  1. Allow the reaction between the moisture in the soil and the reagent to occur for a specified time.
  2. Once the reaction time is up, open the tester, and release any excess pressure.
  3. Measure the pressure gauge reading and record it.

Finally, calculate the moisture content using the provided formula or calibration chart. And voila! You have just measured the moisture content of your soil sample using the Speedy Moisture Tester.

Interpreting the results

The testing procedure concludes with the interpretation of the results. The results obtained from a Speedy Moisture Tester can be interpreted by comparing them to the results obtained from the oven drying method. This allows for the determination of the moisture content of the material being tested. The pressure dial reading on the tester can be used in conjunction with the Speedy Moisture Chart to determine the moisture content of the soil.

But, be aware of potential errors when utilizing the Speedy Moisture Tester. One common error is forgetting to replace the batteries, which can result in inaccurate measurements. To prevent this, always ensure that the batteries are fresh and fully charged before conducting a test. With these tips in mind, you can confidently interpret your results and take informed action based on the moisture content of your soil.

You may also read Moisture Tester: Get Accurate Moisture Testing Results.

Advantages of the Speedy Moisture Tester

The Speedy Moisture Tester is more than just a tool; it brings a multitude of benefits to soil testing. This device offers efficient, reliable, and versatile advantages for soil testing. From saving precious time to providing reliable results and demonstrating incredible versatility in the field, the Speedy Moisture Tester is a powerful ally for anyone involved in soil testing. Let’s explore these advantages in more detail.

The Speedy Moisture Tester offers a rapid and efficient way to measure soil moisture content, eliminating the need for laborious laboratory testing and enabling on-site testing. This not only saves time but also increases efficiency and productivity in the field.

Regarding reliability, the Speedy Moisture Tester provides accurate results, with top-notch testers being precise up to 0.1% of the material’s moisture content by weight.

Lastly, the Speedy Moisture Tester is highly versatile, designed to be lightweight and compact, providing rapid moisture content results with minimal effort and adapting to various environments.


Time is a valuable commodity in the fast-paced world of soil testing. The Speedy Moisture Tester offers a quick and efficient way to measure soil moisture content, a stark contrast to traditional methods that require more time to prepare samples and analyze data. From collecting the soil sample to calculating the moisture content, the Speedy Moisture Tester streamlines the entire process and delivers results in just a few minutes for most materials.

Moreover, the design of the Speedy Moisture Tester further contributes to its time-saving potential. It is portable and easy to handle, making it perfect for on-site testing. This eliminates the need to transport soil samples to a laboratory, reducing the turnaround time for results.

The efficiency of the Speedy Moisture Tester can dramatically impact field work and data collection, allowing quicker data collection and analysis, and ultimately leading to increased productivity and efficiency in the field.

Reliable results

While speed matters, the reliability of results is what sets the Speedy Moisture Tester apart. The tester’s high degree of accuracy in measuring soil moisture content provides reliable and precise results, instilling confidence in its effectiveness.

The factors essential for ensuring reliable results include:

  • The type of material being tested
  • The correction factors established for that material
  • The accuracy of the moisture meter being used
  • Any damage to the meter

The calcium carbide reagent plays a crucial role in ensuring the reliability of results. By reacting with the moisture present in the soil sample, it produces acetylene gas, and the amount of gas produced is directly correlated to the amount of moisture in the sample. This precise chemical reaction provides a reliable measure of the moisture content in the soil sample.

Versatility in the field

The Speedy Moisture Tester is a versatile tool, not just a device, capable of adapting to various field conditions and applications. From different soil types to varying weather conditions, the Speedy Moisture Tester can handle it all. It can be employed on a range of soil types, including sandy, clayey, and loamy soils, making it an invaluable tool for diverse settings.

Even in varying weather conditions, the Speedy Moisture Tester performs effectively. For optimal performance, it is recommended that the Speedy Moisture Tester and sample are maintained at 20°C (68°F) when in use. Its portability makes it suitable for use in remote locations, offering convenience, speed, and accuracy in field testing, making it an ideal tool for soil moisture analysis.

Tips for Ensuring Accurate Measurements

To get the best performance from the Speedy Moisture Tester, it’s crucial to adhere to some key best practices. These practices will ensure accurate measurements and help you avoid common errors. From avoiding contamination to properly storing the calcium carbide reagent and maintaining the device regularly, these tips will help you get the most out of your Speedy Moisture Tester.

Potential errors should be kept in mind when using the Speedy Moisture Tester. Some common errors include:

  • Forgetting to replace the batteries
  • Misusing the moisture meter
  • Not verifying if there is any loose hardware inside the gauge
  • Not operating the tester in a hygienic and dry environment

Additionally, contamination can introduce additional moisture into the sample, which may lead to inaccurate measurements of the moisture content.

Avoiding contamination

Contamination is a potential pitfall that can skew your results. Some potential sources of contamination include:

  • Moisture absorbing contaminants, such as hygroscopic salts
  • Contamination with other substances, such as oils or liquids
  • Inadequate cleaning of the equipment between tests

To prevent contamination, it is essential to clean the tester after each use.

The calcium carbide reagent is particularly susceptible to contamination from moisture in any form, including rain, snow, ice, or dew. Therefore, when handling the reagent, it is crucial to observe safety precautions to ensure accurate results. These safety precautions include avoiding contact with skin and eyes, washing skin and clothing with soap and water after use, and storing it away from moisture sources in a dry place.

Properly storing the calcium carbide reagent

Proper storage of the calcium carbide reagent is crucial to maintain its effectiveness. Here are some guidelines to follow:

  • Store the reagent in unopened metal containers
  • Keep the containers covered to prevent water entry
  • Store the reagent indoors or in a well-ventilated area
  • Maintain a storage temperature between 15 to 25 °C

Following these storage recommendations will help ensure the quality and effectiveness of the calcium carbide reagent.

Remember, the shelf life of the calcium carbide reagent is limited, and it should be used in accordance with the manufacturer’s guidelines. Storing it in a cool, dry place prevents reaction with moisture, ensuring the reagent is stable and effective for use when needed.

Regular device maintenance

Like any precision instrument, the Speedy Moisture Tester requires regular maintenance to ensure optimal performance. To guarantee accurate and dependable results, the tester should be serviced at least every six months.

The container, pressure gauge, bomb, and cap of the tester require regular maintenance. After each test, it is suggested to clean the instrument carefully with a brush and cloth. Routine calibration checks should be conducted to guarantee precise testing. Although the tester can still be used if not properly maintained, remember that proper maintenance is essential for obtaining accurate and dependable results.

Comparing the Speedy Moisture Tester to Other Methods

It’s important to compare the Speedy Moisture Tester’s numerous advantages with other soil testing methods. This comparison will allow you to understand its strengths and weaknesses relative to other methods, and help you make an informed decision on the best method for your needs.

Various methods are available for soil moisture testing, such as gravimetric soil moisture detection, sensor-based soil moisture analysis, and remote sensing of soil moisture. The Speedy Moisture Tester offers several advantages over these methods, such as providing fast and precise readings, enabling efficient profiling, and delivering dependable results, which address the shortcomings of inaccurate results, slow testing process, and limited profiling capabilities.

Pros and cons

Despite the host of benefits offered by the Speedy Moisture Tester, it’s also essential to consider its drawbacks. The tester:

  • Is faster and more practical for testing soil moisture content compared to traditional methods
  • Can be slow for profiling and multiple readings
  • May not provide as precise results as other methods
  • Necessitates the use of chemicals

However, when accuracy is paramount, gravimetric analysis is traditionally considered the most reliable method for determining the true moisture content of a sample. It involves removing water from the soil through heating and calculating the difference in weight, or wet mass, to establish the water content.

It’s important to weigh these pros and cons before deciding on the method that best suits your needs.

Choosing the right method for your needs

Your specific needs and requirements will dictate the right method for soil moisture testing. Factors such as accuracy, cost, time, and portability should be taken into account. If you require quick and efficient testing, the Speedy Moisture Tester would be the ideal choice. However, if accuracy is your top priority, gravimetric analysis or other precise methods may be more suitable.

The Speedy Moisture Tester is most effective for rapidly and precisely determining the moisture content of soil samples. It’s regularly employed in construction and geotechnical engineering projects to evaluate the appropriateness of soil for various purposes. However, remember that the performance of the Speedy Moisture Tester may fluctuate depending on certain conditions and soil types.


In conclusion, the Speedy Moisture Tester is a revolutionary tool in the realm of soil testing. With its speedy results, reliable readings, and versatile application, it has transformed the way we measure soil moisture content. Despite its few drawbacks, its benefits far outweigh them, making it a preferred choice for many users. Whether you are involved in construction, agriculture, or geotechnical engineering, the Speedy Moisture Tester is a tool that can make your work easier, faster, and more accurate.

Certified MTP has the largest selection of moistures testers in their wide selection of  Feed, Seed, and Grain Test Equipment and from manufacturers such as Hanna InstrumentsWagner MetersSeedburo Equipment and Agratronix.

Frequently Asked Questions

How do you use a speedy moisture tester?

To use a Moisture Tester, hold it vertically with the pressure gauge facing the ground, shake for 5 seconds, rotate 180° and tap the sides, then prop or hold the Speedy in place for 1-2 minutes.

How accurate is speedy moisture test?

The Moisture Test is highly accurate with an accuracy of 0.5%, and can accurately measure moisture from 0-20% based on wet weight.

What is the chemical in the speedy moisture tester?

The Moisture Tester uses a calcium carbide reagent, which must be handled with caution due to its hazardous nature.

What is the speedy moisture test ASTM standard?

The ASTM D4944 standard is a Moisture Test designed to accurately determine the moisture levels of aggregate materials. It is a highly precise method to analyze and measure the relative moisture content.

What is the Speedy Moisture Tester?

The Moisture Tester is a reliable tool to accurately measure the moisture content of soils, using a calcium carbide gas pressure moisture tester.


Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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