Imagine driving down a smooth, well-maintained road that lasts for years, even under the harshest weather conditions and heaviest traffic loads. This is the potential of Superpave (Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements), a revolutionary mix design methodology that promises improved pavement performance and longevity. In this blog post, we will explore the birth, evolution, and benefits of Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements, delving into the technical aspects that set it apart from traditional mix design methods.

Key Takeaways

  • SHRP is a performance-based asphalt mix design method developed in response to the SHRP.
  • It uses material selection and performance grades, aggregate structure criteria, optimum binder content determination, moisture susceptibility evaluation and rutting resistance testing for improved pavement performance.
  • Nanoclay modified binders and simplified tests are being used to streamline Superpave’s implementation process.

The Birth and Evolution of Superpave

A picture of a highway with superior performing asphalt pavements

In response to the urgent need for better-performing asphalt pavements, the Strategic Highway Research Program (SHRP) was established in 1987. This program aimed to evaluate and improve the performance of asphalt and concrete pavements, leading to the development of Superpave.

Superpave, as a performance-based specification, has completely transformed the design of asphalt binder and mixtures. It integrates various aggregate properties, including:

  • Flat and elongated particles
  • Fine aggregate angularity
  • Pavement performance criteria like resistance to permanent deformation and low-temperature cracking

Consequently, this innovative volumetric mix design method has achieved global popularity among the state highway and transportation engineers.

SHRP’s Role in Superpave Development

SHRP played a pivotal role in the development, addressing the need for improved materials selection and mixture design. The program:

  • Synthesized outputs from its Asphalt Research Program
  • Developed performance-based tests and prediction models
  • Targeted properties of asphalt binders and Hot Mix Asphalt (HMA)
  • Created the Superpave mix design method

As an alternative to the Hveem and Marshall procedures, SHRP offered a comprehensive approach to material selection and mix design, factoring in environmental conditions, traffic loads, and other essential criteria for the construction of superior performing asphalt pavements.

Key Players in Superpave Adoption

Collaboration among transportation officials and organizations such as the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Transportation Research Board (TRB), the Asphalt Institute, and the Lead-State Team facilitated the adoption of Superpave in the pavement industry. The FHWA, for example, established the National Asphalt Training Center to provide instruction on the Superpave system.

Meanwhile, the TRB contributed to the long-term plan for Superpave deployment, emphasizing mineral aggregate research and conducting surveys on Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements utilization by transportation agencies. These organizations also partnered with an association of state highway and agencies, academia, and regional asphalt user-producer groups to create resources and training opportunities, ensuring the widespread adoption and success of Superpave.

Mix Design Methodology

Mix design methodology incorporates four key steps:

  1. Choosing materials
  2. Determining aggregate structure
  3. Finding the optimum asphalt binder content
  4. Evaluating moisture susceptibility

It merges both asphalt binder and aggregate selection into the mix design process, considering traffic and climate factors. This holistic approach leads to the creation of mixtures that exhibit increased resistance to cracking and permanent deformation.

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Material Selection and Performance Grades

Material selection involves choosing performance-graded asphalt binders based on aggregate criteria temperature extremes and traffic loads. Performance grades (PG) are designated according to the average seven-day and minimum anticipated pavement design temperatures, providing a reliable basis for selecting suitable binders and aggregates for the designated traffic.

This comprehensive approach to material selection ensures the creation of asphalt mixtures that offer enhanced performance and durability under various environmental and loading conditions.

Aggregate Structure and Criteria

Paragraph 1: Aggregate structure in Superpave is determined by factors such as:

  • Gradation control points
  • Consensus requirements
  • Angularity
  • Clay content

Proper aggregate selection is crucial, as aggregates constitute approximately 95% of an asphalt mixture and play a significant role in pavement performance.

Paragraph 2: Considering these factors during the mix design process ensures the development of asphalt mixtures tailored to deliver peak performance under specified environmental and traffic conditions.

Determining Optimum Asphalt Binder Content

Optimum asphalt binder content is determined by analyzing density and voids in the mix, targeting 4% air voids at the design compaction level. The Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements gyratory compactor (SGC) is instrumental in attaining the ideal asphalt binder content by compacting asphalt mixtures in regulated conditions and providing feedback on the mix’s compatibility. By adhering to the asphalt binder specification, the mix ensures optimal performance and durability.

Furthermore, by adjusting the binder content and performing multiple compaction tests, the SGC allows for the identification of the binder content that produces the desired density and void properties for optimal performance of the Superpave mix.

Moisture Susceptibility Evaluation

Paragraph 1: Moisture susceptibility evaluation is an essential aspect of the Superior Performing Asphalt Pavement mix design process. The modified Lottman test, which assesses the mix’s resistance to moisture damage through its tensile strength ratio (TSR), is a crucial part of this evaluation.

Paragraph 2: Resistance to moisture damage is a crucial factor in maintaining the structural integrity and longevity of asphalt pavements under diverse environmental conditions.

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Traditional Mix Design Methods

SHRP offers several advantages over traditional mix design methods like the full marshall method, mix design method and Hveem, such as its comprehensive approach to material selection and mix design, taking into account traffic and climate conditions.

However, Superpave also presents some challenges and limitations, including its complexity, difficulty in compaction, and the need for specialized equipment and training.

Advantages of Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements Method

The SHRP method provides better performance and longer life for pavements by considering environmental factors, traffic loads, and material properties in its mix design process. For example, the Superpave mix design method takes into account the highest and lowest pavement temperatures and requires specific gravity and viscosity-temperature relationship measurements for binder selection.

SHRP significantly enhances pavement performance and extends its lifespan by customizing mix designs to cater to expected traffic loads and pavement temperature variations.

Challenges and Limitations

Despite its numerous advantages, SHRP also faces certain challenges and limitations. Its complexity, for example, may make it more difficult for practitioners to adopt and implement the method without specialized training.

Further, Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements mixtures can be challenging to compact due to their unique properties, often requiring specialized equipment to achieve the desired density and air void content. Nonetheless, the benefits of Superpave, such as improved pavement performance and extended lifespan, make it a promising alternative to traditional mix design methods.

Performance Testing and Evaluation

Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements performance testing and evaluation are crucial for ensuring that the resulting mixtures meet the desired performance criteria in terms of rutting resistance, low-temperature cracking, and fatigue cracking. By conducting a range of tests and analyses, practitioners can optimize the mix design process and ensure that the resulting asphalt pavements are capable of withstanding the applied traffic loads and environmental conditions.

Rutting Resistance Testing

To evaluate rutting resistance in Superpave mixtures, various tests such as dynamic shear rheometry and wheel tracking tests are conducted. These tests assess the mix’s ability to withstand permanent deformation under repeated loading, helping practitioners optimize the mix design for improved rutting resistance.

These tests ultimately confirm the ability of Superpave mixtures to endure applied traffic loads without undergoing significant permanent deformation.

Low-Temperature Cracking Evaluation

Low-temperature cracking evaluation in Superpave is done using the Bending Beam Rheometer (BBR) test, which assesses stress relaxation and thermal cracking properties of the asphalt binder. By determining the binder’s stiffness and rate of stress relaxation at low temperatures, the BBR test provides valuable insights into the mix’s performance under cold weather conditions.

This information helps practitioners design asphalt mixtures that are more resistant to low-temperature cracking, enhancing the overall performance of the pavement.

Fatigue Cracking Analysis

Fatigue cracking analysis in Superpave involves examining material parameters and damage prediction models to optimize mix design and performance. By analyzing factors such as tensile creep/strength, aging, and moisture intrusion, practitioners can develop mixtures that are more resilient to fatigue cracking. This, in turn, helps in constructing asphalt pavements that are capable of withstanding repetitive traffic loading and preventing premature failure due to fatigue cracking.

Implementing in Real-World Projects

Implementing SHRP in real-world projects requires careful consideration of various factors, including site selection, preparation, and the use of appropriate construction and compaction techniques. Consequently, practitioners can successfully implement in their projects, resulting in superior performance and extended lifespan of asphalt pavements, by adhering to the mix design methodology and utilizing best practices in construction and compaction.

Project Site Selection and Preparation

For implementation, project site selection and preparation require consideration of local climate, traffic loads, and material availability. By taking into account these factors during the site selection process, practitioners can ensure that the mix designs are tailored to meet the expected traffic loads and environmental conditions, resulting in better pavement performance and longer life.

Additionally, proper site preparation, including aggregate selection, asphalt binder selection, and sample preparation, helps set the stage for successful Superpave implementation.

Construction and Compaction Techniques

Construction and compaction techniques for projects must be adapted to the mix’s unique properties, often requiring specialized equipment and training. Therefore, practitioners can ensure the resultant asphalt pavements meet the desired density and air void content, leading to enhanced performance and longer lifespan, by applying suitable construction methods and compaction techniques.

Moreover, proper construction and compaction practices help minimize segregation and ensure uniformity in the placement of Superpave mixtures, further enhancing the quality and longevity of the pavement.

Future Developments and Innovations in Superpave

As the pavement industry continues to evolve, so too does Superpave. Future developments and innovations include the use of nanoclay-modified asphalt binders, which show potential for improved performance in mixtures, and the development of simplified performance tests, aimed at making mix design and evaluation more accessible and efficient for practitioners.

Nanoclay-Modified Asphalt Binders

Nanoclay-modified asphalt binders, which involve incorporating nanoclay particles into the binder to enhance its performance characteristics, are an area of ongoing research in the mix design field. Studies have shown that nano clay-modified binders can offer benefits such as increased resistance to moisture sensitivity, reduced abrasion, and improved rutting and elastic deformation.

Nonetheless, additional research is required to optimize the application of nano clay-modified binders in Superpave mixtures and to fully comprehend their potential advantages and drawbacks.

Simplified Performance Tests

The development of simplified performance tests aims to make the mix design and evaluation process more accessible and efficient for practitioners. Moreover, by streamlining and simplifying the performance testing process, these tests can help reduce the time and resources required for Superpave mix design and evaluation, making it easier for practitioners to adopt and implement the method.

As research and development in this area continue, simplified performance tests hold the promise of further enhancing the efficiency and effectiveness of the Superpave mix design process.


In conclusion, Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements represents a significant advancement in the field of asphalt pavement design, offering numerous advantages over traditional mix design methods. By integrating material selection, mix design, and performance testing, Superior Performing Asphalt Pavements provides a comprehensive approach to developing mixtures that are more resistant to cracking and permanent pavement deformation. Although challenges and limitations exist, the potential benefits of Superpave, such as improved pavement performance and extended life, make it a promising alternative for practitioners seeking to enhance the quality and longevity of their asphalt pavements. As future developments and innovations continue to emerg will undoubtedly play a critical role in shaping the future of the pavement industry.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the Superpave method?

This method is a performance-based approach for specifying asphalt pavements, which defines criteria for aggregate gradation and quality in two ways: through broad control points and consensus requirements for angularity, flatness and clay content.

Why Superpave is better than Marshall?

It is superior to Marshall as its gyratory compactor can produce air void contents far lower than achievable with the mechanical hammer compaction, reducing rutting in wheel paths.

What is the difference between Marshall and Superpave?

Marshall mix design primarily focuses on determining the asphalt content and binder content, while addresses all elements of mix design and adds a restricted zone in the aggregate gradation to control the amount of fine material used. SHRP also uses performance-based and performance-related criteria to draw a direct relationship between lab and field performance. Finally, Marshall requires compaction 95% or greater of the maximum lab value in most cases, whereas this is not always the case.

How does SHRP address the challenges of rutting, low-temperature cracking, and fatigue cracking in asphalt pavements?

It incorporates material selection, mix design, and performance testing into the mix design process to ensure that asphalt pavements can effectively resist rutting, low-temperature cracking, and fatigue cracking. This approach helps create mixtures designed for optimal performance under various environmental and traffic conditions, leading to improved pavement life.

What are the key steps involved in the mix design process?

The mix design process involves material selection, aggregate structure determination, asphalt binder content optimization and moisture susceptibility evaluation to create a mix tailored to the expected traffic loads and environmental conditions for improved pavement performance and longer life.


Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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