Grain moisture testing: a critical aspect of modern agriculture that often goes underappreciated. Why is it so important, and how can you ensure that your grain moisture measurements are accurate and reliable? In this blog post, we will delve into the world of grain moisture testing, introducing the moisture tester for grain, such as the Shore Model 920 moisture tester and exploring alternative options like Dickey John.

We will discuss the importance of using a moisture tester for grain, its impact on harvest timing, storage stability, and market value. We will also provide tips for proper grain moisture testing, ensuring accurate measurements, and maximizing your investment in this essential agriculture tool.

Key Takeaways

  • A moisture tester for grain is essential for efficient and profitable agriculture.
  • The Shore Model 920 is a reliable, accurate, and user-friendly grain moisture tester.
  • Investing in quality equipment with proper support and shipping options ensures accurate measurements to maximize returns on investment.

The Importance of Moisture Tester for Grain

Grain moisture testing is an indispensable aspect of the agriculture industry. Its importance cannot be overstated, as it plays a vital role in determining the ideal time for harvesting grain, ensuring grain storage stability, and affecting the market value of grain. With accurate moisture testing results, farmers and grain handlers can make informed decisions about their crops, leading to increased efficiency and profitability.

We’ll examine the critical role grain moisture testing plays in the agriculture industry, with a focus on three key aspects – Harvest Timing, Storage Stability, and Market Value. We will also discuss the federal standard for moisture testing in the United States and introduce the Shore Model 920 moisture tester, a reliable and accurate device for measuring grain moisture content.

Harvest Timing

Timing is everything in agriculture, and moisture testing plays a crucial role in determining the optimal time for harvesting grain. Harvesting at the right time is essential to ensure that the grain is suitable for its intended end use and to identify any potential issues with the grain prior to harvesting through detailed analysis. Factors such as weather conditions, grain maturity, and intended use should be taken into account when determining the ideal time for harvesting grain.

Farmers can maximize yield and minimize storage losses by following these steps:

  1. Harvest grain at its physiological maturity or when it’s fit for its intended end use.
  2. Accurately test the moisture content of the grain.
  3. Use the moisture test results to make informed decisions and optimize harvest operations.

By following these steps, farmers can ensure they are harvesting their grain at the right time and minimize any potential losses.

Storage Stability

Moisture testing directly influences the stability of grain storage, a crucial aspect of agriculture. Maintaining the ideal moisture level in the grain is vital for preventing spoilage and preserving its quality. By regularly testing the moisture content of stored grain, farmers and grain handlers can adjust storage conditions accordingly to maintain the grain’s quality and longevity.

The most suitable storage temperature for grain is generally between 40-60°F. Other factors that can affect grain storage stability include:

  • Temperature
  • Humidity
  • Airflow
  • Type of grain being stored

Accurate moisture testing allows farmers to monitor and adjust these factors as needed, ensuring the long-term viability of their stored grain.

Market Value

The market value of a moisture tester for grain is directly influenced by its moisture content. Accurate moisture testing is essential for determining the true value of the grain. For more than two decades, Dickey John has been the federal standard for moisture testing in the United States. By measuring moisture levels accurately, farmers can ensure that they receive the best possible price for their grain, maximizing their return on investment.

The market value of grain may fluctuate depending on the specific type of grain and prevailing market conditions. To obtain accurate and up-to-date information on commodity futures prices and option prices for agricultural commodities, it is suggested to consult key exchanges for the most reliable data. Accurate moisture testing plays a critical role in making informed decisions about the market value of grain and ensuring the best possible outcomes for farmers and grain handlers.

Shore Model 920: A Reliable Moisture Tester for Grain

The Shore Model 920 moisture meter is a portable device designed to provide quick and precise results for various types of grain. This reliable and accurate moisture meter and tester is equipped with a digital display, an integrated temperature sensor, and a calibration capability, making it a valuable tool for farmers and grain handlers alike.

We’ll provide a comprehensive review of the Shore Model 920, discussing its key features, accuracy, speed, and compatibility with various grains.

Whether you are a farmer looking to optimize your harvest or a grain handler seeking to maintain full control over the quality of stored grain, the Shore Model 920 offers a reliable solution for measuring grain moisture content. Let’s explore the key features, accuracy, and speed of this versatile moisture tester.

Key Features

The Shore Model 920 is designed with a host of features that contribute to its accuracy and efficiency. It boasts:

  • A reliable design for accuracy
  • A convenient and user-friendly design
  • An alphanumeric LCD with a backlight
  • A robust all-metal construction

These features ensure that the device is not only accurate but also durable and easy to use.

The compatibility of the Shore Model 920 includes a variety of grains, such specifications as:

  • Wheat
  • Barley
  • Oats
  • Rye
  • Corn

This makes it an ideal choice for a wide range of applications. Its rugged all-metal construction ensures durability and reliability, while its one-year warranty provides added peace of mind for users.

With the Shore Model 920, you can be confident that you are investing in a high-quality, reliable moisture tester for your grain.

Accuracy and Speed

The Shore Model 920 swiftly performs with exceptional accuracy across various commodities. It delivers precise outcomes on time, assessing moisture levels in multiple grains with a maximum precision of +/- 0.5%. This means that you can trust the Shore Model 920 to provide accurate, reliable moisture measurements for a wide range of grains.

The benefits of having an accurate and fast moisture tester like the Shore Model 920 cannot be overstated. Here are some reasons why:

  • Accurate moisture measurements are critical for making informed decisions about harvest timing, storage stability, and market value.
  • Speed is essential for quickly obtaining results and adjusting your operations accordingly.
  • Investing in the Shore Model 920 will give you confidence that you are making the right decisions for your grain.

Compatibility with Various Grains

One of the key advantages of the Shore Model 920 is its compatibility with a wide array of grain types. This versatile moisture tester is capable of testing grains such as:

  • wheat
  • barley
  • oats
  • rye
  • corn
  • processed and unprocessed rice

This makes it an ideal choice for farmers and grain handlers who need precise and swift results for a variety of commodities, including the use of a grain dryer.

The compatibility of the Shore Model 920 with various grains means that you can use this single device to manage the moisture content test weight of your entire grain portfolio, ensuring a proper balance. This not only simplifies your operations but also saves you time and money by eliminating the need for multiple moisture testers.

Invest in the Shore Model 920 and enjoy the benefits of a versatile, accurate, and efficient moisture tester for all your grain needs.

Alternative Moisture Testers: Dickey John and Others

While the Shore Model 920 is a reliable and accurate moisture tester for grain, it is not the only option available. Other moisture testers, such as Dickey John and various alternative methods, offer different features and capabilities that may be more suited to your specific needs.

We’ll introduce you to alternative moisture testers and guide you on how to select one that fits your needs. We will discuss Dickey John moisture testers and their features, comparing their accuracy and performance to the Shore Model 920.

We will also explore the availability of other alternative moisture testers and offer tips for selecting the most suitable tester based on your specific requirements and preferences.

Dickey John Moisture Tester for Grain

Dickey John, a globally renowned manufacturer of moisture testers for the grain industry based in Illinois, offers a range of moisture testers with features such as a large LCD display, built-in printer, and USB port for data transfer. These devices are designed to be user-friendly and compatible with a variety of grains, making them a popular choice for many farmers and grain handlers.

When compared to the Shore Model 920, Dickey John moisture testers offer similar levels of accuracy and speed. However, the choice between these two options ultimately depends on your specific needs and preferences. To ensure that you are selecting the most suitable moisture tester for your needs, it is important to consider factors such as:

  • Accuracy
  • Speed
  • Compatibility with various grains
  • Cost

Comparing Accuracy and Performance

Comparing the accuracy and performance of various moisture tester for grain is an essential step in determining the most suitable device for your needs. Conducting multiple tests on the same material using each tester and comparing the readings is an effective way to evaluate their precision. Additionally, a moisture content standard can be used to assess the meter’s calibration, with high-quality moisture meters providing readings within 0.1% of the material’s moisture content.

When evaluating the performance of different moisture tester for grain, it is essential to:

  1. Test the same material multiple times with each tester and compare the speed and accuracy of the readings.
  2. Consider the ease of use and compatibility with different grains.
  3. Take into consideration your unique needs.

By carefully considering factors such as moisture range, you can select the moisture tester that best meets your needs.

Choosing the Right Moisture Tester for Grain and Your Needs

Selecting the best moisture tester for your needs involves evaluating several factors, including:

  • Accuracy
  • Speed
  • Compatibility with various grains
  • Cost

Additionally, it is important to consider the support and shipping options available for the tester unit, as these can impact your overall experience with the device.

When selecting the appropriate moisture tester for your requirements, ensure that it meets your individual needs and preferences. By carefully researching and comparing different devices, you can make an informed and confident decision and invest in a moisture tester that will serve you well for years to come.

Tips for Proper Moisture Tester for Grain

Proper grain moisture testing is essential for obtaining accurate and reliable results. We’ll share some valuable tips to ensure your moisture testing process is both accurate and efficient. These tips include sample preparation, test quantity and repeatability, and temperature and environmental factors.

Follow these tips to optimize your grain moisture testing process for accuracy and reliability, ensuring you make the best possible decisions for your grain production and storage operations.

Sample Preparation

Preparing your grain samples is a critical step in ensuring accurate moisture testing results. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Take a representative sample by taking multiple samples from different areas of the batch.
  2. Combine the samples to create a composite sample.
  3. Mix the sample thoroughly to ensure an even moisture distribution.

By following these steps, you can ensure accurate moisture testing results for your grain samples.

Proper labeling and storage of the sample are also crucial in avoiding contamination and moisture loss. To ensure accurate results, the sample should be kept in a clean and dry container.

By following these guidelines for sample preparation and analysis, you can help guarantee the accuracy and reliability of your moisture testing results.

Test Quantity and Repeatability

Test quantity and repeatability play a crucial role in obtaining reliable moisture content measurements. Having a sufficient number of tests provides more accurate results, while repeatability ensures that the same results can be achieved multiple times. By conducting multiple tests and ensuring consistent results, you can trust that your moisture measurements are accurate and reliable.

The number of tests necessary for grain moisture testing may differ depending on the specific requirements and standards of the industry or organization. Follow the guidelines provided by official grain grading guides or relevant authorities to ensure you conduct an appropriate number of tests for your specific needs.

Temperature and Environmental Factors

Temperature and environmental factors can have a significant impact on grain moisture testing results. If the temperature of the grain sample is not equilibrated to room temperature before testing, the readings may be inaccurate. Therefore, it is essential to ensure that the sample is at room temperature before conducting moisture tests.

Other environmental factors, such as humidity, air pressure, and wind, can also affect grain moisture testing results. By accounting for these factors and ensuring that your samples are at the appropriate temperature, you can help guarantee the accuracy and reliability of your grain moisture measurements.

Investing in a Quality Moisture Tester for Grain

Investing in a quality grain moisture tester can provide numerous benefits, including accurate measurements, maximized investment, and support and shipping considerations. We’ll delve into these benefits and guide you on selecting the moisture tester that best suits your needs.

By investing in a quality moisture tester, you can ensure that your grain moisture measurements are accurate and reliable, helping you make the best possible decisions for your grain production and storage operations.

Maximizing Your Investment

A quality moisture tester can help you maximize your investment in grain production and storage. By testing grain regularly and adjusting storage conditions accordingly, you can optimize profitability through the management of grain moisture levels. Factors such as temperature, humidity, and the type of grain being stored should be taken into account when making informed storage decisions based on moisture levels.

To ensure maximum return on your investment, you should evaluate the precision and rate of the tester, its compatibility with different grains, and the price point of the tester. By carefully considering these factors, you can select a moisture tester that will provide the best possible results for your grain operations.

Ensuring Accurate Measurements

Accurate moisture measurements are vital for maintaining grain quality and value. Moisture content can influence the shelf life of grain, as well as its market value. If the moisture content is excessive, the grain may spoil, resulting in losses. If the moisture content is too low, the grain may become brittle and hard to process, also resulting in losses.

To ensure accurate moisture measurements, the following factors should be taken into consideration:

  • Sample preparation
  • Test weight, quantity, and repeatability
  • Temperature and environmental conditions
  • Accuracy and performance of the tester

By following these guidelines and performing regular grain calibrations, you can help guarantee the accuracy and reliability of your grain moisture measure.

Support and Shipping

When purchasing a moisture tester, it is important to consider the support and shipping options available for the device. Support provides assistance and guidance in using the tester correctly, diagnosing any issues, and ensuring proper calibration. Shipping ensures that the tester is delivered safely and in good condition, preventing any damage that could affect its performance.

When selecting the most suitable support and shipping options, one should take into account the following factors:

  • Type of support and shipping that best meets their needs
  • Cost and speed of delivery
  • Customer reviews to gain insight into the quality of the support and shipping.

By carefully considering these factors, you can make an informed decision when purchasing a grain moisture tester.


In conclusion, grain moisture testing is an essential aspect of modern agriculture that plays a crucial role in determining harvest timing, ensuring storage stability, and affecting market value. Investing in a quality moisture tester, such as the Shore Model 920 or Dickey John, can help guarantee accurate and reliable moisture measurements, allowing you to make the best possible decisions for your grain production and storage operations.

Follow the tips and guidance provided in this blog post to optimize your grain moisture testing process for accuracy and reliability, ultimately maximizing your investment in this critical agriculture tool.

Certified MTP has the largest selection of grain moisture testers in their wide selection of  Feed, Seed, and Grain Test Equipment and from manufacturers such as Hanna InstrumentsWagner MetersSeedburo Equipment, and Agratronix.

View the full line of Soil Testing Products, Soil Moisture Testing Equipment, and especially the popular Aggregate/Sand Moisture Measurement System

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is the grain moisture meter?

High-end grain moisture meters can be very accurate, delivering results within 0.1% of the material’s actual moisture content, while low-end models may not provide reliable readings.

How do you determine the moisture content of grains?

To determine the moisture content of grains, one can measure moisture range and its temperature, use a portable moisture meter or install a sensor in contact with the grain and connected to a panel display.

How does a moisture tester for grain work?

The moisture tester for grain works by measuring the resistance or capacitance of a sample grain to detect its moisture content. In one standard direct method, a known weight of grain is dried until dry matter weight remains constant. Other methods involve placing grain between conducting surfaces or inserting probes directly into the grain.

View the full line of Soil Testing Products, especially the popular Aggregate/Sand Moisture Measurement System

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What Is Test Weight in Grain: Understanding Grain Quality

Finding the Right Moisture Tester for Grain

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Moisture Tester: Get Accurate Results

Dickey John Moisture Tester: Precise Grain Moisture Testing

Dickey John Agricultural Tools: Maximize Your Farm

Discover Mini GAC Moisture Tester for Accurate Grain Tests

Grain Scale Test Weights: What You Need to Know

Sieve Analysis: A Guide to Grain Size Distribution


Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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