Grain moisture testing is a critical aspect of the agricultural process that can make or break a successful harvest. Why? Monitoring grain moisture levels is essential for maintaining optimal test weight, preventing spoilage, and maximizing profits. As a farmer, it’s important to understand the significance of accurate grain moisture testing, the top features to look for in a moisture tester for grain, and the various ways these devices can be applied in real-life situations.

Key Takeaways

  • Accurate grain moisture testing is essential for preserving test weight, avoiding spoilage and loss, and maximizing profits.
  • Proper calibration of a reliable tester with 149MHz technology can help maintain optimal test weights to ensure the highest grade quality.
  • Moisture testers provide farmers the ability to optimize harvest timing, storage management & marketing strategies for higher profits.

The Importance of Accurate Moisture Tester for Grain

Preserving test weight with a moisture tester for grain, avoiding spoilage and loss, and maximizing profits hinge on accurate grain moisture testing. With the federally-recognized 149MHz technology, the United States has a standard for moisture testing that ensures precise results.

Earlier technologies can be more vulnerable to factors such as geography, cultivation conditions, and seed hybrids, leading to less accurate test results. Therefore, conducting precise tests requires a reliable grain moisture tester equipped with the latest technology.

Maintaining Optimal Test Weight

Optimal test weight refers to the maximum desired weight of grain per unit volume, usually measured in pounds per bushel. Higher test weights typically indicate better quality, which can lead to higher prices for the grain.

Farmers can maintain optimal test weight through proper calibration and usage of a grain moisture tester, alongside monitoring grain dryer performance. This guarantees the highest grade of grain and avoids penalties from grain elevators, ultimately maximizing profits.

Preventing Spoilage and Loss

Preventing spoilage and loss of grain relies heavily on accurate moisture tests. By measuring the moisture content of the grain, farmers can determine whether drying or specific storage protocols are necessary to prevent spoilage and losses.

Appropriate maintenance and care of moisture testers contribute to the precision and dependability of the tests, facilitating accurate measurement of grain’s moisture content and in turn preventing spoilage and loss.

Maximizing Profits

Selling grain at the optimal moisture content guarantees the highest possible price, as the quality is optimal. A grain moisture tester is the most reliable tool for determining the optimal moisture content and price for grain.

Achieving maximum profits is ensured through monitoring grain moisture content with moisture testers during storage, reducing moisture levels with grain dryers, and maintaining optimal test weight.

Top Grain Moisture Tester Features to Look For

In the selection process of a grain moisture tester, consider essential features like accuracy and reliability, a broad moisture range and grain calibrations, along with ease of use and portability. These features ensure that the tester provides accurate test results for various types of grain, which is critical for making informed decisions about grain storage and marketing.

Accuracy and Reliability with a Moisture Tester for Grain

Accuracy and reliability are paramount for making informed decisions concerning grain storage and marketing. Precise tests of grain moisture content are necessary to guarantee that grain is stored at the ideal moisture level, avoiding spoilage and loss.

Selecting a grain moisture tester that offers a high degree of accuracy, repeatability, and a variety of calibrations for different types of grain is crucial in achieving accurate and reliable tests.

Wide Moisture Range and Grain Calibrations

The capability to accurately measure the moisture tester for grain, irrespective of the type of grain or the moisture level, is provided by a wide moisture range and grain calibration. This is essential for:

  • Testing various grain types and moisture levels with precision
  • Enabling farmers to make informed decisions about when to harvest
  • Helping farmers determine how to store their grain
  • Assisting farmers in deciding how to market their crops

Accurately measuring the moisture content of the grain enables farmers to make informed

Ease of Use and Portability

When selecting a moisture tester for grain, essential features to consider include:

  • Ease of use
  • Portability
  • Lightweight and easy to transport
  • User-friendly interface
  • Clear instructions for conducting tests

These features make it simpler for farmers to moisture testers for grain in the field or at storage facilities.

This helps ensure accurate results, leading to better decision-making and more efficient management of grain resources.

Popular Grain Moisture Tester for Grain on the Market

Some popular moisture testers for grain on the market include:

  • Shore Model 920 Portable Moisture Tester for Grain
  • Dickey John Moisture Tester for Grain
  • Agratronix MT-Pro Grain Tester
  • Dickey-John Mini Gac Plus Handheld Moisture Tester for Grain
  • John Deere Moisture Tester SW08120

Each of these models offers varying features and price points to suit different needs, ensuring that farmers can find the ideal moisture tester for their specific requirements.

Shore Model 920 Portable Moisture Tester for Grain

The Shore Model 920 Portable Moisture Tester is a handheld grain moisture meter and tester known for its reliability and accuracy, providing accurate and repeatable test results that closely match the moisture meters used by grain elevators.

However, it is not certified by the National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) for use in commercial grain transactions. Despite this limitation, it remains a popular choice for farmers seeking precise grain moisture test results.

Dickey John Grain Moisture Meter

The Dickey John Grain Moisture Meter:

  • Is a handheld grain moisture tester
  • Provides precise and dependable test results for a variety of grains
  • Offers a wide range of grain calibrations, making it suitable for use with different types of grain.

The tester is designed to be user-friendly, featuring a straightforward user interface and intuitive controls for conducting tests. This makes it a popular choice for farmers seeking a reliable and easy-to-use grain moisture tester unit.

Other Notable Models

Other notable models of grain moisture testers include Agratronix MT-Pro Grain Tester, Dickey-John Mini Gac Plus Handheld Grain Moisture Tester, and John Deere Moisture Tester SW08120. Each of these models provides a variety of features, such as accuracy and reliability, a wide range of moisture calibrations, and user-friendly portability, making them suitable for different needs and customer preferences.

By comparing the features and price points of these models, farmers can choose the best moisture tester for their specific requirements.

How to Properly Calibrate and Use Your Grain Moisture Tester

Following the manufacturer’s instructions for calibration, taking precise measurements, and performing regular maintenance and care are involved in the proper calibration and use of your grain moisture tester.

By adhering to these guidelines, you can ensure that your moisture tester provides accurate test results for different grain types and moisture levels, enabling you to make informed decisions about grain storage and marketing.

Calibration Process

Accurate readings for different grain types and moisture levels are ensured through the calibration process. Generally, this entails setting up the tester as per the manufacturer’s instructions, followed by running a calibration test to match up with a known reference standard.

Regularly checking the accuracy of the tester and making adjustments as necessary helps maintain the precision and reliability of the tests.

Tips for Accurate Measurements

Using a representative sample of grain, preparing the sample properly, and maintaining consistent testing conditions is important for ensuring accurate measurements. Ensuring the grain has reached the desired temperature before taking moisture readings is also crucial.

These practices enable farmers to obtain precise test results, which in turn inform their decisions about grain storage, drying, and marketing.

Ongoing Maintenance and Care

The life of the tester can be prolonged and its accuracy maintained through ongoing maintenance and care. Here are some steps to follow for proper maintenance and care:

  1. Regularly inspect the tester for signs of wear and tear.
  2. Ensure all parts are functioning correctly.
  3. Clean the tester of any dust or debris.
  4. Check the calibration of the tester for accurate readings.

By following these steps, you can ensure that your tester remains in good condition and provides accurate results.

By following these guidelines, you can ensure that your moisture tester remains in optimal condition and continues to provide accurate test results.

The Role of Grain Dryers in Managing Grain Moisture

By drying grain to the desired moisture content for safe storage, grain dryers play a critical role in managing grain moisture. Understanding the types of grain dryers, when to use them, and how to monitor their performance with moisture testers can help farmers maintain the optimal moisture level in their grain, preventing spoilage and loss while maximizing profits.

Grain dryers come in a variety of types, including batch, continuous flow, and

Types of Grain Dryers

Available grain dryers include several types such as:

  • Tower dryers
  • Batch grain dryers
  • High-temperature bin dryers
  • Roof dryers
  • Recirculating batch dryers
  • Continuous flow dryers

Each type of dryer has its advantages and disadvantages, depending on factors such as the amount of grain to be dried, energy efficiency, and maintenance requirements.

By understanding the different types of grain dryers and their specific uses, farmers can select the most suitable dryer model for their needs.

When to Use a Grain Dryer

When the grain in the field has achieved the desired moisture content but is still too moist for secure storage, grain dryers should be utilized. Generally, this point is when the grain has a moisture content of 15-20%.

By using a grain dryer, farmers can reduce the moisture content of their grain to the optimal level for safe storage, minimizing the risk of spoilage and loss.

Monitoring Grain Dryer Performance with Moisture Testers

The performance of grain dryers is closely monitored with the aid of moisture testers. By testing grain moisture levels before and after drying, farmers can track the effectiveness of the drying process and ensure that the desired moisture content is achieved.

This helps guarantee that the grain is safe for storage and that the dryer is functioning properly, allowing farmers to optimize and control their grain storage and marketing strategies.

Real-Life Applications of Grain Moisture Testers

Grain moisture testers find real-life applications in areas such as harvest timing and efficiency, storage management, and marketing and pricing strategies. Farmers rely on moisture testers to gauge grain moisture levels, informing crucial decisions on harvesting, storage, and marketing. This practice optimizes profits and upholds grain quality standards. Through the strategic use of these tools, farmers enhance their overall grain management strategies.

With the help of grain moisture testers, farmers can make decisions that will help them maximize their

Harvest Timing and Efficiency

Utilizing moisture testers, farmers can determine the optimal harvest time and the best storage and transportation methods for grain. These testers measure the grain’s moisture content accurately.

This helps farmers optimize their time and resources, ensuring that their crops are harvested at the appropriate time and stored most efficiently.

Storage Management

Using moisture testers, farmers can monitor grain moisture levels during storage, ensuring optimal moisture levels and preventing spoilage and loss. This proactive approach helps maintain grain quality and preserves its value over time.

By ensuring that the grain is stored at the appropriate moisture level, farmers can maximize profits and guarantee the highest quality of their grain.

Marketing and Pricing Strategies

Assessing the quality of grain through accurate moisture testing can subsequently inform marketing and pricing strategies. For instance, if the purchased grain is of higher quality, businesses can leverage this to set a higher price. Conversely, if the grain is of lower quality, businesses can employ marketing strategies to promote it as a cost-effective option.

By accurately measuring grain moisture levels, farmers can optimize their marketing and pricing strategies, ensuring the best possible price for their grain.


In conclusion, accurate grain moisture testing is crucial for maintaining optimal test weight, preventing spoilage and loss, and maximizing profits. Understanding accurate moisture testing enables farmers to assess grain quality effectively. Identifying top features in grain moisture testers helps in selecting the most suitable equipment. Applying these devices in real-life situations ensures optimal grain storage and marketing decisions. With the right moisture tester and proper calibration, farmers can ensure the highest quality of their grain and optimize their profits.

Certified MTP has the largest selection of grain moisture testers in their wide selection of  Feed, Seed, and Grain Test Equipment and from manufacturers such as Hanna Instruments, Wagner Meters, Seedburo Equipment and Agratronix.

Frequently Asked Questions

How accurate is the grain moisture meter?

High-quality grain moisture meters can be highly accurate, with readings within 0.1% of the material’s actual moisture content. Low-end meters, however, can be much less reliable.

How do you determine the moisture content of grains?

To accurately determine the moisture content of grains, the standard scale and oven-based test is recommended. This method uses standardized procedures to dry a sample in a calibrated laboratory oven.

What is the moisture range for grains?

Wheat is typically harvested between 20-14% moisture to avoid kernel damage and storage issues.

What is the purpose of grain moisture testing?

Grain moisture testing is crucial for ensuring stored grain maintains its test weight, avoids spoilage, and maximizes profits. Accurate testing enables the grain to be stored and sold at optimal levels.

What features should I look for in a grain moisture tester?

When selecting a grain moisture tester, look for features such as accuracy and reliability, a wide moisture range and grain calibrations, and ease of use and portability to ensure accurate test results.

View the full line of Soil Testing Products, especially the popular Aggregate/Sand Moisture Measurement System

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Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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