What sets SCC concrete apart in the construction arena? Recognized for its remarkable self-leveling and vibration-free compaction, SCC concrete, short for self-compacting concrete, revolutionizes construction efficiency. By spontaneously filling and consolidating in intricate forms, it minimizes labor and promises superior structural integrity. Explore the key benefits and applications of SCC concrete that make it a frontrunner for a wide array of building projects.

Key Takeaways

  • SCC (Self-compacting concrete) provides advantages such as enhanced constructability, reduced labor needs, improved bond to reinforcing steel, and better structural integrity by filling formworks under its own weight, without the need for vibration.
  • The application of SCC offers multi-faceted benefits, including labor and time savings, potentially reducing placement time by up to 66%, enhanced structural integrity with improved ability to fill intricate formworks, and improved aesthetics with smoother finishes and the possibility for intricate designs.
  • SCC is increasingly being utilized in a wide range of practical applications like precast production, complex structures, and architectural elements due to its high flowability, filling capability, and adaptability, which allow for the creation of durable and detailed constructions.

Understanding Concrete

Self consolidating concrete (SCC) mix flowing smoothly

Self-compacting concrete, or SCC, is a significant breakthrough in concrete technology. It is a highly flowable, non-segregating concrete mix that spreads into place under its own weight, filling formwork and achieving full consolidation without the need for vibration. Self-consolidating concrete SCC, also known as self-compacting concrete, is in a league of its own when it comes to resistance to segregation, ease of filling, excellent deformability, and high flowability in its fresh state. In fact, the consistency of SCC mixtures is measured by slump flow, which is the width of the puddle left when a slump cone is completely filled and lifted.

The distinguishing feature of SCC from traditional concrete is its natural propensity to fill complex and crowded areas without the need for vibration or compaction. This enhanced flowability provides a myriad of advantages, including:

  • Enhanced constructability
  • Reduced labor
  • Improved bond to reinforcing steel
  • Enhanced structural integrity

This truly makes SCC concrete a valuable innovation in the concrete construction industry.

Components of SCC Mix

The SCC mix, similar to any other concrete, places significant importance on its components, albeit with a unique aspect. The mix consists of fine materials, water, and admixtures, with an emphasis on performance rather than on specific proportions of the mix. The fine materials in an SCC mix can include natural aggregates or next-generation superplasticizers, which are crucial for achieving the intended consistency and structural characteristics of the concrete.

Water, on the other hand, plays a pivotal role as it collaborates with water-reducing admixtures to attain the required flowability. To give you a perspective, maintaining a low water-to-cement ratio is critical for improving the ultimate compressive strength and for the development of a compact and solid microstructure within the non-segregating concrete.

How SCC Works

Having understood the components of the SCC mix, it’s worth exploring how SCC functions. The secret lies in the precise management of the mix design, which allows for optimal utilization of cement properties. SCC technology, such as Agileflow, facilitates the uniform spread and workability of the concrete, eliminating the need for external vibration and preventing segregation. One key component in achieving this is the use of a viscosity-modifying admixture.

Due to its high flowability, SCC manages to settle into formworks and effectively encapsulate heavily reinforced sections through its own weight, without the need for mechanical consolidation. This characteristic makes SCC concrete a valuable asset for complex structures, as it not only improves construction efficiency, quality, and durability but also reduces construction times and enables quicker concrete placement.

Benefits of Using Concrete SCC

The advantages of SCC are multi-faceted as they span across various aspects of the construction process. From labor and time savings to enhanced structural integrity and improved aesthetics, SCC concrete delivers a comprehensive set of benefits that streamline the construction process.

Labor and Time Savings

Timeliness is crucial in the concrete industry. SCC lends a helping hand by facilitating faster placement and requiring fewer workers. This is made possible by eliminating the need for vibration in forms and reducing the need for screeding.

However, don’t solely rely on our assertions. Let’s look at some numbers. In one case, the use of SCC in a precast plant resulted in a 20% decrease in time and a 32% reduction in labor. On top of that, SCC concrete has the potential to reduce the placement time of the concrete by up to 66% when compared to traditional concrete, thereby significantly improving time efficiency at the construction site.

Enhanced Structural Integrity

SCC concrete provides a clear leading edge, in terms of structural integrity. Its high flowability allows it to easily flow into the intricate details of formwork or molds and around reinforcing under its own weight, thereby enhancing consolidation without the requirement for mechanical vibration or manual intervention.

SCC concrete exhibits the following properties:

  • Unique fluidity
  • Self-compacting properties
  • Effective filling of intricate formworks
  • Surrounding dense rebar configurations
  • Resistance to segregation
  • Comparable or superior strength development in comparison to conventional concrete

These properties enhance the overall strength and integrity of structures.

This, combined with increased reinforcement density, enhances construction robustness by facilitating effective consolidation and optimizing concrete sections and shapes, thus offering increased design flexibility and structural integrity.

Improved Aesthetics

Despite strength and integrity being the topmost priorities in construction, aesthetics hold their importance, particularly in architectural designs. SCC concrete contributes to achieving:

  • Smoother finishes
  • More precise textures
  • Uniformity
  • Ability to flow into formwork evenly
  • Homogenized appearance without defects

The high fluidity of self-leveling concrete enables it to be shaped into intricate details with a consistent, smooth surface, while its self-leveling properties minimize the requirement for extra finishing. Additionally, self-leveling concrete can incorporate elaborate and artistic design elements, making it well-suited for decorative work and intricate architectural designs.

SCC concrete can even mimic the textures of natural materials, such as wood grain, stone, or brick, offering a wide range of aesthetic possibilities.

Practical Applications of Concrete SCC

Considering the numerous benefits, it’s not surprising that SCC concrete is extensively used in a variety of practical applications, encompassing precast production, complex structures, and architectural elements.

Precast Production

Precast production is one area where SCC concrete shines. The concrete’s high compressive strength and adaptability make it a great choice for manufacturing a wide range of precast products. Additionally, SCC concrete improves precast productivity by automating the production process and minimizing health and safety concerns associated with vibration techniques, thereby resulting in a more efficient operation within precast facilities.

Also, let’s not forget about the strength. Self-consolidating concrete used in precast production typically demonstrates an average compressive strength range of approximately 9,950 psi at 7 days and reaches around 12,000 psi at 28 days, resulting in robust and long-lasting components.

Complex Structures

The self-spreading nature of SCC plays a crucial role in the construction of complex structures. Its ability to enhance construction efficiency, quality, and durability, and offer excellent passing and filling abilities, as well as resistance to segregation, makes it an ideal choice for reinforced formed members, architectural concrete, and floors and slabs where congested steel reinforcing bars and tight, confined spaces are common.

The exceptional flowability of SCC contributes to the construction of complex structures by enabling it to:

  • Elongate and self-compact around intricate shapes and corners
  • Ensure a uniform and high-quality concrete finish
  • Expedite the overall construction process.

Architectural Elements

In the realm of architectural elements, SCC has a lot to offer. Its capabilities include:

  • Producing structures with dense reinforcing steel
  • Significance for surface finish quality
  • Crucial components for both structural and architectural concrete elements that require dense steel reinforcement and surface aesthetics.

Its high workability enables it to flow into intricate forms or structures with complex geometry, supporting intricate design detailing in construction projects. Furthermore, SCC concrete can be utilized with molds for the creation of elaborate architectural details, providing architects with greater design flexibility for both vertical and horizontal applications.

Testing and Specifications of Self Consolidating Concrete

Regardless of the construction project, quality assurance is crucial, and the same holds true for SCC concrete. Field tests and specifications like the ASTM C-94 help the contractors ensure the performance and quality of SCC concrete.

Field Tests

Evaluating the performance of SCC concrete necessitates field tests. Some commonly used tests to evaluate the properties of SCC concrete include:

  • Slump flow test: This test is used to evaluate the flowability and filling capacity of SCC.
  • J-Ring test: This test is used to evaluate the passing ability of SCC concrete.
  • T20 test: This test is used to evaluate the viscosity of SCC concrete.

These tests are essential for ensuring the quality and performance of SCC concrete.

These tests not only offer insights into the fresh properties of SCC, but additional information including:

  • flowability
  • stability
  • viscosity
  • segregation resistance

but also this extensive information will aid in assessing its suitability for specific construction uses and in refining its mix design.

ASTM C-94 Specification

Another essential resource to guarantee SCC mixes of concrete quality is the ASTM C-94 specification. It delineates the criteria for the quality of ready-mixed concrete, guaranteeing its compliance with industry norms. This allows purchasers to specify the desired strength of the concrete, enabling producers to determine the appropriate material proportions to meet specific performance characteristics such as flowability and self-consolidation.

Adhering to ASTM C-94 ensures concrete meets performance standards for flowability and self-consolidation. It avoids the requirement for additional equipment or labor. Compliance guarantees the concrete mix’s quality and suitability.

Successful Self Consolidating Concrete Projects

As the saying goes, the real test is in the result. For SCC mixes of concrete, its efficacy is demonstrated in the successful projects where this innovative material has been employed. Here are two examples of such projects – the Philadelphia Comcast Center and the National Museum for the American native in Washington D.C.

Philadelphia Comcast Center

The Philadelphia Comcast Center, a high-rise building that stands tall in the city’s skyline, is a testament to the potential of SCC concrete. The project incorporated three distinct SCC mixes with compressive strengths surpassing 12,000 psi, showcasing the material’s benefits in the realm of high-rise construction.

These advantages include efficient techniques that minimize construction duration and labor expenses. The compressive strengths of the SCC concrete were measured at 8,560 psi at seven days and reached 12,720 psi at 28 days using field-cured cylinders, resulting in a robust and long-lasting structure.

National Museum for the Native American – Washington D.C.

Moving on to a structure with cultural significance, the National Museum for the Native Americans in Washington D.C. is another showcase of SCC concrete’s versatility. More than 3,000 cubic yards of SCC concrete were utilized in the construction of buildings for this museum, with the material playing a significant role in the successful execution of the project.

SCC concrete made it possible to reduce the formwork fabrication time from five days to just two, demonstrating a significant improvement in efficiency. The end result is a museum that not only houses important cultural artifacts but also stands as a testament to the potential of SCC concrete in modern construction.


To sum it up, SCC is a game-changer in the world of construction. Its unique properties include high flowability, self-consolidation, and resistance to segregation. These qualities make it versatile, offering benefits like labor and time savings. Additionally, it enhances structural integrity and aesthetics. Whether it’s precast production, complex structures, or architectural elements, SCC concrete delivers a wide range of practical applications. Field tests and specifications like the ASTM C-94 further ensure its quality and performance. Successful projects like the Philadelphia Comcast Center and the National Museum for the native Indians stand as testaments to their potential. As we continue to push the boundaries of construction technology, one thing is clear – SCC concrete has a bright future.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What does SCC mean in concrete?

SCC in concrete stands for Self-Consolidating Concrete, which is highly workable and does not require the use of vibration for consolidation. It can flow and fill spaces without any mechanical consolidation, segregation, or excessive bleeding.

What are the benefits of concrete SCC?

The benefits of SCC concrete include faster placement, improved architectural finish, and ease of filling restricted areas. It also reduces permeability, minimizes voids in reinforced areas, and eliminates problems associated with concrete vibration.

Is SCC a high-performance concrete?

Yes, SCC is considered a high-performance concrete due to its ability to be placed purely using its own weight, with little or no vibration, while maintaining traditional concrete characteristics.

What is self-consolidating concrete used for?

Self-consolidating concrete (SCC) is used for reinforced formed members, architectural concrete, floors and slabs, heavily reinforced sections, areas with no access to vibrators for compaction, and complex shapes of formwork. It is often the only solution for structural repairs.

What is consolidation of concrete?

Consolidation of concrete is the process of reducing or eliminating voids, air pockets, and entrapped air from freshly placed concrete to improve its quality and strength.

Related Blogs for Self-Consolidating Concrete (SCC):

An Overview of Self Consolidating Concrete in 2023

Self-Healing Concrete: Benefits & Uses

10 Reasons to Use Self-consolidating Concrete (SCC)


Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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