Whether you’re building a sidewalk or a skyscraper, your concrete needs to handle whatever stress is placed on it. So, what do you do if your concrete cylinder test yields poor results in a concrete strength test? These and other procedures can help you determine how to move forward.

Know Your Concrete Strength Test Guidelines

When you’re performing a concrete cylinder test, the result should not fall below the specified strength by more than 500 psi when the specified strength is below 5,000 psi or by more than 10% when the specified strength is above 5,000 psi. If they do, these results indicate a low-strength reading. Even if multiple tests produce results within the required range, if one test falls below that range, further investigation is needed.

The second requirement is that the concrete stability assessment results equal or exceed the specified strength an average of three consecutive times. Your concrete will need to meet both of these guidelines to “pass” the concrete strength test and be considered safely within the specified compressive strength range.

How To Handle A Failed Test

Concrete strength testing, while necessary, is not always accurate. The first step you should take is to verify the accuracy of the test results. Concrete testing cylinders are sometimes cured in a lab setting, which can produce different results from concrete tested on-site. Additionally, low-strength measurements tend to occur once or twice every 100 tests due to normal statistical variations. However, these results still need to be investigated to ensure there is no need for concern.

To investigate a failed concrete test, follow and repeat these steps until you have achieved the necessary results:

  1. Continue to pour samples into concrete cylinder molds and repeat the test multiple times to confirm accuracy, ensuring proper testing techniques
  2. Perform additional concrete strength tests, such as the Schmidt hammer test or load test
  3. If concrete strength test readings remain inadequate, adjust building plans as necessary

Find Concrete Testing Equipment From Certified MTP

Certified Material Testing Products has everything you need to ensure your concrete strength tests are accurate and informative. For example, our concrete test hammers will help deliver additional results on-site while the concrete cylinder molds are setting over their 28-day period. Browse all of our concrete testing equipment and accessories today.

Testing the strength of concrete is a fundamental aspect of the construction industry, providing critical data for the design, evaluation, and maintenance of structures. This is essential for ensuring the material meets the specified performance criteria for various construction projects. This 1000-word overview will delve into the importance, methods, interpretation, factors influencing strength, challenges, and future perspectives of concrete hardness measurement.


Importance of Concrete Strength Testing

Concrete strength testing is vital for several reasons:

1. Quality Assurance: It confirms that the concrete used in construction meets the required standards and specifications.

2. Safety and Reliability: Ensures that structures are safe and capable of bearing the intended loads.

3. Compliance with Standards: Testing helps in adhering to local and international building codes.

4. Cost-Effectiveness: Identifying poor-quality concrete early can save costs associated with repair or reconstruction.

Methods of Concrete Strength Testing

There are several methods used to test the strength of concrete, each with its specific application and level of accuracy:

1. Compressive Strength Test: The most common test, typically performed using a hydraulic press to apply pressure to a concrete sample (like a cylinder or cube) until it fails. The maximum pressure it withstands is recorded as its compressive strength.

2. Tensile Strength Test: Less common than the compressive test, this method evaluates the tension-bearing capacity of concrete. It’s usually conducted using a splitting tensile test or direct tensile test.

3. Flexural Strength Test: This test measures the ability of concrete to resist bending or flexural stress. It is performed by applying load at the center of a concrete beam supported at both ends.

4. Rebound Hammer Test: A non-destructive method where a spring-loaded hammer is released against the concrete surface, and the rebound distance is measured to give an indication of the surface hardness and hence the strength.

5. Ultrasonic Pulse Velocity Test: Another non-destructive method that assesses the quality of concrete by measuring the speed of an ultrasonic pulse passing through it.

6. Penetration Resistance Test: Measures the force required to penetrate the surface of concrete with a probe, which is related to its compressive strength.

Interpretation of Test Results

The interpretation of concrete test results requires an understanding of the following:

1. Age of Concrete: Concrete generally continues to gain strength over time, and its age at the time of testing is a crucial factor in interpreting results.

2. Sample Size and Shape: The dimensions and shape of the test sample can influence the results.

3. Testing Conditions: Environmental factors like temperature and humidity during the testing process can affect the outcomes.

4. Comparison with Standard Values: Results are often compared with standard values or specified requirements to determine if the concrete meets the necessary criteria.

Factors Influencing Concrete Strength

Several factors influence the strength of concrete:

1. Water-Cement Ratio: The ratio of water to cement in the concrete mix is a critical factor. A lower ratio typically leads to higher strength.

2. Quality of Materials: The quality of cement, aggregates, and water used in the concrete mix affects its strength.

3. Mix Proportions: The proportions of the various ingredients in the concrete mix influence its overall strength.

4. Curing Conditions: Proper curing of concrete significantly affects its strength development.

5. Age of Concrete: Concrete tends to gain strength over time, depending on the curing conditions and mix design.

Challenges in Concrete Testing

Concrete testing faces several challenges:

1. Sample Representativeness: Ensuring that test samples accurately represent the actual concrete used in construction.

2. Human Error: Mistakes in sample preparation, handling, or testing procedures can lead to inaccurate results.

3. Equipment Calibration and Maintenance: Regular calibration and maintenance of testing equipment are essential for accurate measurements.

4. Environmental Factors: Controlling environmental factors during sample curing and testing can be challenging.

Future Perspectives and Technological Advancements

The future of concrete strength testing lies in embracing new technologies and methodologies:

1. Advanced Non-Destructive Testing Methods: Developing more accurate and reliable non-destructive testing techniques.

2. Automation in Testing Procedures: Implementing automated systems for sample preparation and testing to reduce human error.

3. Data Analytics and AI: Using data analytics and artificial intelligence to predict concrete strength and analyze test data more efficiently.

4. Eco-Friendly and High-Performance Concrete: As the focus shifts towards sustainable construction, testing new types of eco-friendly concrete with enhanced performance characteristics is becoming crucial.


Concrete strength testing is a critical component of the construction industry, ensuring the safety, reliability, and longevity of structures. While traditional methods like compressive, tensile, and flexural strength tests remain standard, the industry is gradually moving towards more sophisticated, non-destructive techniques. These advancements, coupled with a better understanding of concrete behavior and the incorporation of sustainable practices, are shaping the future of concrete testing. Ens

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Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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