Are you looking to refine your pipetting technique for more consistent results? Effective pipetting is key to the accuracy of your lab work, and mastering it requires knowing not just how, but why certain methods are preferred. Our guide zeroes in on the essential practices and adjustments needed for both air displacement and positive displacement pipettes to handle varying lab scenarios. Find out the keys to high-precision pipetting and avoid common errors without getting lost in the weeds.

Key Takeaways

  • Air displacement pipettes are versatile and cost-effective, suitable for general lab use with aqueous solutions, but their accuracy can be affected by environmental factors like temperature and atmospheric pressure.
  • Positive displacement pipettes excel with viscous, volatile, or problematic liquids, offering precision and reducing contamination risks by directly displacing the liquid without needing an air cushion.
  • Regular pipette calibration and maintenance are crucial for ensuring accuracy and device longevity, along with proper handling techniques to prevent cross-contamination and ensure consistent results.

Understanding Air Displacement Pipettes

Air displacement pipettes are the workhorses of the lab, offering versatility and cost-effectiveness. They operate by creating a partial vacuum through the upward movement of a piston, displacing an equal volume of air that is then filled by the liquid being measured. These pipettes are designed for general use, particularly with aqueous solutions, due to their operating mechanism and material compatibility.

Adjustable pipettes, a common type of air displacement pipettes, allow users to set a specific volume within their operational range, ensuring versatility for various tasks as the performance and nominal volume of air displacement pipettes vary.

Air Displacement Pipette Mechanism

The magic of air displacement pipettes lies in their piston-driven air displacement mechanism. Here’s how it works:

  1. A piston’s movement within a sleeve generates a vacuum that draws liquid into the tip.
  2. To operate, the plunger is pressed to a first stop for liquid uptake.
  3. The plunger is then pressed further to a second stop, known as ‘blowout’, to dispense the liquid completely.

The purge stroke ensures the proper amount of liquid is aspirated for the next volume measurement, compensating for the liquid that remains in the tip. The volume of liquid aspirated and dispensed by the pipette is adjustable, enabling precise control over the measured volumes.

Advantages of Air Displacement Pipettes

Their versatility and cost-effectiveness make air displacement pipettes the most common choice in laboratories. Offering flexibility with adjustable volume options, they are accurate across a variety of applications when used at their maximum pipetting volume. Moreover, they are usually more ergonomically designed and cause less strain to users, which is important for preventing repetitive strain injuries.

But as with all tools, they have their limitations.

Limitations and Challenges

Air displacement pipettes are sensitive to variations in temperature, relative humidity there, and the properties of the sample, such as volatility, viscosity, or density. Temperature can affect the air cushion above the liquid in an air displacement pipette, leading to errors in the volume of liquid delivered. Other environmental factors influencing accuracy include atmospheric pressure and the physical properties of the liquid like specific gravity and viscosity.

That’s where positive displacement pipettes step in.

Mastering Positive Displacement Pipettes

Illustration of positive displacement pipettes

Unlike their air displacement counterparts, positive displacement pipettes directly displace the liquid. This makes them effective for pipetting viscous liquids due to their direct displacement mechanism. They can handle high-viscosity samples without the inaccuracy issues that can affect air displacement pipettes. Also, they provide an advantageous solution for pipetting volatile liquids as they minimize the risk of aerosol formation.

Let’s understand how they work.

How Positive Displacement Pipettes Work

Positive displacement pipettes:

  • Utilize an integrated piston within the disposable capillary tip
  • Bypass the need for an air cushion which can be influenced by sample properties
  • Create a tight seal to ensure consistency and reproducibility
  • Are less sensitive to variable liquid characteristics
  • Excel in handling non-aqueous, viscous, and volatile liquids, such as blood, syrup, and oils
  • Deliver high precision and reduce contamination risks.

Applications and Advantages

Various sectors utilize positive-displacement pipettes, including cosmetic production, DNA sampling and PCR workflows, molecular biology, forensic science, environmental research, food/beverage manufacturing, and sample preparation for HPLC. They’re especially suitable for assays involving hot or cold samples, viscous liquids, ionic solutions, buffers, or mixes where air bubbles may form, as well as any volatile liquids.

Offering consistent, repeatable, and accurate volume delivery, they’re effective for:

  • high liquid-density solutions
  • foaming
  • volatile liquids
  • other problematic liquids, including resins, fats, oils, and protein solutions with higher viscosity

Additionally, their design reduces the risk of aerosol contamination, a common concern in applications prone to such issues.

Tips for Proper Usage

For accurate aspiration and dispensing, follow these steps:

  1. Hold the positive displacement pipette vertically and immerse the tip slightly, avoiding excess liquid on the outside.
  2. Dispense into a vessel at a 45-degree angle.
  3. Unlike air displacement pipettes, the positive displacement design ensures complete dispensing without residuals, eliminating the need for a ‘purge’ or ‘blow-out’ step.
  4. Use the push button to eject the capillary piston.

Perfecting Your Technique

Perfecting your pipetting technique is an essential step to achieving pipetting accuracy and reliable results. Using precise, high-quality tools is critical for reading pipette volume correctly. Various techniques such as improving data collection and thorough considerations for pipette volume measurement can enhance the precision of pipetting.

Employing the appropriate pipette for the specific task is essential for reliable and accurate results when measuring volume.

Preparing Your Workspace

An organized workspace is the foundation of successful pipetting. Setting up and labeling all sample tubes prior to commencing experiments is crucial for minimizing confusion and facilitating quick identification during pipetting. Using color-coded labels for large sample volumes with diverse conditions aids in swift and precise recognition of the appropriate tubes.

Allowing liquids and equipment to reach temperature equilibrium, or room temperature, before beginning pipetting operations is important to minimize delivered volume variations. It’s also crucial to minimize the handling of pipettes, holding them loosely and avoiding frequent contact with tips or sample containers, to manage thermal transfer and prevent accuracy issues.

Selecting the Right Pipette and Tip

The type of liquid being transferred dictates the choice of pipette, with air-displacement pipettes being suitable for aqueous liquids and positive displacement pipettes for problematic liquids like volatile substances. For high-throughput applications, like microplate filling, multichannel pipettes or specialized solutions can maximize accuracy and efficiency.

The required throughput of an experiment influences the choice between manual pipettes and automated liquid handling systems. Selecting a pipette with a volume range that closely matches the intended sample volumes ensures higher accuracy in measurements. An ergonomic pipette design can minimize user fatigue and decrease the risk of errors in manual pipetting.

Pipettes should be selected to match the vessel types used in experiments for compatibility and accuracy. Some considerations when choosing pipettes include:

  • Fixed volume pipettes are optimal for routine tasks that do not require changing volumes, offering consistent and reliable dispensing.
  • Adjustable volume pipettes allow for flexibility in volume selection, making them suitable for a wider range of experiments.
  • Electronic pipettes offer additional features such as programmable settings and ergonomic design for increased comfort and efficiency.

Using high-quality pipette tips that are compatible with the chosen pipette is essential for achieving accurate results in experiments.

Consistency and Control

Consistent plunger control, both in terms of applied pressure and release speed, is critical for achieving precision in pipetting. Regular practice of pipetting techniques improves muscle memory, leading to more consistent and precise results over time. Keep the pipette vertical during use to maintain hydrostatic pressure, thus preventing errors due to angle-induced variations.

To properly use a pipette, follow these steps:

  1. Insert the pipette tip into the liquid at the correct depth.
  2. Avoid continuous handling to manage thermal transfer and prevent accuracy issues.
  3. Ensure that the pipette volume setting is secured.
  4. Make sure the pipette tip is correctly attached to avoid tip loosening, leaking, or falling off, which can affect reliability.

Handling Special Liquids: Viscous and Volatile Solutions

Handling special liquids, such as viscous and volatile solutions, requires specialized techniques and strategies. Positive displacement pipettes play an essential role in working with ‘hard-to-pipette’ liquids like oils, syrups, and paints, as they effectively handle these substances regardless of their characteristics. However, it’s important to avoid using air displacement pipettes with many organic solvents to prevent possible damage.

Techniques for Viscous Liquids

When it comes to pipette viscous liquids, reverse pipetting becomes a handy technique. It minimizes errors in the dispensed volume by aspirating more liquid than necessary and dispensing the desired amount without the need for a blow-out, effectively reducing residual liquid. Employing slow pipetting speeds and pausing before completely aspirating or dispensing allows for greater accuracy with viscous liquids due to their slow movement.

Pre-wetting the pipette to pre wet thetip harmonizes the air cushion with the liquid’s temperature and pressure, significantly diminishing evaporation-related mistakes. Using low-retention pipette tips, characterized by a hydrophobic inner surface, leads to reduced sample loss and better conservation of valuable reagents.

Strategies for Volatile Liquids

For volatile liquids, such as isopropanol or ethanol, preventing dripping from the pipette tip is a common challenge that requires careful technique. Here, positive displacement pipettes provide protection from hazardous liquid leaks and vapor-induced corrosion, especially with corrosive samples such as acids.

Anti-Droplet Control (ADC) technology in pipettes ensures accurate pipetting with volatile liquids by monitoring and maintaining a constant pressure above the liquid column, preventing droplet formation. Using filter tips is crucial to avoid aerosols from volatile samples contaminating the pipette.

Pipette Calibration and Maintenance

Pipette calibration and maintenance are crucial for ensuring accuracy and longevity of your pipettes. It is the process of determining the difference between the dispensed volume and the selected volume to ensure intended accuracy for measurements. Regular inspection of pipettes is crucial to maintain the quality of work performed in experiments.

Experts recommend calibrating pipettes used regularly three to four times a year to maintain accuracy, adjusting the frequency based on their usage frequency and the environmental conditions in which they operate.

Calibration Process

Calibration processes differ for manual and electronic pipettes. It’s crucial to follow manufacturer directions for calibration and preventative maintenance schedules to maintain pipette accuracy and longevity. Before calibrating a pipette, assemble the necessary materials such as:

  • a calibration weight set or a liquid volumetric standard
  • a clean surface
  • a container
  • a calibration tool
  • a pen or pencil for note-taking

Use a calibration tool to measure the volume dispensed by the pipette, compare it with the desired volume indicated on the pipette or specified by the manufacturer, and make adjustments using the appropriate mechanism as instructed. The process should be repeated for each incremental volume the pipette is designed to dispense to ensure overall accuracy.

Regularly test the pipette’s accuracy, for instance by weighing the water it dispenses, to determine if calibration or maintenance is necessary. It’s advisable to keep a log of calibration results to monitor the pipette’s performance over time.

Routine Maintenance

Routine maintenance is another key aspect of maintaining pipette performance. It includes:

  • Cleaning the pipette with a mild detergent and drying it with a lint-free cloth, ensuring it is free from debris and placed on a stable, dry surface.
  • Regularly cleaning the pipettes using an approved cleaning solution, attending to both external and internal components without submerging to prevent damage.
  • Follow the manufacturer’s guidelines for detailed cleaning and maintenance procedures, including identifying which parts can undergo autoclaving and chemical decontamination processes.

In instances of suspected contamination, appropriately clean the pipette and autoclave it when necessary to ensure sterility. Here are some steps to follow:

  1. Store the pipette vertically in a holder.
  2. Use 70% ethanol to clean it daily before usage to maintain condition and functionality.
  3. Service the pipette regularly to replace any worn-out parts and recalibrate for consistent performance over time.

Troubleshooting Common Issues

Troubleshooting common issues in pipetting can improve your technique and results. Systematic errors in pipetting are consistent deviations from the true value, while random errors occur unpredictably and vary with each pipetting action.

Using high-quality pipette tips and ensuring proper seating on the pipette shaft can help prevent air leaks and pipetting inaccuracies.

Tips for Preventing Cross-Contamination

Cross-contamination is a critical concern in any laboratory setting. It can jeopardize the integrity of your samples and affect the accuracy of your results. Changing the pipette tip after dispensing each sample is a simple yet effective way to prevent cross-contamination.

Regularly cleaning the pipette is another crucial step to ensure its sterility and further reduce the risk of cross-contamination.

Choosing the Right Tip

Choosing the right pipette tip is a vital step in preventing cross-contamination. Here are some options to consider avoid handling pipette tips:

  • Filter tips with either self-sealing barriers or standard filters are ideal for assays sensitive to cross-contamination, such as genetics, forensics, PCR, and radioisotope sampling.
  • Nozzle filters or barrier tips can also protect against contamination.
  • For extremely sensitive applications that require strict aseptic conditions, individually wrapped sterile tips are recommended.

For handling strong acids, bases, and aggressive organic solvents, solvent-safe carbon-filtered tips are the best choice to prevent pipette failures and inaccuracies. For pipetting macromolecules like genomic DNA or fragile cellular samples, wide orifice tips can minimize mechanical shearing and damage.

Proper Handling and Storage

Proper handling and storage of pipettes can prevent cross-contamination. Pipettes should be stored properly when not in use. Storing pipettes vertically using a pipette stand, carousels, or shelf mounts can prevent contamination.

Wiping down the pipette exterior daily, especially the area around the tip end, can reduce the risk of contamination and cross-contamination.


We’ve explored the world of pipetting, grasping the mechanisms and uses of air displacement and positive displacement pipettes. Delving into the techniques to master the art, strategies for handling special liquids, and the importance of regular maintenance and calibration, we’ve gained invaluable insights. Additionally, we’ve addressed how to prevent cross-contamination, a critical concern in virtually any laboratory setting.

Pipetting, while seemingly a simple task, requires precision, understanding, and practice. Whether you’re handling volatile liquids or dispensing small volumes, the right pipette and technique can make all the difference. Remember, in the world of scientific explorations, precision is key, and pipetting is no exception. So, keep practicing, keep pipetting, and keep exploring!

Certified MTP has an elite selection of lab solutions, showcasing industry-leading brands including Flasks, Beakers, Pipettes, & Graduated CylindersErlenmeyer FlasksMeasuring PipettesStainless Steel BeakersGlass Graduated Cylinders, and Plastic Graduated Cylinders.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a pipette technique?

Pipetting technique involves using an air displacement pipette to dispense a precise amount of liquid, particularly for aqueous solutions like buffers or dilute acids and alkalis. The technique is commonly used in biology and biochemistry.

What are the three rules of pipetting?

The three rules of pipetting are to drain the pipette with the tip against the inner wall of the receiving vessel, never forcibly expel hazardous materials from a pipette, and to carefully eject disposable pipette tips to minimize aerosol formation. Remember to always follow these guidelines to ensure safe and accurate pipetting.

What is the aim of pipetting?

The aim of pipetting is to accurately measure and dispense specific volumes of liquid, often as little as one microliter, in molecular biology and chemistry labs. This tool is used for precise transfer of samples and reagents, fundamental in scientific experiments and procedures.

What is pipetting in microbiology?

In microbiology, pipetting is a fundamental laboratory technique used for accurately measuring and transferring small volumes of liquids using pipettes, which come in varying ranges and sizes. This is essential for precise and controlled manipulation of liquids in experiments.

How can I get better at pipetting?

To improve your pipetting technique, ensure you see the sample leaving the tip, use the appropriate pipette and tip, work at ambient temperature, and the tip adequately minimize pipette handling. Practicing these tips will help you get better at pipetting.

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Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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