Seeking the essentials on slab bolsters? Learn how these supports are indispensable in concrete construction, ensuring the proper placement and spacing of rebar. Understand different types of bolsters, identify their functions, and get guidance on making the right choice for your project. Dive into our comprehensive guide for actionable insights.

Key Takeaways

  • Slab bolsters are essential for positioning rebar in concrete structures, contributing to their strength, durability, and integrity by maintaining proper rebar alignment and spacing.
  • Various types of slab bolsters, including continuous high chairs, beam bolsters, and epoxy-coated slab bolsters, are tailored to different construction needs, with specific designs and materials suited to support lower beam steel and improve corrosion resistance.
  • Selecting the right bolster requires consideration of load requirements, environmental conditions, and specific applications, and regular maintenance is necessary to ensure their ongoing effectiveness in reinforcing concrete structures.


Illustration of slab bolsters supporting concrete slab

A slab bolster, a fundamental tool in the construction industry, is designed to correctly position rebar, thereby bolstering the strength and durability of the concrete structure. From supporting lower beam steel to serving as bar rod chairs designed to provide spacing for layers of steel, slab bolsters have a myriad of uses. The Sandbaggy Concrete Slab Bolster Upper, for example, is a rebar support device constructed from 6 gauge plain steel, featuring a continuous design that ensures consistent support and spacing of rebar.

Why is rebar support so imperative? What significance does it hold for concrete structures? To comprehend this, we must delve into the definition of a slab bolster, and the core concept of proper rebar support.


A concrete bolster in construction functions as a horizontal beam or platform strategically positioned to provide support and reinforcement for the concrete slab, ensuring proper placement and spacing of the reinforcing bars. This precise positioning and spacing of rebar by slab bolsters is not just a random construction requirement. It serves a crucial role in maintaining the structural integrity of concrete slabs, and establishing a stable platform that guarantees proper alignment and support.

The correct positioning and spacing of reinforcement bars in concrete slabs are vital for achieving the right amount of concrete cover and managing cracking effectively. This positioning, often in the upper third of the slab, plays a key role in enhancing the durability and strength of the slab.

Having defined what a slab bolster is, we can now explore the necessity of rebar support for concrete structures.

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Importance of Proper Rebar Support

Rebar support in concrete construction plays a crucial role in enhancing the structural integrity of the concrete. It prevents cracks, improves load-bearing capacity, distributes load evenly, controls shrinkage and cracking, and ensures the durability and longevity of structures. But it’s not just about preventing cracks or improving load-bearing capacity. Proper rebar support is essential for the strength of concrete structures as it contributes additional strength to the concrete, facilitates even load distribution, and improves its resistance to cracking and breaking.

Rebar support further enhances the durability of concrete structures by increasing their tensile strength and reducing the risk of cracking and other types of damage. And when it comes to reliability, rebar support is a game-changer. It contributes to the enhancement of reliability in concrete structures by increasing durability, preventing cracking and other forms of damage, providing high strength and reliability, enhancing crack control, and adding a reliable network of support.

Having explored the importance of rebar support, we can now examine the various types of slab bolsters that are available for your projects.


When it comes to concrete bolsters for slabs, one size does not fit all. Various types of slab bolsters cater to different needs and projects, each with its unique features and benefits. Among the most commonly used are continuous high chairs, lower beam steel bolsters, and epoxy-coated slab bolsters. Each of these types serves its specific purpose in supporting concrete structures, ranging from supporting lower beam steel from the slab form to providing additional protection against corrosion.

Beam bolsters, available in heights ranging from 1-1/2” to 5”, cater to a variety of requirements in concrete reinforcement, helping build structures that endure. We’ll examine each type in more detail to understand their distinct features and contributions to the strength and durability of concrete structures.

Continuous High Chairs

One of the specialized forms of concrete bolsters for slabs is the continuous high chair. These high chairs play a vital role in providing support for upper slab steel without the need for carrier bars, making them an essential component in reinforced concrete structures. Continuous high chairs are meticulously engineered with a specialized design to provide support for upper slab steel without the necessity of carrier bars. They are offered in a range of heights to accommodate diverse construction needs, and certain variants are equipped with a plate to enhance base support.

The main benefits of utilizing continuous high chairs include the removal of carrier bars and uniform support for the upper layer of steel within the concrete slab, which can streamline the construction process and potentially lower material costs. These high chairs are typically constructed from a range of materials including bright basic steel, plastic-protected or galvanized steel, epoxy-coated, stainless steel, lattice-type material, and GTI composite, offering varying heights and levels of strength and corrosion resistance to suit different construction environments.

But what if your project involves support lower beam steel? That’s where lower beam bolsters come in.

Beam Bolsters

Beam bolsters serve the purpose of supporting lower beam steel from the slab form, ensuring that reinforcement and the grid are maintained at the appropriate elevation in the concrete slab. The size of a beam bolster, which usually varies from 1 inch in height to 5 inches in height with 1/4 inch increments, offers a broad and stable base to distribute weight and withstand heavy loads from lower slab steel, thereby preventing excessive pressure on individual components.

Materials commonly utilized in the manufacturing of beam bolsters include basic wire, epoxy-coated metal bars, mesh, or composite materials, which are selected based on the specific needs of the construction project. But for those projects that require rebar support that provides additional protection, epoxy-coated slab bolsters with mesh reinforcement may be the perfect solution.


Epoxy-coated slab bolsters are metal bar supports utilized in commercial concrete projects to provide support for upper and lower mats of reinforcing steel. They offer a range of advantages, which include:

  • Supporting one layer of steel above another
  • Spacing them to the required distance
  • Use on soft material or fill
  • A continuous design that reduces labor time when placing rebar.

Producers apply a layer of epoxy powder to metal bar supports according to the specifications outlined in ASTM standards to create epoxy-coated slab bolsters. These epoxy-coated side bolsters specifically suit commercial concrete projects, enhancing the support for upper and lower mats of reinforcing steel and thereby improving the strength of concrete structures.

Now that we’ve explored the various types of slab bolsters, let’s discuss how you can select the right one for your project.

Selecting the Right Bolster for Your Project

The choice of the right slab bolster for your project holds significant weight. This decision can have a profound impact on the strength, durability, and overall quality of your concrete structures. Several factors come into play in this decision-making process, including load requirements, environmental conditions, and the specific application of the slab bolster.

Whether you’re a seasoned construction professional or a newbie embarking on a small home project, understanding these factors can significantly impact your project’s success. Let’s investigate the factors to consider when selecting a slab bolster and seek expert advice to guide you toward the right decision.

Factors to Consider

Choosing the right slab bolster involves more than just picking the first one you come across. This process demands careful consideration of several factors. For instance, the height of the slab bolster is essential in ensuring that the concrete covers the rebar adequately and supports the structure as intended. Properly distributing bolsters is crucial to guarantee uniform support and prevent structural inadequacies.

The choice of material also plays a significant role in the durability and suitability of the bolsters for specific environments, with factors such as corrosion resistance playing a crucial role. Meanwhile, the load capacity of a slab or beam bolster, determined by its design and construction, is essential to ensure that it can effectively support the intended weight and loads of the concrete structure. But even with these considerations, it’s always beneficial to seek expert advice to make the most informed decision.

Expert Advice

Expert advice can be invaluable when it comes to selecting the right slab bolster. Professionals recommend considering a range of factors including strength, durability, and stability when making a selection for the appropriate slab bolster. They also verify the correct positioning of bolsters to provide maximum support and stability.

One common error professionals often recognize is selecting inadequate spacing between rebar layers, which can pose a significant challenge for projects with lengthy joint spacing or no joints. Moreover, They also provide criteria to distinguish between using epoxy-coated bolsters and beam bolsters. Epoxy-coated bolsters are commonly used for reinforcing bars in slab construction, while beam bolsters are specifically designed to support vertical reinforcing bars.

Having covered the selection process, we can now proceed to discuss the proper installation and maintenance of slab bolsters.

Installation and Maintenance

Installing and maintaining slab bolsters correctly is key to ensuring their optimal performance and longevity. From the initial installation procedures to the precautions taken during the process, every step matters in ensuring the effectiveness of these vital tools. Regular inspections for maintenance are also crucial to ensure their ongoing effectiveness and longevity.

What does the actual installation process entail? And how should you maintain slab bolsters to ensure they continue to provide the required support? Let’s delve into some practical tips for installation and maintenance.

Installation Tips

Installing slab bolsters correctly is crucial for their performance. The installation involves pre-installation preparation, positioning the slab bolsters, and fastening the bolsters in position. Properly positioning and aligning the slab bolsters, is essential to prevent errors and ensure continuous support. So, it’s recommended to space slab bolsters uppers 5 inches on center, and double-check proper alignment.

Additionally, securely attaching a slab bolster to the rebar involves positioning the bolsters correctly as per the design, ensuring proper alignment, and then the slab bolsters will effectively hold the rebars in place. And, of course, safety should never be compromised. Always use personal protective equipment like gloves, goggles, and a face mask to reduce potential risks during installation. However, remember that the task doesn’t end with installation. Regular maintenance is crucial for the longevity and performance of slab bolsters.

Maintenance Recommendations

The regular maintenance of slab bolsters is as important as their proper installation. We recommend regular inspections, during which you should carefully examine for any indications of damage or corrosion and promptly replace any compromised bolsters to maintain continuous support and stability.

To keep your slab bolsters in top condition, meticulously clean them by removing all dirt, oil, and grease from the reinforcing steel. If you find any bolsters damaged or corroded during regular inspections, promptly replace them to ensure they continue to provide the necessary support and stability for the reinforced concrete structure.

Having covered the installation and maintenance, we can now examine the common use cases of slab bolsters.

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Common Applications

Slab bolsters are not limited to a single application. They have a wide range of uses in residential, commercial, and industrial settings, ensuring the strength and durability of concrete structures in various environments. The right slab bolster can significantly enhance the structural integrity of a construction project, whether it’s a residential foundation, a commercial parking structure, or an industrial warehouse.

What does this mean in practical application terms? We’ll first examine the use of slab bolsters in residential applications, followed by their role in commercial and industrial settings.

Residential Applications

In residential construction, builders often use slab bolsters in foundations, driveways, and patios to raise the reinforcing bars above the formwork. This provides support for one layer of steel over another, ensuring appropriate concrete strength and supporting lower beam steel. The use of slab bolsters in driveway construction offers uniformity in concrete cover, which in turn reduces the likelihood of structural weaknesses and improves the overall quality of the construction.

For concrete patios, slab bolsters play a crucial role in enhancing their strength by facilitating the correct placement of reinforcing bars within the concrete slab. This enhances the structural integrity and durability of the patio while also contributing to maintaining sufficient concrete coverage around the bars, thereby preventing corrosion.

Let’s now turn our attention to the commercial and industrial applications of slab bolsters.

Commercial and Industrial Applications

In commercial and industrial applications, slab bolsters play a significant role. They are crucial in:

  • Warehouse construction, where they maintain the elevation of rebar in reinforced concrete, particularly when rebar is placed in a single layer.
  • Parking structures, where they serve to prevent cracking due to inadequate support.
  • Bridges, where help maintain spacing between the reinforcing bars to prevent insufficient concrete encapsulation and potential structural failure.

Slab bolsters have various applications and benefits in different construction projects. Some of the key advantages of using slab bolsters include:

  1. Enhancing the stability and longevity of commercial projects, such as garage slabs, foundation works, and retaining walls.
  2. Contributing to the overall structural integrity of constructions by providing support and alignment to reinforcing bars.
  3. Ensuring proper spacing, load distribution, and structural integrity in industrial environments.
  4. Improving the durability of industrial concrete structures.

By using slab bolsters, construction professionals can ensure the strength and durability of their projects, leading to long-lasting and reliable structures.

Having covered the common applications, let’s conclude our overview of slab bolsters.


In the world of concrete construction, slab bolsters play a critical role that often goes unnoticed. They provide the essential support and positioning for rebar, enhancing the strength and durability of concrete structures. Whether it’s continuous high chairs, beam bolsters, or epoxy-coated slab bolsters, each type has its unique benefits and applications.

Choosing the right slab bolster, installing and maintaining it properly, and understanding its use in different settings can significantly enhance the strength, durability, and overall quality of your concrete structures. So, whether you’re embarking on a small home project or a large commercial construction, make sure to consider the unsung heroes of concrete construction – slab bolsters. Let’s address some frequently asked questions to wrap up our discussion.

Certified MTP offers a full line of Slab BolstersRebar ChairsConcrete Rebar Chairs With BaseConcrete Rebar Chairs Without BaseRebar Mesh Chair SupportsTilt-Up Rebar ChairsRebar Safety CapsRebar Spacer Wheels, and  Ground Penetrating Radar (GPR) for ConcreteConcrete Test HammersConcrete Corrosion Testing for Concrete, and Concrete Crack Monitoring. The rebar detection and location equipment is available for fast and free shipping.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is a slab bolster?

A slab bolster is a continuous metal bar support used to maintain the elevation of rebar in reinforced concrete by using two runner wires and a top supporting wire connected to the rebar by evenly spaced legs.

What is the difference between bolster and bolster upper?

The difference between slab bolster and slab bolster upper lies in the addition of a runner wire spot-welded to the feet along the full length, a material that provides support on soft surfaces or upper rebar levels.

What is the length of a bolster?

The length of a slab bolster is five (5) feet with legs spaced five (5) inches apart.

What is a bolster in concrete construction?

In concrete construction, a bolster supports rebar in reinforced concrete by maintaining its elevation. Specifically, it consists of runner support wires and a top supporting wire connected by evenly spaced legs. Workers commonly use bolsters to support post-tension cables, rebars, or mesh above a concrete surface when pouring decks.

Why is proper rebar support important?

Proper rebar support is important because it enhances concrete’s structural integrity, prevents cracks, improves load-bearing capacity, distributes load evenly, controls shrinkage and cracking, and ensures durability and longevity. All these factors contribute to the overall stability and longevity of the structure.


Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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