Are you working on a project that requires soil classification? Understanding astm d2487 is essential. Applied in geotechnical engineering and construction, ASTM D2487 is the standard for categorizing soil types based on particle size and physical properties, impacting the safety and stability of structures. This article provides a detailed look at ASTM D2487, highlighting its components, significance, and practical applications for industry professionals.

Key Takeaways

  • ASTM D2487 provides a systematic classification for mineral and organo-mineral soils tailored for engineering applications, which is crucial to assess soil properties for the safe and efficient design and construction of structures.
  • The Unified Soil Classification System categorizes soils into three main divisions based on their grain size, plasticity, and organic content, with subcategories that further detail specific soil characteristics.
  • Laboratory tests such as Particle Size Distribution, Liquid Limit, and Plasticity Index are essential according to ASTM D2487 for accurately determining the physical properties of soils, leading to their correct classification within the system.

Overview of ASTM D2487

Imagine having to build a skyscraper on a layer of clay or a highway on a bed of sand. The results would be disastrous! This is where ASTM D2487 comes into play. This standard, developed by ASTM International, provides a systematic method for classifying mineral soils for engineering applications. It is the ASTM adaptation of the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS), which categorizes mineral and organo-mineral soils based on their particle-size characteristics, liquid limit, and plasticity index.

Industries such as geotechnical laboratories, engineering firms, and construction companies greatly benefit from this classification. It facilitates a deeper understanding of the properties and behavior of various soil types, playing a crucial role in the design and construction of a range of structures and projects.

Purpose of ASTM D2487

So, why was the ASTM D2487 standard developed? Imagine the confusion if engineers across the world used different systems to describe soil properties. A subcommittee developed ASTM D2487 to establish a classification system for mineral and organo-mineral soils, particularly for engineering applications, by assessing particle-size characteristics, liquid limit, and plasticity index.

The standard aims to address the need for precise soil classification in engineering applications by creating a uniform framework based on specific soil properties identified in a laboratory setting. This classification system, known as engineering purposes unified soil classification, helps engineers consistently categorize different types of naturally occurring soils based on laboratory tests that determine their specific characteristics.

Importance in Engineering Projects

ASTM D2487’s capabilities far surpass mere classification. It serves as an invaluable tool, revealing the complexities of the soil and empowering engineers to enhance the safety and efficiency of their projects. By providing a standardized system for classifying soils into major soil divisions, it allows engineers to accurately assess soil properties and behavior, which is essential for ensuring the safety of engineering projects.

For example, it improves the efficiency of construction projects by offering a standardized method for evaluating and categorizing soil. Furthermore, the USCS under ASTM enables accurate predictions of soil behavior in different conditions, paving the way for successful engineering projects such as the Brunswick Geotechnical Engineering Report and those necessitating the design of foundations, pavements, or embankments for engineering purposes.

Keep Reading: ASTM C39: Guide to Concrete Compressive Strength Tests.

Components of the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS)

The beauty of the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS) lies in its simplicity. It breaks down the complexity of soils into the three major soil divisions:

  1. Coarse-grained soils, which include gravel and sands
  2. Fine-grained soils, which include silts and clays
  3. Highly organic soils, which include peats and mucks

Each division is further classified based on properties such as particle size and plasticity.

Each soil type has a specific group symbol for easy identification, such as G for gravel, S for sand, M for silt, C for clay, and O for organic soils.

Coarse-Grained Soils

Coarse-grained soils, the rock stars of the soil world, are the soils we often think of when we imagine a handful of earth. They are known for their grainy texture and larger particle size. These soils exhibit greater strength, increased compressibility, reduced permeability, and larger porosity in comparison to fine-grained soils. We further categorize the coarse fraction retained in these materials into well-graded gravel (GW), poorly graded gravel (GP), silty gravel (GM), clayey gravel (GC), well-graded sand (SW), poorly graded sand (SP), silty sand (SM), and clayey sand (SC). Each category represents specific characteristics of the material.

Their texture can be identified by examining the behavior of a soil ball when thrown at a hard surface, and by evaluating the ‘feel’ and particle size of the soil.

Fine-Grained Soils

Fine-grained soils, the unsung heroes of the earth, are the quiet workhorses that support our built environment. These soils, which include silt and clay, demonstrate the following characteristics:

  • Good load-bearing capabilities
  • Dry strength
  • Dilatancy and dispersion
  • Plasticity
  • Virtually impermeable

They are categorized as ML or MH representing silt organic clay, and CL or CH representing lean clay.

The liquid limit value plays a significant role in soil classification as it indicates the moisture content at which soil undergoes a transition from a plastic to a liquid state.

More Reading: ASTM D6938: Soil and Soil-Aggregate Tests by Nuclear Methods.

Highly Organic Soils

Highly organic soils are the earth’s secret treasure troves, rich in organic matter and teeming with life. These soils, like peat, are characterized by their:

  • High compressibility
  • Significant secondary compression
  • Often unsatisfactory strength properties
  • Low unit weight
  • Dark color
  • Lightweight
  • Extremely high water holding capacity

They are categorized as PT within the Unified Soil Classification System (USCS).

Their distinct properties make them a separate division, different from coarse-grained and fine-grained soils.

Laboratory Tests for Soil Classification

Determining whether the soil is coarse-grained, fine-grained, organic, or mineral is accomplished through laboratory tests. According to ASTM D2487, soils are classified based on laboratory determinations of particle size and plasticity index. The key laboratory tests include the Particle Size Distribution Test, the Liquid Limit Test, and the Plasticity Index Test.

Particle Size Distribution Test

The Particle Size Distribution Test thoroughly examines the soil to determine the size and gradation of its particles. It is a vital test that aids in:

  • Classifying soils for engineering and agricultural purposes
  • Determining the textural class of the soil
  • Indicating the relative proportion of different particle sizes in the soil that impact other soil properties.

The test method involves placing a series of sieves with progressively smaller mesh sizes on top of each other and passing the soil sample through the stacked sieve ‘tower’, which is known as soil sample passing. The required equipment includes:

  • Sieve Shaker/Test Sieves
  • Vibrating Screens
  • Air Jet Sieve
  • Dynamic Image Analysis System

Liquid Limit Test

The Liquid Limit Test offers critical insights into the behavior of fine-grained soils. It is designed to ascertain the moisture content at which soil transitions from a plastic to a liquid state, which is a crucial indicator of the engineering properties of the soil.

The test involves placing a clay sample in a standard cup, creating a separation using a spatula, and repeatedly dropping the cup until the separation no longer closes. The liquid limit is then interpreted by measuring the penetration of a cone into the soil and determining the moisture content at which the groove formed by the cone closes for a specific length.

Plasticity Index Test

The Plasticity Index Test is the fine-grained soil’s litmus test. It assesses the plasticity of fine-grained soils by determining the range of moisture content within which the soil retains its plasticity. The test involves measuring the liquid limit and the plastic limit of soil samples, which is standard to establish appropriate thresholds for the soil’s transition from a plastic to a liquid state and from a solid to a plastic state, respectively.

The resulting value is used to identify the portion of a soil’s plasticity range, positioning it within the crosshatched area on the plasticity chart in the system.

You May Also Read ASTM C109: Strength Test of Hydraulic Cement Mortars.

Group Symbols and Soil Classification

The USCS incorporates group symbols to simplify and enhance the effectiveness of the classification system. These symbols act as a shorthand, allowing engineers to swiftly classify and comprehend the properties of various soils. For example, the symbol ‘GW’ denotes well-graded gravels and gravely soils, indicative of coarse-grained soils.

The use of these group symbols in the USCS helps to categorize soils based on their physical properties such as particle size distribution, and Atterberg limits like liquid limit and plasticity index.

Understanding Group Symbols

Group symbols in the USCS are like the periodic table for soils. Each symbol represents a particular classification of soils. There are 15 fundamental groups, each with its individual symbol, representing various soil types including coarse-grained soils, fine-grained soils, and organic soils. Each character in the group symbols signifies a particular classification of soils.

For instance, the symbol ‘GW’ denotes well-graded gravels and grave soils, which are indicative of coarse-grained soils.

Examples of Soil Classifications

Let’s bring all of this to life with some examples. Suppose we have a soil sample with a large proportion of sand-sized particles. This soil would be classified as coarse-grained soil and given the group symbol ‘S’ for sand. If the sand is well-graded (meaning it has a good distribution of different particle sizes), it would be given the group symbol ‘SW’ for well-graded sand.

On the other hand, if we have a soil sample with a high clay content, it would be classified as fine-grained soil, and given the group symbol ‘C’ for clay. If the clay is lean (meaning it has low plasticity), it would be given the group symbol ‘CL’ for lean clay.

Practical Applications of ASTM D2487

The ASTM D2487 standard, providing a standardized method for soil classification, is not just of academic interest. It has numerous practical applications, spanning from construction projects to environmental assessments. It allows engineers to classify soils consistently and systematically, which is vital for the safety and efficiency of their projects.

Let’s explore some of these applications in more detail.

Construction Projects

In the construction industry, the classification and understanding of soils is crucial. Whether it’s building a skyscraper, laying a highway, or erecting a bridge, the type of soil on which these structures are built can greatly impact their stability and safety. By classifying soils using ASTM D2487, engineers can determine the appropriate foundation type, building design, and ensure foundation stability.

The classification also aids in identifying whether the soil is rocky, which can contribute to stabilizing the foundation and mitigating water-related concerns.

Geotechnical Investigations

The realm of geotechnical engineering is another area where ASTM D2487 plays a pivotal role. In geotechnical investigations, soils for engineering purposes from various geographic locations are classified into categories through prescribed laboratory tests. It serves as a key tool in determining soil properties such as permeability and compaction, which are essential in determining effective remediation techniques.

Environmental Assessments

In the field of environmental assessments, soil classification is used for contamination and remediation purposes. By classifying soils, environmental auditors can ascertain the extent of contamination and strategize for site remediation or management. The classification also facilitates understanding the behavior of soil under varying conditions and when subjected to contaminants, allowing for better prediction of pollutant behavior in the soil.

Changes and Updates to ASTM D2487

Similar to the soils it classifies, the ASTM D2487 standard has evolved over time. The standard has seen numerous updates and revisions to enhance its effectiveness and accuracy, from its origins in the Airfield Classification System to its current form.

Let’s examine its historical development and recent changes in more detail.

Historical Background

The ASTM D2487 standard began its journey in the early 1940s when Arthur Casagrande developed the Airfield Classification System. Several U.S. Government Agencies later adopted and modified this system, renaming it the Unified Soil Classification System in 1952.

It’s fascinating to think that the soil classification system we use today has its roots in the WWII era!

Recent Revisions and Updates

While the fundamental principles of the ASTM D2487 have remained consistent, it has been updated over the years to reflect advances in soil science and classification techniques. The most recent amendment is D2487-17e1, which revises and supersedes the 2011 version.

It is important to stay updated with these changes to ensure that the classification system remains accurate and relevant to current engineering practices.

Accessing and Using the ASTM D2487 Standard

First, grasp the importance and applicability of regulatory limitations in the ASTM D2487 standard. Then, understand how to access and utilize it. Access the D2487 standard, like most ASTM standards, through the ASTM International website.

Let’s examine limitations prior to use the process of effectively accessing and using this standard.

Accessing the Standard

Accessing the ASTM D2487 standard is a straightforward process. It can be viewed online for free on the ASTM International website, or it can be purchased for a fee if a physical copy is required. Additionally, an astm compass subscription offers access to this standard along with many others.

Additionally, you can obtain free versions of the standard as a complimentary PDF download from websites like and, including the sought-after book version of the unified standards volume.

Obtaining Copyright Permissions

It’s important to consider copyright issues before using the ASTM D2487 standard. ASTM is the copyright holder for ASTM D2487, and it’s necessary to contact ASTM International to request reprints and copyright permissions through a copyright license agreement for its use. The expenses for obtaining copyright reprints and permissions can vary based on the copyright holder and the specific circumstances.

Best Practices for Using ASTM D2487

Effective use of the ASTM D2487 standard necessitates a thorough understanding of the standard and its protocols. Before classifying soils using ASTM D2487, it is essential to adhere to the recommended laboratory tests and acquaint oneself with ASTM D2487 and D2488 to comprehend the protocols and standards for visual and laboratory classification.

Additionally, ensuring precision in laboratory tests is crucial for accurate soil classification and laboratory determination, with various laboratory tests performed to achieve this goal.


In summary, the ASTM D2487 standard is a powerful tool for soil classification. From its origins in the Airfield Classification System to its current form, it provides a consistent and systematic method for classifying soils based on their physical properties. Its practical applications extend far beyond academia, impacting construction projects, geotechnical investigations, and environmental assessments. By understanding and effectively using the ASTM D2487 standard, engineers and environmental auditors can ensure the safety and efficiency of their projects.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is ASTM D2487?

ASTM D2487 is a standard for the classification of soils for engineering purposes, also known as the Unified Soil Classification System. It provides a system for categorizing soils based on specific criteria.

What is the ASTM code for soil classification?

The ASTM code for soil classification is D2487, which outlines the Unified Soil Classification System for different soil groups (ASTM D2487-17).

What are the six categories of soil types identified in the ASTM classification system?

Surface forces are important for clay soil types.

What is the soil classification AASHTO standard?

The AASHTO Soil Classification System, developed by the American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials, categorizes soils and soil-aggregate mixtures for highway construction based on their engineering properties. It provides a standardized method for soil classification.

How does ASTM D2487 contribute to the safety of engineering projects?

ASTM D2487 contributes to the safety of engineering projects by providing a standardized system for classifying soils, which helps engineers accurately assess soil properties and behavior, ultimately ensuring the safety of the project.


Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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