ASTM D6938 defines the use of nuclear gauges for determining in-place soil density and moisture, vital for construction and engineering integrity. This article will explain the standard’s techniques, highlight its importance in project quality, engineering and construction activities and discuss practical applications, helping professionals apply precise testing for dependable results.

Key Takeaways

  • ASTM D6938 details the use of nuclear equipment to determine in-place density and moisture content of soil and soil aggregate, crucial for ensuring the quality and safety of construction and engineering projects.
  • The standard includes various testing methods such as direct transmission, backscatter mode, and backscatter air gap ratio methods to measure physical properties like density and moisture content non-invasively and accurately.
  • Proper calibration, adherence to regulatory limitations, safety considerations for personnel, and thorough statistical analysis of test results are essential components in utilizing ASTM D6938 for soil and soil-aggregate testing in construction and engineering.

Understanding ASTM D6938

The ASTM D6938 standard, in layman’s terms, is a guide for utilizing nuclear equipment to determine the in-place density and moisture content of soil and soil aggregate.

This method’s precision is vital for many construction and engineering projects, contributing to high-quality outcomes and successful project completion.

Nuclear Methods Shallow Depth

Nuclear methods specifically designed for shallow depth analysis, including aggregate by nuclear methods, are utilized by the ASTM D6938 standard. These methods utilize the principle of gamma-ray attenuation to measure the physical properties of the soil, such as porosity and density, at a known depth.

The benefits of these methods are significant, offering quick and accurate measurements of the detected rate of soil compaction, a substantial advantage over traditional techniques.

Keep Reading: ASTM C109: Strength Test of Hydraulic Cement Mortars.

Measuring In-Place Density

In any construction or engineering project, the measurement of the in-place density of soil aggregate mixtures is of paramount importance. The in-place density of soil and soil aggregate by nuclear equipment, as specified in ASTM D6938, ensures the strength and stability of the soil.

This method significantly contributes to the durability of paved surfaces and the overall safety of construction projects.

Previously Established Calibration Data

In ensuring the precision of measurements in ASTM D6938, calibration data has a significant role. The calibration data is generated through the calculation of the dry density of the test sample, which involves obtaining the mass per unit volume of the soil and subtracting the water mass per unit volume from it. To further enhance the accuracy of the measurements, it is also essential to consider the test sample wet density.

Test Method Descriptions

As we explore the ASTM D6938 standard more thoroughly, we encounter various standard test methods, each possessing a unique approach to determining the material’s density. Among these methods, we most commonly use the direct transmission method, backscatter mode, and backscatter air gap ratio methods.

More Reading: ASTM D6913: Soil Particle-Size Distribution Analysis.

Direct Transmission Method

The direct transmission method is one of the primary techniques for determining the density of the material as per ASTM D6938. The process involves extending the probe through the base of the gauge into a pre-formed hole, giving us accurate measurements of density and moisture content.

Backscatter Mode

In ASTM D6938 testing, the backscatter mode is used to measure soil density and to obtain surface moisture content measurements. It is particularly efficient for measuring thicker layers of materials, such as asphalt.

Backscatter Air Gap Ratio Methods

The backscatter air-gap ratio method is a technique of paramount importance in nuclear soil testing. This method enables precise density measurements by computing the air-gap ratio, providing an alternative approach to the direct transmission method.

Engineering and Construction Applications

In the realm of engineering and construction projects, the ASTM D6938 standard finds extensive applications. It offers a rapid and non-invasive determination of total or wet density and water content of soil in place, making it a vital component of quality control.

Regulatory Limitations and Safety Considerations

Despite the numerous benefits offered by analysis methods used by the ASTM D6938 standard, understanding the regulatory limitations prior and safety considerations associated with using nuclear methods for soil testing is essential.

Health Practices for Personnel

Ensuring the safety of personnel operating nuclear soil testing equipment is paramount. Adhering to proper health practices safeguards workers from potential radiation exposure and guarantees a safe working environment.

Nondestructive Nature of Testing

One of the most significant advantages of the ASTM D6938 standard is its nondestructive nature. The standard offers a method of measuring the in-place density and moisture of soil and soil aggregate without causing any damage to the material.

Analyzing Test Results

A crucial part of the process is the analysis and interpretation of test results obtained from ASTM D6938 testing. The analysis offers valuable insights that can guide decisions and actions related to the construction project and test site.

Statistical Analysis

In understanding and evaluating test results, the test method describes how statistical analysis plays an instrumental role. This feature allows for multiple measurements to be taken at one single test location together, followed by statistical analysis of the data. This can be useful for identifying patterns or trends in the results.

Common Practices and Industry Standards

When applying the ASTM D6938 standard for soil testing, adherence to common practices and industry standards is important. These practices ensure that the testing is conducted accurately and consistently, guaranteeing reliable results.


The ASTM D6938 standard offers a comprehensive method for measuring the in-place density and moisture of soil and soil-aggregate. Its nondestructive nature, combined with its precision and efficiency, makes it a vital tool in the realm of construction and engineering.

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Frequently Asked Questions

What is the ASTM D6938 procedure?

The ASTM D6938 procedure describes the methods for measuring in-place density and moisture of soil and soil aggregate using nuclear equipment. It allows for the measurement of material in place density and water through various methods.

What is the ASTM standard for density testing?

The ASTM standard for density testing is ASTM D4052, which specifies the preferred method for measuring density, relative density, and API gravity of liquids using a digital density meter. This standard is published by ASTM International.

What is the lab test for soil density?

The lab test for soil density utilizes nuclear density gauges to measure gamma radiation transmission between a probe and detection sensors, determining total mass density by the number of detected gamma particles.

Is the density test the same as the compaction test?

No, the density test and compaction test are not the same. Compaction testing, also known as density testing, is crucial in construction and engineering to determine soil compaction levels and support building foundations, roads, and other structures.

What are the benefits of using nuclear methods for soil testing?

Using nuclear methods for soil testing offers a substantial advantage over traditional techniques by providing quick and accurate measurements of soil compaction.


Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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