Ever struggled with obtaining accurate moisture readings for grains and seeds? The Steinlite Moisture Tester is here to revolutionize the way you measure moisture content in various products. With its fully automatic functionality, NTEP certification, and user-friendly interface, this moisture tester is the answer to all your moisture measurement needs.

Key Takeaways

  • The Steinlite Moisture Tester is an efficient and reliable tool for precise moisture content measurements, with automated functionality and NTEP certification.
  • Features include a backlit LCD display, two communication ports, integration with Agvance Scale Interface, factory calibration & pre-weighing options.
  • Customers benefit from comprehensive maintenance services & customer support plus client testimonials to confirm its reliability.

Exploring the Steinlite Moisture Tester

The Steinlite Moisture Tester, a versatile and productive tool, is engineered to deliver precise moisture content measurements across a variety of products like grains, seeds, and nuts. Comprehensive features like automated functionality and NTEP certification make it a user-friendly option in the moisture meter market.

One of the key aspects of the Steinlite Moisture Tester is its ability to provide readings within just 10 seconds, eliminating the need for time-consuming pre-weighing processes. Not only is it efficient, but it is also approved for commercial use, ensuring reliability and accuracy in all your moisture measurement endeavors.

Fully Automatic Functionality

What sets the Steinlite Moisture Tester apart from other moisture meters is its fully automatic functionality. With readings available within a mere 10 seconds, this tester offers features such as automatic test weight, fully automatic temperature correction, and a backlit LCD display for easy viewing. Its moisture range detection capability lies between 1-30%, making it a versatile tool for a variety of applications.

The Steinlite Moisture Tester offers the following key features:

  • Load key for effortless selection of commodities and execution of moisture testing
  • No need for pre-weighing
  • Advanced and reliable choice for moisture measurement

NTEP Certification and Commercial Use

The Steinlite Moisture Tester holds an NTEP certification, underscoring its precise and reliable moisture content measurement across multiple commodities. The National Type Evaluation Program (NTEP) sets the standards for moisture measurement devices, validating their aptitude for commercial use.

NTEP certification is essential for commercial use of moisture testers, as it ensures that the device complies with the established standards. With the Steinlite NTEP Certified Moisture Tester, you can trust that your moisture measurements are precise and dependable, making it the perfect tool for commercial use in applications where accurate moisture readings are critical.

LCD Display and User Interface

The Steinlite Moisture Tester features an LCD display and intuitive interface, simplifying the operation and reading of moisture percentages, grain temperatures, and other pertinent data. The lucid and direct interface ensures easy acquisition of precise results.

Additionally, the moisture meter features:

  • A backlit LCD display for visibility in low-light conditions
  • Preloaded calibrations for over 600 materials, making it an incredibly versatile tool
  • An intuitive navigation system and simple controls for easy moisture testing

Grain and Seed Applications

The Steinlite Moisture Tester is suitable for a wide variety of grain and seed applications, including both hemp seed and seeds. Capable of analyzing up to 500 varieties of grains, seeds, and nuts, this tester is a valuable tool for those looking to obtain accurate moisture measurements in various products.

The tester’s ability to analyze various in-shell nuts, including almonds, pecans, and cashews, underscores its versatility and adaptability in diverse seed applications. Its ntep approved status and available printer add to its commercial value.

Grain Temperature Range and Moisture Percentage

The Steinlite Moisture Tester measures grain temperature within a range of +35 to +110ºF, guaranteeing precise readings of moisture percentage within this scale. The grain temperature significantly influences moisture testing because it can affect the moisture meter reading’s accuracy. Using a high-quality grain thermometer to measure the temperature of the grain sample is essential for accurate moisture readings.

The Steinlite Moisture Tester:

  • Is capable of detecting moisture percentage in grains within a range of 1-30%
  • Employs capacitance measurement to determine the moisture percentage
  • Relies on an electrical property related to the dielectric constant of the grains
  • Ensures accurate and reliable measurements

Hemp Seed and Other Seed Calibrations

Steinlite provides calibration services for various seed types, including:

  • Hemp seeds
  • Vegetable seeds
  • Grass seeds
  • Tree seeds

To calibrate hemp seeds with the Steinlite Moisture Tester, users can adhere to the manual instructions, guiding them in the setup process and calibration to ensure accurate readings.

Steinlite’s calibration services for seeds stand out due to the wide array of calibrations available for various types of seeds, including hemp seeds. They provide convenient and easy-to-download calibrations, as well as custom calibration development tailored to unique crop and region attributes, ensuring optimal accuracy and reliability.

Connectivity and Integration

The Steinlite Moisture Tester can easily integrate with other systems, enabling smooth data transfer and communication. With two RS232 type serial ports, the tester connects with computers and printers, simplifying data transfer and analysis.

Integration with the Agvance Scale Interface offers the following benefits:

  • Real-time moisture testing
  • Automatic recording of moisture data directly into the Agvance Scale system
  • Elimination of manual data entry
  • Reduction of chances of errors
  • Streamlining of the grain handling process
  • Enhancement of efficiency

Two Communication Ports

The Steinlite Moisture Tester sl printer features two communication ports, providing the benefit of allowing connection to both the SL printer and other devices such as computers. This facilitates easy data transfer and analysis, thus improving the efficiency and convenience of the testing process.

Having two communication ports on a moisture tester like Steinlite offers several advantages, including:

  • Flexibility, as multiple devices can be connected simultaneously
  • Faster and more efficient data transfer between the moisture tester and external devices
  • Increased compatibility with different devices and systems

Integration with Agvance Scale Interface

The Steinlite Moisture Tester can be integrated with the Agvance Scale Interface for seamless data transfer. The tester is capable of transferring data to both the sl printer and Agvance Scale Interface via the PC’s COM port, allowing it to communicate with the Grain Scale Ticket Interface.

This integration enables:

  • Real-time moisture testing
  • Automatic recording of moisture data directly into the Agvance Scale system
  • Eliminating the need for manual data entry and reducing the chances of errors
  • Streamlining the grain handling process
  • Enhancing efficiency by providing accurate moisture readings
  • Facilitating better decision-making for grain management.

Maintenance and Support

Steinlite offers maintenance and support services for their moisture testers, providing users with reliable devices for accurate measurements. From storing the meter in its case during idle times to timely battery replacements, users can easily upkeep their moisture testers.

Customer support is also available through Steinlite Corporation, offering solutions and responses to customer queries as well as providing service and repair for their machines. This ensures that users can trust the reliability and effectiveness of their Steinlite Moisture Testers.

Factory Calibration and Pre-Weighing

The Steinlite Moisture Tester arrives factory calibrated for accurate and reliable moisture readings. The SL95 model is specifically tuned and tested by the factory to measure standard grains such as:

  • barley
  • corn
  • oats
  • soybean
  • sunflower
  • wheat

This means that the moisture tester is pre-set factory calibrated to accurately measure the moisture content of these particular grains without requiring additional calibration.

The pre-weighing feature of the Steinlite Moisture Tester is automated and does not necessitate pre-weighing of the product, eliminating the need for an estimated test and shipping weight. This saves time and effort, allowing users to focus on obtaining accurate moisture measurements with ease, without being concerned about the shipping weight.

Steinlite Corporation’s Customer Support

Steinlite Corporation provides dedicated customer support for their products, giving users needed assistance access. For any questions or concerns regarding their moisture testers, customers can reach Steinlite Corporation by phone at 1-800-462-1835 or through the contact form on their website.

In addition to phone and email support, Steinlite Corporation also offers multilingual guidance, ensuring that users from diverse backgrounds can receive the help they need. This commitment to customer satisfaction is just one of the many reasons why the Steinlite Moisture Tester is a reliable and effective solution for moisture measurement needs.

Client Testimonials and Partnerships

Client testimonials and partnerships are indicative of the reliability and effectiveness of the Steinlite Moisture Tester. Users have expressed high levels of satisfaction with the tester’s ability to deliver fast and precise results for a variety of grains, seeds, and nuts.

One user asserted, “I personally use a steinlite sl95 from Shore Sales. This commercial-grade tester has proven its worth in setting grain dryers and evaluating crop quality.” These testimonials highlight the Steinlite Moisture Tester’s value and effectiveness, cementing its reputation as a trusted solution for precise moisture measurements.


In conclusion, the Steinlite Moisture Tester offers a versatile and efficient solution for measuring moisture content in various products. Its fully automatic functionality, NTEP certification, and user-friendly interface make it an invaluable tool for those seeking accurate moisture measurements. With its wide range of applications, connectivity options, and dedicated customer support, the Steinlite Moisture Tester is the ultimate choice for all your moisture measurement needs.

Certified MTP has the largest selection of grain moistures testers in their wide selection of  Feed, Seed, and Grain Test Equipment and from manufacturers such as Hanna InstrumentsWagner MetersSeedburo Equipment and Agratronix.

View the full line of Soil Testing ProductsSoil Moisture Testing Equipment, and especially the popular Aggregate/Sand Moisture Measurement System

Frequently Asked Questions

What is the best grain moisture tester?

The Top 5 Grain Moisture Meters are widely recognized as the best grain moisture testers on the market, offering reliable accuracy and user-friendliness. They are an ideal choice for growers looking to maximize yields and quality.

How accurate is a moisture analyzer?

Moisture meters are typically accurate to within 0.1% when using a high-quality model on the right material, however low-end models may be wildly inaccurate. Popular brands such as Delmhorst, Lingnomat, Gann, Wagner, and Pin meters offer reliable accuracy.

How do I test my moisture meter?

To test your moisture meter’s accuracy, get it from a reputable supplier and take multiple measurements with the same meter. Remember to correct for the specific material type and temperature for each measurement. Compare these measurements to a different meter and check the contact or scanning element.

How do you test for building moisture?

Testing for building moisture involves placing a calcium chloride disk under an airtight plastic sheet and leaving it to collect moisture vapor. After 24 hours, the disk is weighed to measure the amount of moisture vapor that has been emitted from the slab. Alternatively, in-situ probes can be inserted and readings taken after a period of acclimation. Finally, a calcium chloride tablet dish can be set on the concrete surface and weighed to determine if the moisture levels are above 3 pounds per 1,000 square feet.

Do moisture meters really work?

Moisture meters are reliable tools that can accurately measure moisture levels in soil and other materials to within 0.1% of the material’s moisture content. They allow you to easily take readings without needing to stick your fingers into the soil.

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Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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