Pipettes are vital laboratory instruments for accurately dispensing minute liquid volumes of laboratory solutions, critical in research and diagnostics. This article delves into their types, uses, and handling techniques, equipping you with knowledge to understand and utilize these precision tools.

Key Takeaways

  • Fundamental laboratory instruments for accurately measuring and dispensing small volumes of liquid, essential for consistency and precision in scientific experiments across a range of applications.
  • The evolution from Pasteur’s original design to modern electronic, reflects advances in precision, and functionality, catering to diverse laboratory needs and improving operational efficiency.
  • Proper usage, regular maintenance and calibration, and the right choice of pipette type are crucial for accurate liquid handling, compliance with industry standards, and prevention of errors and contamination in laboratory procedures.

The Basics

Defining what are pipettes is critical for any lab technician. The pipette, a laboratory tool specifically designed for measuring or dispensing small volumes of liquid, frequently features in experimental settings for working with milliliters (mL) or microliters (µL) of substances. Their significance to analytical chemistry in laboratories is immense as they allow scientists to:

  • Transfer small volumes of liquid accurately and precisely, thus reducing sample wastage
  • Ensure that the dispensed volume matches the intended volume for accuracy
  • Maintain consistency in multiple measurements for precision.

Extremely low volume pipettes are used in laboratory settings, particularly for specific purposes such as crystallization studies. These are often made from materials to ensure precision and reliability in research applications.

Pipettes find utility in myriad applications, ranging from measuring solvents and solutions to preparing clinical specimens in various scientific fields.

The Evolution

The story of pipettes began in the 1940s with French chemist Louis Pasteur, who created the first pipette to transfer liquids and reduce contamination in labs. In the 1950s, German physician Heinrich Schnitger improved this with the micropipette, which had a removable plastic tip and a spring-loaded piston, features still used today.

Pipettes gained attention after their first patent in 1957 and commercial production in 1961. Their popularity grew when Eppendorf, a German biotech company, began mass-producing the micropipette in the 1960s, making them cheaper and more available for labs everywhere. Over time, pipettes have improved, including the introduction of adjustable micropipettes, giving scientists more control and accuracy in their work.

Key Components

Several key components:

  • The plunger
  • The ejector button
  • The volume adjustment knob
  • The shaft
  • The tip cone
  • Pipette tips
  • The pipette body

These tiny, plastic tips play a crucial role in transferring liquid in microliter volumes. Replacing these tips after every use is necessary to uphold the system’s precision and accuracy.

The components of a pipette include:

  • The plunger, which is used to adjust the volume and transfer the required volume of the sample
  • A volume window on the pipette, which displays the adjusted volume, ensures precision in measurement
  • The shaft, a tube that works with the plunger to push or pull air to expel or collect liquid through the plastic tips
  • A pipette tip ejector is incorporated for the easy removal of pipette tips after each use.

Classifying: Types and Applications, Including Volumetric

Pipettes come in different types, each made for specific uses and liquids. Volumetric are known for their high accuracy and are used for precise measurements in chemistry. Graduated pipettes, like Mohr and Serological types, have marked lines to measure liquids and are usually used with automatic pipette pumps or rubber bulbs. A common type of graduated pipette is the graduated pipette, which is versatile for measuring different amounts of liquid.

Other types of pipettes include:

  • Pasteur pipettes, often made from glass or plastic and designed for disposability, are ideal for transferring small volumes of aqueous solutions in biology laboratories. Among the various types, the Pasteur pipette is a popular choice for many lab applications, with plastic pipettes being a convenient option. Glass pipettes, a more specific type, are commonly used in these scenarios. Transfer pipettes, made from unbreakable polyethylene plastic, are used as an alternative to Pasteur in blood banking, urinalysis, wet chemistry, microbiology, hematology, and serology.
  • Positive displacement pipettes are particularly suited for handling viscous, volatile, or hazardous liquids as the piston is in direct contact with the liquid.
  • Micropipettes, common in life science research for measuring liquids in microliter volumes, offer the exactitude crucial for research and analysis.

Microfluidic Pipette

A microfluidic pipette is a unique tool that combines microfluidics with a movable pipette. It allows precise control of tiny amounts of liquid, quick handling and distribution for cell-level tasks, and is made from PDMS using reactive injection molding. This pipette is easy to clean and position, works well with regular cell cultures and microscopes, and has a fast and durable interface.

Some pipettes are made for special tasks, like Komagome, which measure liquids that can foam without making bubbles.

Air Displacement vs. Positive Displacement

Air displacement and positive displacement pipettes handle liquids differently. It also uses an air cushion between the piston and the liquid, a feature introduced by Schnitger. Positive displacement pipettes directly move the liquid without an air cushion.

These types of pipettes can be inaccurate with volatile or thick liquids because of the air cushion, while positive displacement pipettes handle these liquids well without contamination. So, air displacement pipettes are best for water-based solutions, while positive displacement are better for thick, corrosive, or volatile liquids.

Single Channel vs. Multichannel

Single-channel use a single tip, while multichannel can hold multiple tips simultaneously. Multichannel are available with a variety of channel options, including:

  • 4 channels
  • 6 channels
  • 8 channels
  • 12 channels
  • 16 channels
  • 48 channels
  • 96 channels

This enables the simultaneous filling of microtiter plates and enhances productivity in procedures like DNA amplification and ELISA tests.

Multichannel pipettes make lab work faster by cutting down on steps, reducing mistakes from tiredness or boredom. But they usually have a limited volume range per tip, from 0.2µl to 1200µl. Some models also have parts that can’t be fixed, so you have to replace the whole unit if a channel gets damaged.

Electronic Pipettes: Modern Innovations and Benefits

Electronic micropipettes mark a significant advancement, known for their:

  • Greater accuracy and precision compared to manual ones
  • Consistent performance across different users
  • Programmable functions
  • Bluetooth connectivity for data tracking and storage
  • Intuitive interfaces

These features help make lab work faster and reduce mistakes.

The design of electronic pipettes, like a comfortable grip and easy push buttons, lowers physical strain and reduces the risk of repetitive strain injuries (RSI). This makes long sessions more comfortable. Modern electronic pipettes also have advanced features like automatic calibration, multiple modes, and the ability to handle complex protocols, showing great innovations in the field.

Proper Usage: Techniques and Best Practices

Learning what are pipettes and discovering their proper usage involves a series of steps to ensure accurate measurements. Here are the steps to follow:

  1. Start by pre-wetting the tip by aspirating and dispensing the liquid at least once before taking up the final volume.
  2. Maintain a smooth and consistent technique while pressing the plunger.
  3. Hold vertically during aspiration.
  4. Immerse the tip just enough to seal it without excessive submersion.

By following these steps and using a syringe, you can ensure accurate and precise methods.

After aspirating, pause briefly to allow droplets clinging to the outside of the tip to fall away or be wiped off.

  • Dispense at a 45° angle against the side of the receptacle for maximum accuracy.
  • When dispensing liquid, depress the plunger past the first stop all the way to the blowout
  • Avoid  last bit of volume range.

Finally, touch off the tip against the edge of the receiving vessel to remove residual amounts of liquid within. Enhancing skills and ensuring measurement performance can be achieved through tutorial viewing and participation in comprehensive training.

Maintaining Pipettes

To ensure accuracy and meet industry standards, it’s essential to maintain. This keeps liquid measurements consistent and reliable, which is important for data and precise scientific results. In fields like pharmaceuticals, standardized calibration is required to meet regulations and ensure experiments can be repeated and compared. Inaccurate labware can cause big problems, like incorrect drug formulas or wrong diagnostics, making precise calibration very important.

Calibration of Pipettes

It’s recommended to check micropipettes every six months for calibration if used often, or every three months for strict industries like drug and food. Regularly practicing calibration with water or safe liquids helps improve user skill and keeps them reliable. Calibration can be difficult, but regular checks and maintenance are needed to keep accurate and consistent.

Contamination Prevention

Besides calibration, it’s important to keep it in your hands, and other parts at the same temperature to ensure accurate measurements. To avoid contamination, use barrier tips and clean the exterior, especially the tip end, every day. Store upright on stands or carousels to prevent contamination and damage. Follow the manufacturer’s maintenance instructions, including regular checks for wear and replacing parts like seals and o-rings. Regular visual and functional inspections, along with proper cleaning using approved solutions, are essential for keeping the pipette in good working condition and ensuring accurate results.

Choosing the Right for Your Needs

A variety of factors influence the choice of the right pipette. These include:

  • The application
  • Liquid properties
  • The sample volumes needed for the experiment
  • Compatibility with different labware formats and vessel types
  • Its design reduces the risk of fatigue and errors during extended use.

Ensuring the availability of tips that fit the chosen model is important for achieving accurate results. Fixed volume are suitable for repetitive tasks consistently measured volume dispensing, while for high applications, automated solutions can improve and reduce errors.

Additional Tools for Pipettes

The process can be improved with the help of additional tools. Some of these include:

  • Aids like suction devices, aid in the dispensation of liquids, enhancing and preventing strain
  • Automated robots, which can mimic human work, increased in experiments.
  • Repeater, improve the speed and efficiency of repetitive tasks and offer comfortable one-hand operation.

These tools can greatly enhance your process.

Pipette stands store up and can charge batteries for electronic models, keeping them ready to use. It’s important to use tips free from contaminants like metal and cadmium to keep samples pure during sensitive tests. Low-retention tips minimize leftover sample after dispensing for measurement accuracy. Clear and flexible tips help you see the sample better and ensure a secure fit, reducing the risk of repetitive stress injuries.

For tasks like cell culture, use sterile tips—either pre-sterilized or autoclaved. For sensitive reactions like PCR, choose tips that are free from endotoxins, DNA, DNase, RNase, or PCR inhibitors. Acoustic droplet ejection technology is used for precise transfer of very small volumes, supporting traditional methods.


Pipettes are essential tools in scientific laboratories, enabling precise measurements and transfers of small volumes of liquid. From their evolution to the modern electronic, these instruments have significantly advanced, offering higher accuracy, precision, and ease of use.

Understanding the different types, their applications, and the proper techniques for using and maintaining them is crucial. Selecting the right labware, as well as adhering to best practices for use and regular calibration, will ensure reliable and accurate results in your scientific experiments.

Frequently Asked Questions about Pipettes

What are pipettes and what do they do?

Scientists use pipettes to extract, transport, and dispense liquid samples, with air displacement being most prevalent for volumes. Biology and biochemistry employ them more frequently than chemistry.

What is the difference between a pipette and a micropipette?

Micropipettes measure volumes between 1 and 1000 microliters, while pipettes begin measuring at 1 milliliter, highlighting their main difference.

What should I consider when choosing?

When choosing a pipette, consider the application, liquid properties, and sample volumes required for the experiment, as well as the compatibility with labware formats and ergonomic design. These factors will ensure accurate and efficient results.

What are some additional tools that can enhance the process?

Additional tools such as aids, robots, stands, and tips can enhance the process by improving efficiency and precision. Consider incorporating these tools in your workflow for better results.

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Ryan is the Author of Certified Material Testing, a trusted blog dedicated to providing insights and expertise in materials testing and lab supply equipment. With over two decades in the industry, Ryan is passionate about sharing knowledge on high-quality products and best practices. His commitment to customer care and technical excellence ensures that readers receive reliable information and solutions for their testing needs. Connect with Ryan for the latest updates and expert advice in the field.

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